Brenton Tarrant Memetic Funfare Thread VII

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't recall a VI.
I want 8ch back.

dont reply or the German VS will try ro get you

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Me too.


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The prophecy foretells of saint tarrents return, and with his return so too comes the high score, the highest score of them all, the score to end all scores and wipe clean the slate, do you accept saint tarrant as your savior user?

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>do you accept saint tarrant as your savior user?

I do.

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read the manifesto

where did all the translated versions go now that 8ch is offline?
nobody collected them all to upload them somewhere?

Pulse attack

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holy shit look at all those dead homos.
never saw this pic.
got more?

I wish I was one of the ~200 that saw it live.

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Translations currently available:

Hopefully none of these links are dead. Pic related is the original in English.

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Is the translation quality OK in all of them? Heard some were machine translated (which is a terrible idea).

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there are some missing, I recall an ukrainian, an italian, a danish, a czech and probably a turkish among the translations that were uploaded on 8ch.

ironically you are now the one pushing censorship.
Day of the Pill, when Schizo?

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So do I.
I remember I was online the day pic related attempted to shoot a mosque, I managed to see his kikebook profile still online and waited for a while in case a livestream would begin, instead there was no livestream and no high score. Huge disappointment.

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I never saw this pic before...

I know there's a subreddit dedicated to mass shooters, I wonder if user found it there.

>Only 200
>I managed to catch it
Shit was I really that close to history?

Manshaus couldn't get into the front door, as they had installed security systems after Christchurch. He had to shoot his way through an emergency exit, which alerted the invaders in there too early. I think this is the explanation for the failure. Although, there were only three of them in there anyway so there would have been no high score regardless, I don't know why he timed it so poorly.

How did it feel watching it live?

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I guess he did not plan at all.

I am jealous as fuck.

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I didnt know what was happening at first, there was this small happening thread talking shit like ever, I just clicked the vid expecting a shitty meme but got deja vu, so I stuck around with no idea

then he went to a mosque and It was fucking magical, it really felt like it was happening in front of you, I was hoping he'd get away and do it a few more times


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Im an australian, it happened a little after I moved to the states so im lucky my sleeping was fucked, and my girl was at work so no "whatcha doin user?"

I really hope an NZ officer leaks the whole, raw footage from the GoPro. It would be a real shame if it remained locked away in some evidence storage room forever...

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Before my battery dies I just want to reiterate brenton tarrent has made me incredibly proud of my country and proud to be australian

Goddamn Southern Hemisphere

You should definitely be proud.

I hope so.

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Slurpy jerb

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The last thread was XVII, did you stop going on 8/pol/ or something?

meant for

Someone has to have captured this with the stream chat, what an absolutely glorious stream

it's strange there are few shills ITT

I believe OP meant it is the 7th thread he opens here.
I know there were 17 memetic warfare threads on 8ch.

Your hourly Brenton Tarrant shill thread is sponsored by Mosaad.
>Mossad, when you want to take the guns from the goy.

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Didn't mean to reply to OP

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The shooting wasn’t even real, stop being faggots. There is a ton of evidence explaining the fake shooting with extra footage. Research if not retarded.

ffs, it took you one minute to prove me wrong.
here's another one this is so pathetic.

>research my debunked memes so you too can develop schizophrenia like me

Schizo blog posts don't count as evidence. Take your meds.

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>"He fights for FREEDOM"
>gets gun sales banned in NZ so future generations of kiwis will never be able to fight for their own freedom

>tfw I did not archive the ongoing thread about Breivik that was on 8ch right before it got shut down.

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The Swedish one is good. It adds some text at the start talking about how it's been translated for purely academic purposes, which I guess would appeal to your average Swede.

>fight for their own freedom
He fought for our freedom. Cucked Kiwis don't and cucks never will. It is obvious that the moment anyone takes up a weapon to fight for our race's future you useless boomers will always condemn him for it or cry "muh false flag". A freedom that is never used is worth nothing.

>A freedom that is never used is worth nothing.
We live in cages where we lock ourselves.

4chink is utter shit

Need to get it translated into Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Italian, and Japanese.

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Same. At least I have Pol Books 1-23 and Zundel's Bunker to sift through

Watched the middle of the gunning them down with my entire group of Jow Forums friends, if it wasn't for the fact we felt bad for the kiwis losing their gun rights we were cheering him on.

what the fuck is ethnic autonomy?

Czech and italian translations were on 8 ch, probably also hungarian.
Never heard about japanese (or chinese) translations.

I fucking hate you guys.

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Racial hygiene and a right to defend it from external pushes to pollute it.

Time to radicalize.

>Do not suffer under the delusion of an effortless, riskless democratic victory.
>Prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss, struggle, death.
>Force is the only path to power and the only path to true victory
The Great Replacement

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>He fought for our freedom
And all he accomplished by shooting some unarmed church goers was aiding kikes in stripping his people of their own freedoms. Very productive.

That is one perspective user. He also provided us with excellent propaganda material for the upcoming race war too.

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Muslim invaders, dimwit. And naturally the system is going to respond with repression if you act against it. The establishment reacts - hopefully, overreaches - when it perceives a threat to itself.

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How useful is freedom when you let the government take it away from you?

>Isn't anti-jew or anti-homo, is my friend
He isn't my friend in this timeline

Tarrant has inspired and will inspire more white nationalists to fight for their race's future than that boomer faggot ever will.

You're not even white lmao fuck off

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True. 3 copycat attacks in 6 months is not something we have seen before.

Boomers want to endlessly sit on their fat asses collecting their pension checks while millennials work as slaves to pay for them, meanwhile being also invaded by 3rd worlders who lower salaries and living standards.
Then when boomers will be dead whites will be left as a minority in their own countries because of open borders and degeneracy.
Fuck that.

>meme flag
you don't even have a soul or a clue
eat dick cheese with shit sauce

Alternate reality: Brenton's attack is in 2011 and Breivik's attack happens in 2019. What would this change?

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>meme flag
Sloppy job, Mossad. Even the Imam of the mosque Tarantino shot up believes that he was Mossad.

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What do you mean by “radicalize”? It’s not a call to violence is it?

Ah, apparently the 8gag crowd is trying to get Jow Forums shut down too. What an amusing prank

Nah, Mossad has been running this spam op since the Christchurch false flag


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Your women would prefer you to jump off of a bridge over having sex with you

Consult your dictionary if you don't know what a word means.

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Are they legally required to have a public trial?
they are going to have a closed trial aren't they?

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Mossad agent faggot. This guy is a cunt and you are all falling for obvious bullshit.

Video and translation available on piratebay. My gf will be uploading Polish translation soon. Search Brenton Tarrant


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memeflaggots please leave. Tarrant was a faggot bitch. He just helped jews. That is all. As a white nationalist I deplore that kike faggot.

>As a white nationalist ¨
>Dear fellow white people
sore thumb

Remember to vote for Donald Kushner in 2020.

From the manifesto:

Are you anti-semetic?
They need to be removed from europe and be sent to israel. They are ok as long as they do not serve a subversive function
>implying the mission of the zionist is not to subvert nations

Are you homophobic?
I don't care about homos as long as they don't seek to subvert the nation in which they inhabit
Only a fucking retard would believe that zionists and their homo ilk would not seek to undermine nations around the world as they have been doing for centuries

Taint Tarrant is nothing more than a tool to promote the death of cultures

Gonna need you guys to take your meds and have some sex

Manshaus was a fucking faggot, he learned nothing from St Brenton.
He didn't plan - there were only three ragheads at the mosque on the day.

He didn't learn the importance of the double/triple tap - humans are not easy to kill, gun or knife, unless you damage the brain stem you are not likely to kill with one hit. Manshaus' double barrel shotgun was not the tool for the job.

Your women leave your countries and come here to fuck white guys kek

Manshaus tripped 2 seconds after he entered the mosque. He didn't shoot any of the sandniggers.

I don't see you fags offering alternative solutions. You gonna vote or keyboard-bash the Jews and Muslims out of your homelands? Fuck you, violence is the only solution to the problem.

Did FB shoah the stream or did he disconnect before FB could shoah?