Advisor to the SS Aristocracy, AMA

I work as an advisor for the Schutzstaffel Aristocratic Principality. Ask me anything. The pay is good. The Schutzstaffel were to be the new pure German/Aryan elite who would rule the world if Germany had won the war. The Jewish Illuminati won and they became the world's elite instead. So far I have recommended the genocide of subhumans, the aristocratic princes agree.

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Lol I know a guy like this. "Pure aryan" but he's literally some kind of bosnian-romanian freak of nature. Chubby, swarthy, wears his fucking ss uniform and takes a pic with a Polaroid and posts it on discord. Criiiiiinge

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Where does one sign up? What are the qualifications?


What a shit LARP holy fuck I miss old Jow Forums

Rofl Almost looks Arab. What a piece of trash, nice find, had my fill of chuckles for today, thanks.

The Fuehrer gets to determine who and who isn't white. The undesirables are slaves to the Aryans.

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who is*

>muh kampf

>literally a jew
>created the biggest hoax in modern history
>the world now celebrates 6 gorillion every year
>lost the war on purpose
>massively enhanced the jew's agenda and victim complex
>literally a jew
same effect as black slavery (also perpetrated by jews).

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nice argument, try taking shitler's tiny jew cock out of your mouth next time

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You're probably a kike anyway. Hitler was a mongrel so it doesn't even matter. His prophecy of 1000 year Reich failed thus making him a false prophet. But he tried to do a good job keeping the White race pure blooded so perhaps he can be forgiven of this. The glory went to his head. Yahweh didn't mean for him to win anyway, Satan was still to rule over the Earth for a short time more. The Third Reich was less about Hitler, and more so about the pure Germans, the Schutzstaffel, the coming Universal Elite.

Trve. Heil Hitler

Ehhhh somewhat this. I haven't totally decided about the third reich yet desu.

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Yeah this is too bluepilled for me, you are trusting the kiked history books to provide your reality. WWII was a massive propaganda campaign full of holes and conspiracies with millions of white deaths. Kike sympathizers ended up on top and capitalized on a show put on by a jew with a small mustache. Who benefited the most? Jews of course

Great critical thinking there gypsy

The gypsies are 4% here, so if I'm a gypsy, you're a triple nigger spic

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All of that is subjective. It depends on how you look at it. Hitler's plan was to dominate the globe using Germany's superior war machine, as he believed the higher purpose in a nihilist world was to fight for your own race. He also believed correctly that all wars are fought over resources and/or land and thus wanted to speed up this process by taking over or allying himself with as much of the globe he possibly could. He failed due to Anglo interference, yet he still nearly won. We are at a moment in time when the Anglos have a chance to wake up to their reality and redeem themselves. We truly live in amazing times.

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Interesting, Evola actually saw the SS as a potential aristocracy over Nazi Germany, how would this aristocracy function, would there be a King?

>nationalism in the 100% power

That's what the plan was. Hitler was going to turn power over to the SS elite based on the passges from Nietzsche where he suggested an elite must rule over the peasantry ruthlessly.


Are you afraid that ethnic nationalism is taking a turn for the worse, considering how less homogenous whites are becoming. Secondly, does your party have a ZERO tolerance policy for sodomy and LGBT indoctrination, or are you shills like Richard Spencer who have a soft spot for bumhole fucking?

Please don't tell me that sub-human is the face of this party...

Are you based in Argentina.

It sounds like you have idealized nazi propaganda unfortunately. Hitler was an authoritarian that wanted power over everyone, including the whites. When it didn't work out, he sold out his own people without thinking about it.
Think critically about natsoc. What happens in an authoritarian "aryan paradise" when you want autonomy as an individual? What if I want to own and protect my own property/homestead with my family and farm? Without working in a state-owned tank factory or building the autobahn? Do you want to work for the state your whole life? Is it worth your freedom?

>ultimate unquestioning affinity to the state by all citizens
>not 100% state controlled
pick one

So wht do they do now?

>>ultimate unquestioning affinity to the state by all citizens
That's a very, very weird description of nationalism

Go away boomer trash. This is all lies.

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Pic related is what you jewish controlled American plutocracy (larping as a democratic republic) became.

Fuck you, just fucking die already you boomer fed trash.

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No. It's this one
Freedom itself, and particularly the 1st amendment is a self-defeating concept. It gives voice to those who wish to trample the right of free speech and initiates its own form of authoritarianism. Freedom is an antiquated concept.

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>the literal definition of nationalism
>"that goes against my idealistic view of nationalism, weird"

I am 26 year old property owner that makes over $100k/year, but nice counterpoint memeflaggot

If that fucker came on my property or near my family, I promise they wouldn't exist for long... but the state wouldn't stop this for me, I would stop it myself which is the difference between me and you. I own my life and am responsible for my own safety, not the state. stop clinging to the state to solve your problems

>the state gives me rights
I agree that this is false

STFU Libtard

Hail Hitler!

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The state must take away rights. We're nearing a point in culture where total anarchy has been realized. Pedophiles, gays, trannies, hatred of cops - total anarchy. And what comes next? Law and order and ruthlessness.

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>the state, which is literally 100% jewish puppets, pedophiles, sexual degenerates, war mongers, and corporatists should seize ultimate control of public freedom and social policy
I see you've thought this through pretty well

>that pic
silly leaf bait

>I am 26 year old
boomer is a mindset
>property owner that makes over $100k/year
And? making money befits class? By that logic the richest pedophile jews and anglo traitors are the highest caste. Clearly this is not the case, as the classical caste system is inverted in demonic American society. Those who succeed in this economy tend to be whores who deserve to burn screaming.
You are beholden to the system and thus you protect it.
>If that fucker came on my property or near my family, I promise they wouldn't exist for long.
your gay liberal govt protects people like that you fool, you would be charged with murder for killing them or some hate crime bullshit

I meant WE must take away rights after the purge. As Aryans, we set boundaries for the peasants.

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Are you that weird guy who posts his face here and talks about being the next Hitler?

>muh anglos
Opinion discarded, leave your trailer mutt.

I am guessing you haven't experienced living in a rural area, but property rights and personal protection are paramount in some places. The closer you get to a city, the more likely you are to depend on the government for safety
Money creates autonomy, you cannot be free here without having money
Mentally ill trannies have no power to take away what I have, but, as you said, the government does. Why give it more power than it already has? Why build up the state? throughout all of history, governments become corrupt 100% of the time (100%). Do you really trust the state over yourself?

This is delusional. While jews and minorities cause most problems and I agree that in a perfect world they just wouldn't exist, WE will take over nothing because our culture is corrupt. Joe Biden is an "Aryan" and so are 90% of left wing voters. Think about it on your own scale, have you ever legitimately led (been in charge of) a group of other people? Are you good at it?

Proof nigger

>Think about it on your own scale, have you ever legitimately led (been in charge of) a group of other people? Are you good at it?
Yes, and to be successful now one has to have a lot of people behind him in order to not rehash the mistakes Hitler made, such as how he took over the entire military. You have to have good theater or stage performance experience. You also have to be in the schizoid spectrum, as well as have feminine dominance a la Hitler (like a child demanding to get his way), because most whites do not give one shit about politics. You have to move them with performance combined with big shows featuring what I consider white Nietzschean music.

The debate has already been won against the Leftists, so people like Richard Spencer are unnecessary.

The only possible solutions to our cultural problems are through war or cataclysm. and one must be ahead of the game by putting himself out there as an icon. I am that icon. I'll be a rockstar. A fashwave icon.

But anyway, I'm rambling. Stick around and you too will be converted.

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Haha, more like too redpilled, dumbass, I am CI.

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There could be a single king if they wanted one, but I was thinking more of a kingless oligarchic aristocracy of ruling princes. Basically an Oligarchy of aristocratic princes.

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Haha alright, all of that is off kilter bullshit that I would expect from a kid who has delusions of grandeur and hasn't accomplished anything in reality (especially the music). Highly recommend you stop watching movies and experience the real world a little. At least please don't shoot up a school when you wake up from your dream and realize you are actually mediocre

Yes, it's that guy, just realized I wasted my time kek

>Secondly, does your party have a ZERO tolerance policy for sodomy and LGBT indoctrination, or are you shills like Richard Spencer who have a soft spot for bumhole fucking?

I am CI, and they are Christian so they don't allow fags.

Yes. The main base of function is within Hollow Earth though, in Agartha where the Agarthian monarchy is set up since post-antediluvian times. It's right next to the dinosaur farm. Have you ever had T-Rex leg? Best stuff ever, goes good with Yum-Yum sauce from Publix.

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I'm not OP. You're scared for being a huwhite or Jew.
>(especially the music)
Music is essentially dead. Through philosophical thought I've realized that music peaked during the Baroque period through the Classical period and has been declining ever since, with a brief respite during the Jazz period where atonality was experimented with (it was garbage). Music began to be experimented with when electronic music hit its stride and peaked on Justice's "Cross" album where they popularized the "wub wub" in the song "Genesis". Music of the future, if not saved quickly, will regress into nothing but a bass line, a drum beat and rap/chant vocals. You're already seeing evidence of this now in music from Billie Eilish or Lorde. The music of the future is an African tribal chant.

When are you going to get started taking the world back?

Tell me everything you know about these guys.

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So, it's all real ? The aHollow Earth at the center of Antartica ?
Is the prediction for the future too is real ?

You guys plan to come back when the civil war in Europe will begin ?

The Aryan elite, as always as part of their religion have waited for spirits to instruct when to do things. The spirits have always known, but recently with their conversion to Christianity(CI) They wait for the Holy Spirit to instruct them when to attack, as a premature attack will cause them to lose, they always wait for the spirits, the gods, or more recently in history, God. When they are instructed to attack they will assault the surface world with their flying saucers and advanced technology, and will go to war with the Jewish Illuminati and their technology. The gods have always granted or taken victory from a people in war. When the Spirit commands them to attack God will grant them victory in war.

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