Finland and Russia

Do Finland and Russia still dislike each other or have relations improved?

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Finns like dead Ruskies.

There was never a big dislike between Finland and Russia, relations improved after WWII

Finns like to be fucked by Russians

It's like a kid with down syndrome trying to hurt you but can't do anything

Winter War never forget

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Say that to all your hundreds of thousands of dead kin buried in finnish woods

The most funny part is that Stalin sent Ukrainian peasant to fight Winter War

Liberation of Norway was a solely Russian job however

Jatkojatkosota when?

i think so

Finns are big league autists and their country is boring as hell. Nice nature but you're so much better off in Russia or the Baltics for the same money.

Basically, Finland is depressing and I really hope Russia takes it some day.

You defense cooperation with Finland has just reached a point where an attack on Finland is now declared an attack on you (and vice-versa).


is that what russians are taught in school? your people were enslaved. what happened on your side during WW2 is nothing to be proud of.

Fuck Russia

>The longest sentence in the Finnish verbal language.

Well, not all countries are as exciting as a place where a you could be killed at any moment by a nigger


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I don't think I've seen more than 5 normal posts from fins. All the rest were being butthurt about Russia.

Russia seems to be able to cause the most butthurt out of any country, its insane.


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The spoken Finnish language:
Ei (or grunt in the negative)
Joo (or grunt in the positive
Olut, kiitos
Kossu, kiitos
Saatana, vittun
Vittu Venäjä
Vittu Ruotsi
Mennään Viroon

You could live with a Finn who doesn't speak English and that's all you would need to know.

Not with this bootlicking population

Why did you learn Finnish?

general distrust towards the government, and the politics, not so much towards individuals

Spoke it as a kid with my grandparents. Trying to learn more because I was approved for a 'Return to the Fatherland' residency passport and want to set up shop around Lappeenranta.

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Well, for understanding....

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honestly I didn't dislike Finns before I came here on Jow Forums four years ago. I never thought of them before, just some irrelivant snowniggers who like to visit St Pet and Karelia and drink around untill they pass out. But much thank you, finn anons, now I hate you with my whole passion.

but I still think we shouldn't nuke them or genocyde, just let them live out there as rare spicies. At least they gave us the most brilliant and unapproachable meme ever. Apu!

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why do you hate finns? you're surely joking?

niiiice quads.
the quads of truth, mate.

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but then there are faggots like this who make me want my10 ryssäs


everyone on Jow Forums who interested in Russia (and partly Finland) should watch this film

Give us access to Arctic Ocean Highway and we are done

Just take Finnmark. It has your name in it after all.

everytime in every thread about Russia there are fuck tons of finns who came just to say some innapropriable shit about my country. I was fine with this (all neighbours used to hate each other) first 10 billion times. but they've reached the bottom. perkele saatana! enough is enough.

learn to distinguish between internet banter and shills and actual finns

dude, you've already made fuck tons of money out of being "neutral trading intermediaries" between USSR and some EU Countries back in the Cold War era. want some Arctic Ocean Highway too? then buy a share.

it's mostly the leftists nowdays who see Russia as the great devil, also boomers

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>learn to distinguish between internet banter and shills and actual finns

I assume you are not my old Jow Forums friend Bjorn from Finnemark. he knows Finn's mentality perfectly. Finns are - pick related.

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quick rundown pls. have no 5 min to watch.

good to hear that. but it seems like Jow Forums is vastly infested by them.

Tsyts !, do you want to fight? ... hot Finnish guys

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Antti Rokka mows down a Ruskie Squadron with a Suomi PK and screams perkele and saatana a lot.

youre beyond brainwashed. imagine having the gal to lecture people from other countries about their own nation's history

>seems like Jow Forums is vastly infested by them
Finns on other chans aren't any different in the slightest.

There is a weird thing that it was once showed in finnish tv but the company that owns the rights doesnt allow it anymore so it is impossible to see anywhere.

My grandparents never knew finnish, their parents told them "thats old country" and never passed it on. One hand i like that attitude of old school immigrants, but also feels bad

Well let's drink for friendship...

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they don't like anybody, let alone each other. It's too cold for that sort of thing.

you hold my beer..

Í dislike the fact that ruskies in online games always speak russian even if the are the only russian in the server.
Russian are great at writing, a lot of my favourite books are written by russians.
When they make pop/rock music it is awful.
Their goverment is maybe the stupidest ever.
I can not understand why pol worships putin.
Most russians I have met are really nice people.

Finns are absolutely adorable trying to negotiate as if they had any leverage. God bless your little hearts

My grandparents spoke Finnish in the house and English in public and spoke English to their kids but still taught them Finnish in case they wanted to visit the Isämaa (which they all did several times).

You're from up North? Michigan?

Yeah, I'm one of the two Yoopers I know of who shit post in these threads. I think the other one is still at work.

I, for one, think that us and Finns should be friends and everything that happened after 1917 was just one giant fuckup and we should start from the scratch.
I don't know, to me Helsinki looks kinda like St. Petersburg t b h


How famous is Ville Haapasalo actually in Russia?

>Í dislike the fact that ruskies in online games always speak russian even if the are the only russian in the server.

knowlege of any other foreign lanuages in Russia probably at the same horrible shit-tier level as in USA. but at least burgers speak some burrito-language, we are - some how - don't bother to learn anything but some dirty foreign curse words and phrases. yeah. thats true.

>to me Helsinki looks kinda like St. Petersburg t b h
It very much does. During my first hour in Helsinki I had a strong feeling that I didn't went out of SPb at all.

Truth and the digits confirm

used to be very, very famous after this film and many others, plus he was in a cople of seasons of Russia's "Stars on Ice". these days have passed long ago but most people still love him.

And honestly, Russia should've never joined WWI. I don't know people are aware of this or not, but Russia's economy was so good in 1913 that Soviet (((economists))) were always comparing state of the current Soviet economy until like 60s kek.
Without the WWI there wouldn't be no commies. And Germany was a birthplace of communism, and German kaiser literally sent Lenin in a sealed train to Russia in the wake of the October Revolution so that he could spearhead it. They unironically wanted to win WWI in 1917 lmao
Just my two cents.

He speaks Russian
Filmed in Russian films
Broadcasts about fishing, kitchen and trucks

oh meant to send it to (You)

Just delete russia, burger

Fuck I'm a bit drunk and Jow Forums X plugin is fucking with me.
is the post that I wanted to send to you.

But I like Russia.

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Helsinki was made to look like St. Petersburg on purpose, by the same architect, by Czars order

The funny thing is that Putin is Udmurt, it is a subspecies of regional Finns

Both countries are great and I hope that you could be friends again, as said

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What has Finland ever even accomplished? At least Russia has many contributions all Finland has is some shit memes.

Finland gave you the Heart Monitor, IRC Chat, (par of) Skype, and a lot of other tech recently.

Hell, NATO's Cyber Defence Force uses F-Secure and it's very rare to use tech from a non-NATO member.

>source: belive me brother


He also eats kids for breakfast.

just right now Im watching Harald Bardr vids on Italy. pretty good 2bh.

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I don´t know if it is true but heard his mother is a jew. Anyway I deal with a lot of foreigners and finns in my work everyday. Russians and Estonians are my favourite, nice people. Everyone at work says the same thing.

Also I don't know If actual Finns are interested in this, but there was some dude from UK on Jow Forums like yesterday and apparantly he had some Finno-Ugric ancestry, so he made a thread claiming that in Russia, Finno-Ugrics are even today forcibly Russified which is a lot of horseshit of course.
Somewhat famous Brit travel vlogger who speaks Russian wanders through Russia, here he wants people in Mordovia region speak Mordovian aka Moksha, and it's pretty easy
In Mordovia for example, Russians and other ethnic groups (so Mordovians I guess?) still live in separated, segregated villages
I think Helsinki looks neat, but heard Finns complain about the amounts of niggers there.

Hey if you know Harald, watch the latest Bald and Bankrupt vids, they're great. Although I suspect he might be a Jew.

He is.
He's also a sex tourist.

Yes. But it's not close to London tier. Yet.

Majority of Finnish countryside IS very white, so in contrast, they can not stand Helsinki. Wich I understand.

T. native Helsinki man

what about Poland and Russia?

Cool. If I ever visits states, I've thought Michigan could be worth a go

ban on forest supplies to Finland

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I watch Harald for ~four years almost since the very beginning of his channel, and also watch Bald since he made his own. but fuck sake his last vids with that tranny faggot NFKRZ in Chelyabinsk I could barely watch. Everything I wanted was to smash his hairy gay mug with a baseball bat. Also Bald is not a jew but a massive troll, tho he also deserves some bitch slaps too.

His parents were peasants, Jews do not engage in peasant labor.

this is true

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That's actually true, Stalin did send Ukrainians to Finland because he thought the near-by North-Western Russians and Finnish kinspeople (Karelians, Vepsians etc) would feel sympathy for Finns
Then again there is difference between a ruski and a hohol so what does it matter

I feel there might be less animosity.
>implying it's the Finns who are the threat to Russian forest supplies and not chinks
>tranny faggot NFKRZ
Is he a tranny? Darn.
Yeah that video was kind of cringy, I agree.

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I like polacks. they our retarded catholic cousins but I really like them. cuz Poles are awesome people.

>92 posts in a Russian-Finnish relation threads
>only 2 (two) frozen rusky pics
Come on Finns, you can do better than that.

finn rats want our forest

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>tfw today I got drunk and lost my Nokia brick phone that served me flawlessly for quite a few years
Maybe some kind man or woman will pick it up and get it back to me like the last time. It was a neat little thing, I mean, if you like to sperg out or something you can throw it against the wall and at worst you'd have to put the battery and the back lid back in.

>Is he a tranny?

obviously I don't know but he looks and acts lake massive faggot for sure. also I suppose Bald did fuck him in the arse after the ending of their first video (they were drinking vodka in restaurant and hairy faggot looked like bitch who's ready to be fucked). also Bald's vids on Georgia (a rotting shithole) were cringe and bias too.

And Putin and his frens rob us right now. Noice.

I saw a comment made by Bald on that video that said that they called up prostitutes or something.
>Thanks for not showing the part at the end where the prostitutes turned up in the hotel room. Awesome video bratan and thanks for the invite to Chelyabinsk.

I just protect the Russian forest from Finnish rats

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>Georgia (a rotting shithole) were cringe and bias too
what was the bias?