Why Jews hate the White race so much?

Why can't we all be friends?

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thats like asking why white people hate niggers

That's completely different.

A vast majority of interracial crime isn't white on jew, it's black on white.

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Whites hate niggers because they steal, rape and kill them.

jews are demons from Hell, and they Envy the purity and innocent happiness of White man. The invidious kikes taunt you to try and make you fall, into Hell, or even into a nigger shit-hide ape womb. GO FOR NIRVANA OR ITS NEVER-ENDING

Heaven and Hell are very VERY long but not Eternal. Any new action can increase the length of either, and one goes thru both, over and over. They hope you get a bad roll, they dont know how it works, yet wouldnt care. Imagine already being in Hell. The delight then is to corrupt others to get a mini vaction. BELIEVE.

>A vast majority of interracial crime isn't white on jew
pre-1945 the stats looked a bit different
(that answers your main question, btw)

They don't feel safe in majority-White societies, so they attempt to make them less White. Stephen Steinlight (Jew) wrote a whole essay on this called "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography" (available online)

>Why Jews hate the White race so much?
Two reasons, we are what they want to be, and we are Christians while they worship Satan..

because the Jews have manipulated geopolitics so that we have populations of both in our country with a history of strife between them? I mean honestly, (((who))) started the transatlantic slave trade, (((who))) owned the most slaves, despite being a tiny segment of the population, (((who))) made sure Lincoln's plan of giving the freed slaves a new nation in Africa, Liberia?

eh sorry I meant "who made sure Lincoln's plan ... never came to pass" or something along those lines

>steal, rape and kill them.
you just proved the other anons point

We don’t hate whites, it’s just these faggot LARPers who think we do. Besides, most of us ARE white (me included) and have a whiter phenotype than any of these salty faggots.

Miguel Serrano's "Adolf Hitler - The Last Avatar"
TL;DR: It is destiny

Because this is hell, user.

Why don't you read what the Jews say themselves faggot? They're pretty fucking open about why in books like "You Gentiles!" and "Jews Must Live!"

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B/C that's the way they were raised. Their parents taught them from birth that they are special and above all races, which they slur by calling Goyim, which means livestock/cattle.

Their parents also teach them the TALMUD, probably the most hateful writing in the world, that is always slamming and attacking white ppl.

Truth is Jews are jealous of white ppl, of their looks, talents and ability to invent things, which the Jews steal, then proclaim that invention as their own.

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They are unironically evil.

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yes. truly a huwhite master race.

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Ya man, sure, posting a pics of some ugly kikes is indicative of what all or most of us look like. This is the same rationale behind why you believe your bullshit conspiracy theories about us, because you’re too retarded to understand statistics.

pure coincidence amirite nothing but crazy conspiracy theories

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Some Homo Erectuses in the middle of the Amazon didn’t like that we “shunned” them? Your point? And again, how is this stupid isolated story indicative of anything? You have a room temperature IQ, in Celsius.

>Some Homo Erectuses in the middle of the Amazon didn’t like that we “shunned” them? Your point? And again, how is this stupid isolated story indicative of anything? You have a room temperature IQ, in Celsius.

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There's a finite amount of resources on the planet. Either you control them, you control the people that control them, or you are being controlled. It's nothing malicious, it's just basic survival. Both sides want to be on top.

Excellent rebuttal you mental nigger

So, in the end, it is all a Darwinian struggle for survival?

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>why can't dogs and rats be friend
stupid hue monkey

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sadly, yes.

they want to be us.

Jews hate all goy because it's in their fundamental nature to be parasites / viruses.

"To the Jew, everything human is a sham. One might even say that the Jewish face is nothing but a mask. The Jew is not a liar: he is the lie itself. From this vantage point, we can say that the Jew is not a man. … He lives the pseudo-life of a ghoul whose fortunes are linked to Yahweh-Moloch. He employs deception as the weapon with which he will exterminate mankind. The Jew is the very incarnation of the unearthly power of destruction."
-- Ludwig Klages

>Why can't we all be friends?
their survival strategy since the bronze age has been one of basically parasiting -existing as a hostile nation within a nation. You see the same sort of problems with gypsies and irish travelers (although travelers are actually part of the nation they parasite from; they just live like they aren't) as well as other diaspora. As a people, they were never able to hold territory like other groups in the Mediterranean and thus gave way to their diaspora mindset. They still can't seem to defend territory as a people and this is why the very existence of Israel is dependent on White Europeans to this day. Their morality is Near East based, so this exasperates the problem of their diaspora behavior and makes them the worst of probably all diaspora. The Chinese diasporas in Asian countries are sometimes call the jews of Asia but if you look into the how those Chinese function within those Asian countries they still aren't as bad as the Jew. IMO, this is because of their ethics being Near East based. Germanic ethics (ie: White European ethics) are reputation based and puts behavior responsibility on the individual's behavior as a good willed actor within society. Near East ethics is not. It is based on family relations. WHO you are related changes what is considered ethical behavior and what is not. So not only are Jews a diaspora that behaves as a nation within a nation, they behave as extremely bad actors within their nation b/c of their poor ethical behavior.
As an aside, Asian ethics are based around "saving face" and is part of the reason why Westerners see the Asians as behaving as a "hivemind"

>Why can't we all be friends?
b/c the Jews won't stop acting like a jew

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The modern day Jew is not what they would have the goyim believe. They are modern day pharisees with the elites still most likely following a sadducee belief. There's a very historical reason we don't like each other.

the white is the final form of human. the last step before final departure.
Jews are buttmad because they aren't coming with. Their math says they must stay. If they refuse, they will be caught in the oldest lie known to man. They literally fucked themselves, so they want everyone else to suffer too.

it is resource competition by a group that totally refuses to integrate in the society that hosts them and that totally rejects the morality of the society in which they find themselves in.

I can't blame the kikels for trying to make slaves of the goyim the white race has become utterly dysgenic following the two (((World Wars))).

Imagine being this schizophrenic

Jews control the media, porn industries, banking, human trafficking, and much more. They are overrepresented in many of these fields. People can learn by using a non-kiked search engine like Yandex. Now go to hell, kike.

They made a pact with demons.

we can all be friends once all on-whites are killed user

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based cousin

We control those industries? As in, all of us? Collectively? We are all involved in this? How and where do we communicate about this? In secret smoke filled rooms? Telepathically?

Fucking retard.

Their religion states that they are God’s chosen, despite being for everything he’s against, and that God commands them to enslave all over races. The White race is the most successful, so they have to go first

Depends do Jews burn incense in the synagogue?

whites genocided jews when they had the chance
can you blame them?

You think Jews actually discuss controlling non Jews at synagogue? Why don’t you just put on a kippah and go record this then, dumb fuck?

Niggers haven't produced anything though, why would j...
Oh, Jews haven't produced anything either. Heh.

the jews where the lowest chaste. they were disdained and humilliated, so they got vindicative. then, they became rich, and now they're the revenge of the nerds

Because jews label everyone who disagrees with them, or who has a similar or greater level of power, intelligence, etc as the spiritual seed of amalek.

Deuteronomy 25:19 commands them to wage an eternal war against amalek. They use this verse to justify slaughter and subversion, whilst claiming to be a blessing to all nations.


It's a joke user. You're obviously a very Americanized jew and it's hard for you to understand why anyone else would do it because you can't imagine doing it yourself. You probably have a really good heart. It's not people like you we are talking about controlling things it's the modern day pharisees who see themselves as the highest caste of human and who believe they have divine right to rule over all other Goyim and lower caste Jews

This. It's like they can't see the elitism inherited through being the choosen people.

Majority violent crime is black on white, majority white-collar crime is jew on white

That article is basically saying that Jews don't want the US to become minority white, though.
>It is a demographic transformation that, most experts believe, will result in a majority non-white population sometime before the end of the new century. A new American nation is coming into being before our very eyes, and many in the Jewish world are worried about it; some are even terrified.

You can't exploit someone without dehumanizing them first. It would make you a Bad Person.

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There's autistics and then there's trolls. Most of us don't really see any difference. Jews and right brain dominant types tend to get stuck in the lunacy......

...the autistics are the ones with flies buzzing around them. The trolls are the ones who eat the flies.

These quotes are very offensive. More people should be aware.