Are Amish the most redpilled white people?

Are Amish the most redpilled white people?
>Live in eachother helping communes
>Stick to the traditions
>Reject corrupted technology
>Are happy from their lives
>Have many Children
>Work hard and never complain ebcouse they feel fulfilled in life
What are your thoughts anons?

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What the fuck? How are they outbreeding spics?

>redpilled white people

I smell a kike using a polish vpn.

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There's nothing else to do lmao

Used to live near them. Very good people and just did their own shit and didn’t blow up buildings.

Pretty based desu

you didnt take into consideration that as pole im too poor to afford one.

They rely fully on the state military service and could be wiped out by anyone otherwise.

It helps if your insults makes sense.

Amish are de-facto red pilled.

Inbred fucks. They're also cutoff from the state so they have no influence on broader politics.

Except we care for our based Christians here slavnigger, unlike you jews. Slavboy just hates them because the Amish are dutch

Yeah but it if those protections go away they will adjust just fine.

They realise that politics are platform to currupt their lives and make them unhappy.

a lot of young amish leave. they're actually encouraged to explore the outside world, but some come back, while others, do not.

Implying politics is going to matter in 50 years..

That's nice but while they're enjoying happiness the rest of white America is dying.

Are there any black Amish? Why wouldn't Amish women covet donkey dick of niggers?

Perhaps they are too proud!

if that was true how did the mighty Red army get undone by a bunch of flag waving civilians singing depressing folk songs?
Not everyone is a nigger, not even russians.

Its their tactic, join them or die with corrupted America, if you join them you will help them with their goal to outbread the rest and make America White again.

I mean, we will all be long dead before they become a huge force in the country. So who cares?

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I didn't think of it that way.
Well, said Slav bro.

Why not join them and help? be a part of this great project of making america white again?

>White America
heh lol

Because they have very boring lives. I enjoy watching art house films and listening to ambient music and musicians like Grouper. They only have their shitty folk songs.

You just reminded me of how this exact conundrum appears in Israeli politics with their Ultra Orthodox community.

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They're not really that "redpilled", they're just incredibly insular. Their existence is really not that great, the real lesson is that you don't need modernity, not that life without it is some sort of paradise. Also, Amish/Mennonite communities exist along a sort of continuum, not all of the are the horse-and buggy sort.

No matter what bad things you can say about them they don't make terrible neighbors though.

215 years is a long time too. You really think that Zionist Brazil is going to let a bunch of helpless white people buy up land and live in un-diverse communities?

spic birthrate is really not that high, it only narrowly edges out whites. reasons are complicated but pretty much the same reason birthrates in most places are low.

What actually happens is they get dumped in halfway houses for a few months and surprise this is worse than living in an Amish community.

They would be based if they weren't stuck in the past. It's fine to have a safe return point for when things go tits up, but if you aren't actively expanding both knowledge and power then you're worthless as a group.


They enjoy working hard and see their community prospect thanks to this, they found their own pursuit of life, they are happy with this, they dont need Technology to be happy. Happy life is a simple one.

I am saying that they don't have a self-sustainable society. They dont' even folow their own proclamations about independence of all state services because of military protection.
Again, that would prevent anyone from genociding them?

german not dutch kid...

"Swiss German Anabaptist origins"

" The Pennsylvania Dutch are not Dutch at all. The word Dutch is a corruption of "Deutsch" or German, of which they speak an ancient dialect. ... Some Amish, notably in Indiana, speak a version closer to Swiss-German"

Yeah, I think there are, but that is rare.

>Are Amish the most redpilled white people?
I think we need to overtake some villages in Poland and do the same, before le big gae consumes all of us.

>I enjoy watching art house films and listening to ambient music and musicians like Grouper.
Sounds pretty boring to me.

The Israelis seem to regard the Haredim as a sort of reserve breeding population. Fortunately Israel has a use for such a population -- the displacement of Arabs (most of the "settlers" you hear about are ultra-Orthodox).

It's also worth pointing out that the Haredi deliberately scam welfare and are basically slightly smarter gypsies, the Amish really are self-sufficient.

That being said, the Israeli Hasids are going to hit critical mass way before the Amish, even with the settlements acting as a population sink.

Lets make so but lets make Pagan ones for our Polytheistic brothers so we can live and prosper in our traditions and enjoy our long and happy lives.

Take the povertypill, fags

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I never said they weren't happy, but I'm used to amazing art like pic related. I imagine conversations with them are very dull

By being bigger Christians than them.

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Nobody wants to deal with niggers. agrssive dumb monkeys who'll steal from their own neighbors.

Do you think the government will leave them alone for that long the way things are going?

>Current population
It just means that assuming unchecked exponential growth, there would be 300mil in 215years. Run the same calculation for shit skins and there will probably be more jihadis in Europe than atoms in the known universe

I'm glad the Amish exist. They're generally good people that have the right idea about life. Our brains are like huge used up cunts from all the entertainment and stimulation we get. Amish brains are like tight pussies, able to enjoy the smallest things in life.



If you ever see them selling baked goods you must stop and buy some.
They bake some awesome stuff, got a cherry pie and some oatmeal cookies from them last week.

The Amish vote en masse for conservatives. Look at 2018 elections in Lancaster Co Pennsylvania if you don’t believe me. Lancaster is full of spics and niggers but they elect white conservatives every time.

They adopt black and Asian kids all the damn time.

It's Dutch cause I say it is, deal with it

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With the kikes in every branch of the government and the media no way they last another 100 years. The kikes will do everything they can do remove Christianity from America because they've done a pretty good job so far

Nothing is more eco fash than taking your wife and ten kids on a horse and buggy ride, forcing tractor trailers to slow down behind you every minute. God I love living in Pennsylvania

Not trying to sound stupid but how do they afford having lots of children where normal folk can't?

I could imagine schooling is different, daycare is different, etc but what are the big outliers?

Many of them went to vote for Donald Trump in 2016.

They don't need to buy ton of expensive stuff for kids so the kids don't feel left out?

God provides.


Fuck, I really want to import a couple of hundred thousand of them to displace Hajis and low castes

Once again, all of us posting will be long dead before the Amish become a massive population force. Why the fuck do you care thinking about them? Pic related

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I've been telling people this for years. The Amish average SIX children per woman, they have a 95% retention rate of their faith and culture, and they're actually fucking rich.

>wait how are the Amish rich
They don't spend any fucking money. They don't buy stupid shit, they don't engage in dumb consumerism, they don't waste their fortunes on glitz and glamor bullshit, they just buy land for their kids (they have a LOT of kids so they need to be constantly expanding) and gradually push every other community out of the way to do so.

Other things about the Amish:
-Nobody converts to the Amish because holy shit, why would you,
-Very few people leave the Amish because why would they,
-The Amish vote and are overwhelmingly conservative, but also anti-war,
-The Amish are okay with using medical technologies to avoid infant mortality, but eschew everything else.

The Amish population doubles every 15 years, and it is literally 100% white. Because they're white pacifist hippy farmers, there's no way to justify cracking down on them by the government. In 200 years, there will be more of them than the rest of the population combined, but consider that LONG before then, they will become a substantial majority of the white population, completely immune to Jewish brainwashing and tricks, and completely unstoppable because, by that point, they will make up the majority of food production in the country.

It's basically just going to be the Mormons and the Amish left by the end of it.


>if you aren't actively expanding both knowledge and power then you're worthless as a group.
This is why humans suck

The problem is, if a foreign country wanted to invade, they'd be fucked, since they are extremely pacifist

Amish and Mennonites are great folk. Our guys 100%. Shop at their places of business.


Also, they'll essentially create a German speaking ethno-state in the US. Guess the Ubermensch won after all

Amish menonites live long lives

They seem to hate the Western United States

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>they don't see nonwhites as human
good for them

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Yeah, but that's because you don't understand jack about how our society works and exactly why the country's a shithole. If all of India became upper caste overnight we'd rule the world for the next thousand years

Many menonites go overseas on missions and come home with nigger husbands or adopt mud children.

Could a person convert and live with the Amish?

they're not. they have high birth and decent childhood survival rates, but they bleed over half their population away as soon as they're old enough to get away.

I think some faggots are shilling the amish like they used to do the mormons.

Sure they've some things they do right but they're still retarded

>setting back progress
>never gonna set foot outside our solar system

Depends on the congregation, and there are thousands of them.

>If all the poor people died and got reincarnated as rich people you'd be fucked!
Stupid poo

>implying we are either
The second death is coming.

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Go Mennonite you can use computers and drive.

I think at least 80% come back, but that's actually a brilliant thing to do. By doing that they're effectively removing the least inately Amish among them. That means they're creating a huge evolutionary pressure against being an un-Amish cunt, purifying themselves into being perfectly adapted to their lifestyle while enjoying it too.

Then join them my friend, its a good and happy life, isnt that what you want?

They put out these kinds of cute articles while they purposefully flood the US with illegal immigrants and refugees in an attempt to dilute the european majority so that they can't resist the zionist minority

>Join them
No we respect cultural boundaries(for white people) non amish need to get the fuck away from them. If there was a sudden influx of white people wanting to become amish then you just know the zionist devils will send Ashkenazis larping as white people to try to subvert Amish into killing themselves.

I should ass fuck some Amish teens I'm in PA

Retention rates amongst the Amish are very high, some communities has retention rates well over 90%.

I don’t think many niggers would enjoy a lifestyle where you actually have to work, drugs, and most advanced tech would be prohibited, and no rims on their carts.

They are something Niggers hate and dont want to exist, basicly helpfull and sucessfull society with people that are actualy happy.

Niggers are wild animals they would just terrorize the amish people like the already terrorize our people in the cities.

Imagine how soulless this anons life is. Living for nothing, but shitty music, and subpar films.

it's called Podkarpacie

>lets make Pagan ones for our Polytheistic brothers
degenerates who reject Christianity because it's not faggy enough for them only deserve the same fate as all the other degenerates

Self sufficiency. This is such a foreign concept for most people that if they ever ended up on an unhabited island they'd despair that they can't find a print shop so that they might print some resumes to look for a job so they can earn money to buy food. People rely so muchon this whole system that they'll actually die if that fragile system doesn't work so well anymore.

>hurr durr I'm too much a brainlet to care about anything that happens after I die
>the world can die with me it doesn't make a difference
based shortsighted brainlet

Artsy people are always weird.

How to find beautiful traditional slav girl but avoid gopnik culture?

I think they deserve something too, they want to preserve our culture and whiteness just like we do.

Industrial technology made most citizens being self sufficient farmers no longer necessary thats why we are city relying slavs while the rural folk and amish just survive on their own just fine.

in Todays slavic world its nearly impossible my dude.

Their growth has stayed the same for hundreds of years, it will probably continue for some time, especially the more conservative settlements.

all slavic women are whores and usually mudsharks as well

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>preserve our culture
>want to destroy Christianity because >muh desert cult >muh kike on a stick >muh semites
choose one

Your thinking of Mormons. Amish let almost nobody in, the Amish have let in less than 100 people in the last fifty years.

this. Id love to be amish but we all know how well it goes for groups accepting outsiders. It always turns to shit no matter how good the initial intentions are. Im going to live my life well knowing that white people will eventually prevail.