
>Classic Western Art Edition

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Ordered a kebab lads

Attached: rare159.jpg (533x594, 41K)

First for anime


Why? Did you want one?

Unironically kill yourself.

You lads got your lotto tickets ready?

Attached: 3038.jpg (1920x1151, 413K)

Never forget the Rotheramcaust and the 1400 gorillion girls turned into kebabs by ebil moslems.

I used to like kebab; after i have seen how dirty some of the establishments are, i stopped eating kebab

I hope they electroshock you

Nads cucked again

Why should I not eat tasty exotic cuisine just because a bunch of spastics on an incel support group feel emasculated by swarthy men?

Happy Friday lads. Here comes the weekend!

Attached: Apu Excited.jpg (657x527, 34K)

I'm gay for English men help

Attached: 1565549420058.jpg (1309x715, 126K)

the state of whoever drew that

>don't do brexit because brazil set fire to its forrest
>don't do brexit because this poor polar bear now has to swim

Attached: 2.png (1500x500, 74K)

Your time is coming.

>boris is an applebro
he's gone lads

Proof the homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz didn't exist.

Attached: leuchter.jpg (192x262, 8K)

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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Enjoy your cow sphincter seasoned with abdul hockle. Burritos are the patrician choice.


Attached: 601.jpg (657x527, 24K)

Post pic when it arrives

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Farage calls out the tory party on the (((tens of thousands)))

yea, dont normally but through my hat in, cant imagine what i would do with that kind of fuck you money

Damn, I didn't know crows where such pieces of shit.

You're all so disgusting, you revel in it.

definitive proof the SS were good guys

Attached: something in german.png (1400x2025, 3.22M)

It’s lamb mate
But cope more okay
Will do

No it's not retard.

My bad, forgot not everyone has superior Aryan eyesight like me

Attached: leuchterReport.jpg (600x816, 103K)

this is my favorite it painting

Attached: a-warm-response-william-strutt.jpg (823x900, 101K)

Is it fuck.

"""""""""Lamb""""""""". Also i note you didnt argue about the hockle.

snib :D

Enjoy your pot noodles cringemongs
I’m feasting tonight

Have you got the letter where the chief Auchwitz architect Karl Bischoff requests metal doors with rubber airtight seals?

I made a thingy. Would you like to see it?

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WTF he's doing the doggo an ouch. Meanie.

Attached: Apu Doggo.png (1305x663, 51K)



I'm based, everybody else in this thread is cringe.

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already seen that video it's pretty funny, not seen the full version though

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no, i bet germanon has it along with tons of other anti-semetic documents whenever he shows up

It's the emotion displayed in the picture, and your sympathy for that which caused you to call me a meanie. So it is an effective piece of art

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Art is cringe, movies are better

based and exhibition piled

Attached: rare165.jpg (431x594, 93K)

I love nasheed remixes. Thank you

Lol. Is the text a bit much?

Nazis are cringe

Movies can be art. And just because something is a painting doesn't necessarily make it art. Photos, paintings, music, writing, plays, sculpture, movies, many more things can be art. Depending on how you live, a life can be art too.

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Buy a gun.

Art is cringe m8

yeh its pretty good

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What is based

Kill yourself traitor.

Mfw nobody find my thingy funny

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I never like this picture...why are you protecting the dead...move on to be among the living

Ordering kebabs

You're cringe.

Attached: 1565329278953.png (805x851, 89K)

I gotchu

Attached: PaintingWagonTrain.png (1000x1003, 1.88M)

Who am I betraying?

I miss SA.

show me your thingy little fella

Eating kebabs

You’re the only one.

I didn’t lose a war to a bunch of farmers building tanks in sheds mate

Also based


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ABOLISH THE LORDS is another Brexit party policy

I guess you have to decide that based on who your intended audience is. A lot of people will see that much text and just not read it. I've never made a meme, so I don't know how you would go about cleaning it up.

Is he really a muzzie now? Or is he doing a joke/


You’re boring mate

I think its a bit tongue in cheek

I had my tongue in your mums cheek mate

Literally wanted to post this exact thing word for word

You've never left your house, mate.

That's how you know it's a boring, predictable response

But I’m literally on a mental ward right now?

Buy my book

Attached: cameron-hut.jpg (1158x772, 187K)

You must be new here

nazi's looked fucking cool mate commie aesthetic is trash

Adige? Piave?

poor Ivor

>I've never made a meme
So you're a memecel?

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Stop posting your sisters, it must be embarrassing
Just doing what instinct dictates like a shark eating a seal or a somali leeching benefits and raping.
Poor dog.
Looks like a level in Doom
I have several.

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Its 2042:
>You are a Siege Commander of the United Kingdom White Defence Force.
>You are aged 50+ now.
>You discover a Private under your command (20 years old) has a mixed race wife.
>You drag her out in front of the platoon.
>You instruct the Private to execute her.
>He tells you he will, but would rather that you did not force him to kill his wife, and that he understands she must be removed.

What do you do?

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Are you the fag who used to post vocaroos trying to sound superior but then got bullied off the general for sounding like you gargle cum?

Who won?

Are you actually 12?

The Imperium is multiethnic you dumb LARPcel

So you would be unable to give the order in the first instance, got it.