What an absolute fucking retard

what an absolute fucking retard.

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what was the point of drawing shit with a sharpie anyways.

...said op in front of the mirror

Watching the Democratic debates last night convinced me to buy an AK.
Even though I hate liberals and think there should be no gun control, I did not own a rifle. I don't live in a shitty place where you need more than a handgun to protect yourself.
Democrats are genuinely insane. They will kill you to get their way. They are ready to kill millions. They do not care.

How is your Friday going, rabbi?

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Impeach! Tampering with weather data is a felony! It’s really actually over for Orange Man Bad this time but for actually for real now!

My idea

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kill yourself shill rat

I love how nobody can actually deny his stupidity.

No shits given.

He added Alabama because the NOAA said Dorian could impact that part of Alabama with tropical storm-tier winds with the information Trump and NOAA had at the time.

All you can accuse Trump of in that situation was to show some old information that wasnt entirerely up to date but the fact he just added Alabama to the cone was to warn the people of that state to make some preparations like cleaning the yard and get some supplies for just in case. AKA, doing what a government should be doing by looking out for its citizens.

The fool is you and the retarded left wing media.

>making excuses for the brainlet POTUS

lmao cucked

>believing in hurricanes
>in 2019
uh...user...I got some bad news for you....

Cope more. Now kneel and concede that you were wrong you triple nigger.

DORIAN was geoengineered.

Ah. It’s one of those threads.

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You believe in gender theory.

It's SO obvious his brain is melting into pudding, lmao. jesus you fucking incels are deranged.

Why didn't he just drop a nuclear bomb into the hurricane?

I don't see how you guys keep getting played and now he is selling Trump sharpies fucking Christ watching Trump play the left like a fiddle has been the best thing about him being president.

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God what a fucking clown

Are you blind?

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are you retards still obsessing over this? LMAO

very high IQ president

orange man, in fact, bad.

>Its another episode of "Trumps a retard" but nobody even bothers to explain the controversy anymore
I dont know what any of this means, give me a fucking video. Why is a sharpie marker supposed to make Trump retarded? Why are you faggots so bad and making propaganda. You cant just say "He did mundane thing! No further context needed, he dumb" you stupid niggers

Should have dropped a nuke on your moms vagina.


Heres how i imagine that conversation went
>man. Imagine what a nuke would look like if we dropped it on a hurricane.
>crazy. If you had to would you mr president?
>i mean. If there was no option why not?
Some retard from the press
>omg. Trump says nuking hurricanes viable option!

Speaking of melting brains, you believe in gender theory.

Its impressive Trump can make faggots like you seethe for weeks over the most mundane shit.

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And then everyone acts like he is nuking hurricanes.

The presidents not allowed to engage in banter or what? You take everything he says at face value. No matter how stupid you claim it is. Which shows you're the fucking stupid ones.

If trump wrote this some retard would take it seriously.
>omg. Trump says nuking vaginas viable option!

What did trump do? I didn't hear about this.

google sharpiegate

He wasn't a fortune teller. He couldn't predict a hurricane taking a last minute turn.

Fucking really, shapiegate?

leftism is a mental disorder

>Letters to the Editor: ‘Sharpiegate’ is just the beginning. Orwell’s ‘1984' is here
Holy fucking shit. This is hilarious.

>hahahaha I was only pretending to be retarded

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Its undeniable, we all know trump is a retard. We just voted him for the lulz. And reck the libs. Trump kept fucking himself trying to defend outdated info. MAGA LULZ

Most of us here know trump is retard. We just tolerate him because Hillary was worse.

Trump is concerned with one thing only..... his ego. We may suffer as a consequence but I still support him. I do have regrets, admittedly, but I hate hilldawg.

Yeah, trump keeps playing us, his base, and we are foolish enough to keep believing him.. I know he lies more then any other president, i i still believe he will give my coal mining town jobs. In God we trust.

I think we trump supporters are the only ones who buy those sharpies. The dems are too dumb to realize they will be worth something one day.

Trump is naive to think such conspiracy stuff. We all know that and love him for it. Btw, I didn't finish high school. But at least I had the brains to vote for trump.

Trump cries so much he keeps filling the liberals cups with fresh tears. But the libs keep filling our cups with fresh tears. Tears all round!Trump doesn't know how weather works.

He encouraged you to suck start an improvised shotgun.


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