Has Jow Forums ever considered that white men deserve to be hated?

After 500 years of subjugating women and people of color down into the gutter of society. Finally we make strides towards true equality and you end up voting for someone like Donald Trump. After genociding the Indians, enslaving the blacks, raping your way across multiple continents and treated women like they’re nothing more than vessels to produce children. How can you ask “why do people hate me?”. Can’t you acknowledge that maybe it’s true, that maybe after the way your people have behaved that punishment is required so you’ll learn what everyone else has had to go through. I hear people on here complains that women and people of color hate them. Have you ever considered that maybe you deserve it. That maybe you don’t deserve to be treated with dignity after what you’ve done. Perhaps cruelty and humiliation IS necessary. It’s always okay to hate your oppressor and stand up for the oppressed.

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yes. but not for the reasons you are probably thinking. The weakness shown by whites is worthy of contempt.

Why do you Jews hate White people so much?

>After genociding the Indians, enslaving the blacks, raping your way across multiple continents and treated women like they’re nothing more than vessels to produce children.
Please let me know who is alive that has participated in any of this. Ah liberals, the eternal victim.

That is patently absurd. Most whites have not done anything wrong in that regard. Most white people alive today never colonized anywhere, owned anyone, or killed everyone.

Do you intend to punish modern Turks for the Aremenian genocide? Ought modern Comanches to be punished for their ancestors rape of Texian women? And ought the citizens of Mali to be punished for its past prosperity from the slave trade? How about modern Arabs for Mohammed’s crimes against Christians and Jews, or Mongols for the war crimes of Ghengis Khan?

And that is entirely setting aside the fact that you are presenting a one sided and incorrect picture. Traditional families are good, 19th century imperialism primarily benefited the elite at the expense of average whites, almost all societies have practiced slavery but it was Western society which ended its practice within its domain, the quantities of Natives throughout the present day US were incredibly low after about 90% of the roughly 14 million present were inadvertently killed by the rapid spread of disease; most settlers were good hearted and peaceful people. History is an adventure, and each era has its own errors and adavancements in the pursuit of the good, the beautiful, and the true. We in our turn will be looked back on through an alien lens, with nothing but the record we have left to speak for our defense. Live wisely, love bigly.

The sins of the father shall not be visited upon the son, and an eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind. Individual people should be judged on their own merits or lack thereof, and hold an intrinsic dignity and value. Again, an idea uniquely treasured Christendom.
Build the wall!

I bet Senora Tarman chokes on nigger dick nightly

All her little negroboys are "loved" daily.

>Dear white students
>In this classroom, you are not neo-nazis.
>You are loved.
There, it's more inclusive.

Have you ever considered niggers and jews deserve to be hated for committing mass violence and subversion for hundreds of years.

For some reason that seems absent.

They’re jealous. How would you feel if your entire life you were told that you were Chosen yet you’d always know that you’re the epitome of the Untermensch


Sorry for being the only ones to that actually made it out of the fucking stone age and invent pretty much everything that you are enjoying in life. We treat you like garbage because you are garbage. The only ones that didn't get treated like savage beasts good for nothing are the ones that showed that they weren't complete untermensch. Go back to Africa or the middle east and enjoy life there if it's so fucking great and if we're so fucking intolerant and insufferable. Fucking ungrateful piece of shit.

It doesn’t work like that. Unfortunately, as hard as you try to be accepted by the POC that we’re oppressed and who will rise up, they will turn on you as well. Historically this is how it typically plays out. It’s sad honestly. Europeans are going to have a hard go and lose control in the next 100 years. The best strategy for the white people of world would be to help make distant lands more hospitable and create powerful alliances with the leadership of the POC’s of the world. Also, asians will be great allies going forward. The reason Trump is shit for the US is he is in denial of the reality. Where the liberals fail is branding whites as bad or evil, thinking they are truly accepted by the POC. Not gonna happen. It’s great to make things fair and to make alliances but to think you will ever be one of them and free from future reprisal is naive at best. If white folk, who really do have a higher average IQ couldn’t manage equality and couldn’t move past tribalism, what do you think is going to happen when POC gain real power. Listen to what they say, they don’t want equality, they want retribution. The reason Obama was infinitely better than Trump is his ability pacify the POC and smooth the transition to shared power. He was mulatto. He was in favor of the current system. It was our best shot to not pay for our forefathers sins.

>nothing for students who are gamers
fuck this society

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Please go ahead and attack me
lets see how well this is going to end

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Dear students,

this poster is to remind you
that white people
hate you!

No love for white students I guess.

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More liberal hate. I'm going to coin that term because it is so fitting.

Why are you spreading hate? Because you re a hater. Hater's gets no respect or consideration.

I'll just drop this here. Kind of invalidates your whole stupid paragraph but that's your issue to deal with. Not my problem you look stupid now.

Attached: Whiteslaverycoveredup.jpg (640x496, 93K)

>Indians are savages who attacked us first
>blacks were literally enslaved by every other race that ever met them
>we spread the gift of civilization to savages across several continents
>women are literally designed to bear children, and modern society illustrates why every previous civilization limited women's rights as most of them behave like retards
Does that address your gripes? Whites have gone through shit too. Which usually resulted in us curb stomping whoever was messing with us. Why should we be punished for bettering the world? If anything the ingratitude of the other groups demonstrates that we should have just eradicated them.


>500 years of subjugating women and people of color
Things that didn't happen.

if they actually subjugated pocs they wouldnt exist


and thats why one day for no reason at all people voted hitler into power

So, she excluded the white students.
How "equal"...

Based, I wish I had an Irish slave.

Imagine going to a school that doesn't even have Ass Slap Friday. Unamerican.

Did you know that Jewish groups consider it anti-Semitic to damn Jews specifically for things that everyone else does?

Have a think about that when re-reading your premise:
>After 500 years of...
White Western countries were the first to end slavery, the first to grant equal rights to women (etc) and yet you point to things we did in history that literally everyone else on earth did (and in many cases still does: e.g Africans being taken as slaves right now by Arabs and other Muslims in North Africa) and use it as a weapon against us.

Well our patience with this tactic of yours has limits.

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buy a bunch of them at the 14-29 range and increase the white population
wouldn't even make them do much work

and yes I mean girls

This thread is now SAGED. OP is a dumb fuck.

nah just keep taunting him to do something stupid

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Why would I, as a white man, go ing with that? Why would my wife and children want me subjugated when they depend on my success?
Its just stupid, and that's why all white allies are stupid.

There are more whites with >140 iq than jews in the whole world.

white allies are nothing more than modern day loyalist traitors
if there's a war they're the first to go

No. Go get fucked you desert wanderer.

>treated women like they’re nothing more than vessels to produce children
They are, faggot.

Niggers and shitskins have done all of that without the societal and scientific achievements to be a net positive to our species. I thought kikes were supposed to be somewhat intelligent

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Someone should put this on there, print a new copy, and replace it. Let us know how it goes.

>whites are evil for doing what every other race and group have done
>because whites should know better
that's white supremacy, isnt it?
>well uh, the times changed
No, whites became dominant and out values became dominant along with us

>After 500 years of subjugating women and people of color down into the gutter of society. Finally we make strides towards true equality and you end up voting for someone like Donald Trump. After genociding the Indians, enslaving the blacks, raping your way across multiple continents and treated women like they’re nothing more than vessels to produce children. How can you ask “why do people hate me?”. Can’t you acknowledge that maybe it’s true, that maybe after the way your people have behaved that punishment is required so you’ll learn what everyone else has had to go through. I hear people on here complains that women and people of color hate them. Have you ever considered that maybe you deserve it. That maybe you don’t deserve to be treated with dignity after what you’ve done. Perhaps cruelty and humiliation IS necessary. It’s always okay to hate your oppressor and stand up for the oppressed.

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Imagine thinking you fought white people for equality and we didn't just give it to you so you'd shut up lol

Whites are 7% of the world. The world is racist against us

White men are responsible for the most death and destruction in history. Industrialised war, killing with machine efficiency, gained the ability to flatten whole cities with the push of a button, murdered millions of people...
...Ideas the liberals have pushed on those terrible white people stripped them of a family, their identity, even their futures from them. Pretty soon there will be nothing to hold them back as they have nothing to lose.

Best of luck.

It can't stop until all oxygen breathing organisms pay for the apocalyptic demise of anaerobic bacteria in the pre Cambrian era

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>Dear Undocumented students
There are walls in this class and non students are not allowed, therefore go back to your shithole
>Dear Black students
Start behaving like humans or go back to the zoo
>Dear Muslim students
As long as you follow your religion you are a threat to everyone
>Dear Mexican students
Same as blacks
>Dear female students
Stop being a whore and everyone will respect you by your character not body
>Dear alphabet people
Stop anyone everyone and just fit in or people will hate you
>Dear all students
Nothing of abnormal is going

Yes white pipo deserve to be hated, and exterminated because they are so damn fragile, and are ethno-masochists.
For these 2 reasons alone they deserve to die.



>African flag
checks out

Also i include jews in this statement, because they are the same as white people.

I did not hear your mom complaining when when she took my White dick up her ass! Fucking nigger

I agree with all of this and we should be hated and despised. This is why we should segregate from all other races. Have the cuckservatives, roasties, liberals and shit that has enabled you and supported you as well.

>whites deserve punishment
You'd hate us even if we did nothing to you.

They believe they're descendants of the people(can't remember their name) prophesied to destroy the Jews. They're trying to kill us before we kill them.

>it's 3am in some volcanic pond
>it gets so silent you can hear "muh reparations" from the Prokaryotes

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y'all really believe Jews aren't white? There's plenty of white Jews FFS. Even the ideal Aryan boy in the Nazi poster was Jewish.

Most of you couldn't tell a white Jew off just by their face or physical characteristics from whites. Eastern Jews (Sephardi) have a distinct look but they aren't the ones sucking black dick on Cam and making other hoes do the same and obviously controlling large share of the media and economy.

Jews brag about it you street shitter

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>y'all really believe Jews aren't white? There's plenty of white Jews FFS. Even the ideal Aryan boy in the Nazi poster was Jewish.

How can you ever blame any crime on a white man if you do not know if they are white or Jooish? You CAN'T!


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You write very well

your assumption is white and Jew are mutually exclusive.

Jew is a religion, white is a race.

Whites can be Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Muslim

Jews can be white (Ashkenazi), brown (Sephardi, Cochin, Indian), black (Ethiopian)

I unironically believe that the UN should dedicate its resources to ensure that white people, and all culture and ideals associated with them, are completely wiped out from civilization, by force if necessary. No one who isn't white should have any complaints about this whatsoever. Any nation that offers asylum to white people should face crippling sanctions or military action.

No sympathy
No regrets

What the fuck?

Go away British browncel.

>white man's achievements are greatly exaggerated

109 KB JPG
After 500 years of subjugating women and whites down into the gutter of society. Finally we make strides towards true equality and you end up voting for someone like Donald Trump. After genociding non People of color, enslaving the whites, raping your way across multiple continents and treated women like they’re nothing more than vessels to produce children. How can you ask “why do people hate me?”. Can’t you acknowledge that maybe it’s true, that maybe after the way your people have behaved that punishment is required so you’ll learn what everyone else has had to go through. I hear people on here complains that women and White people hate them. Have you ever considered that maybe you deserve it. That maybe you don’t deserve to be treated with dignity after what you’ve done. Perhaps cruelty and humiliation IS necessary. It’s always okay to hate your oppressor and stand up for the oppressed.

My assumption is that crimes being committed by a "religion" is being blamed on a "race" because as stated, they can appear similar physically.

Why are you pretending to be American? Worm lipped slant.

Then come out and say it out loud, so we can have it out.
None of the pussyfooting around with the white privilege oppression bullshit.
White people are born racist, by your definitions, so the only way for society to be less racist and to eliminate whites.
So have at it. You think there are enough suicidal cucks in the white race to kill themselves? That's not what the data shows. If you want whites gone, you'll have to be present.


>a fucking NORF

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Slide thread alert. Sage and report. Remember not to reply without saging

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MYOPIC shill thread
White men freed the slave that Jews enslaved
White men gave women the vote
White men created this modern paradise
Keep it up faggots and white men will take it away.

If you know how to make a 200$ computer without subjugating the majority of the world population, I'd like you to tell me how.

Victims are never present in the lives they are living. They appropriate the suffering of the past and pass it off as their own to secure unearned privilege. Perhaps one of the greatest thefts in the world.

>in this classroom there are no walls
Remove all the walls from every classroom and put every single student in one room with one teacher and then see how it goes

Nobody suffers more than the Janny. They do it for free. We never hear them complain about their oppression. Yet I am still inclined to say "Fuck Jannies".

So you literally just want a jab at being the harbinger of oppression? Sheesh.

>no dear white students

when you are dead We will use your nigger skin as fat for our laterns

>1 post by this id


Precarious .... Precariotes
It is a play on the Proletariat

No caucausian says Jews aren't white. Jews say this themselves. Further the state of Israel says it when they deny citizenship to all people who are NOT genetically Jewish. This implies that Jews classify themselves as a seperate race. If America has such a standard which forbate citizenship to anyone NOT of Caucasion European decent, you all would call that RACIST. But when Israel does it...we call it what??? I'm serious...we call it what? Further they cling to a semitie origin when they make claims of anti-semitism. If you look up the roots of the Semitic peoples they are again...are not white. If we allow Jews a tolken white status based on their intermixing white caucausions and so, call them white....thus then by this logic...Obama was NOT the first black president. I've said this a million times. Jews....are.....not.....white.

Jews do not consider converts true Jews. There are plenty of videos on this on youtube
Next, you can't just become a citizen of Israel thorugh conversion. YOU must be born a Jew from a Jew. This genetic lineage implies a concept of RACE. Judaism is a religion among which JEWS participate or do not participate. But being religious or not does not determine citizenship in Israel. RACE DOES. Jews are NOT WHITE. Jews are mixed raced mongrels....yet they cling to some notion of Semitic racial identity. Otherwise they would not scream antisemitism all day everyday. No matter what Jews are....they can NEVER be white.

Fucking bait. Without white people to fight for you lazy faggots....China would carve you up for dinner. EVERY PLACE white people were but are no longer.....becomes a fucking shithole. And without whites working and creating infrastructure and systems to feed you worthless fuckers....you'd be eating zoo animals then rats. Just like the niggers in Zimbabwe. If anything...we whites should stop giving any aid to all non-conservative white people. We should produced and keep everything we produce for ourselves and starve the rest of you fuckers to death.

That's fine - but hate us from your own countries.

The only way to break their programming is with a bullit mate , put your 2nd A to good use .

>I’m responsible for what people who looked like me did before I was even born
No fuck you im not responsible for that at all. Whites aren’t just some giant hive mind

>men cannot grab you
I guess it’s fine then if you’re a lesbian woman or someone who identifies as a woman

>has Jow Forums ever considered that white men deserve to be hated?
translation: there are groups that deserve to be hated.
do you really want to start down this path?
do you have any idea where it leads?
i'm going to let you in on a secret; no black man ever voted to give black men the right to vote.
no woman ever voted to give women the right to vote.
white people treat minorities better than any other people treat minorities.
when's the last time you heard of a white person pulling a black farmers eyes out with pliers?

Whites are the real Jews. These modem day larpers want to kill us off to complete the crime before we remember our roots.

White men are the only ones to give women equal rights and opportunities in their countries.

But we're sorry about the Anglos. If it makes you feel any better they genocided my Celtic ancestors too.

Pic attached of white man subjugating a woman

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>1 post by this yID
in all fields

Totally bro, men are looking or dicks and stuff. They made us cook and clean at home with our kids while they did all the fun stuff like fight wars, work, hunt, farm, fish and all that other shit that built society. Let’s burn our bras fuck niggers after we finish our Taco Bell shifts.

Also, if you love colored people so much, go to one of their countries and leave us awful racist, mysoginist, homophobic anti-semites alone. Why do you want to be here anyway?