Why Jews hate the White race so much?

Why can't we all be friends?

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thats like asking why white people hate niggers

That's completely different.

A vast majority of interracial crime isn't white on jew, it's black on white.

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Whites hate niggers because they steal, rape and kill them.

jews are demons from Hell, and they Envy the purity and innocent happiness of White man. The invidious kikes taunt you to try and make you fall, into Hell, or even into a nigger shit-hide ape womb. GO FOR NIRVANA OR ITS NEVER-ENDING

Heaven and Hell are very VERY long but not Eternal. Any new action can increase the length of either, and one goes thru both, over and over. They hope you get a bad roll, they dont know how it works, yet wouldnt care. Imagine already being in Hell. The delight then is to corrupt others to get a mini vaction. BELIEVE.

>A vast majority of interracial crime isn't white on jew
pre-1945 the stats looked a bit different
(that answers your main question, btw)

They don't feel safe in majority-White societies, so they attempt to make them less White. Stephen Steinlight (Jew) wrote a whole essay on this called "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography" (available online)

>Why Jews hate the White race so much?
Two reasons, we are what they want to be, and we are Christians while they worship Satan..

because the Jews have manipulated geopolitics so that we have populations of both in our country with a history of strife between them? I mean honestly, (((who))) started the transatlantic slave trade, (((who))) owned the most slaves, despite being a tiny segment of the population, (((who))) made sure Lincoln's plan of giving the freed slaves a new nation in Africa, Liberia?