By 2050, the US will be a 'majority-minority' country, with white non-Hispanics making up less than half of the total population.
By 2050, the US will be a 'majority-minority' country, with white non-Hispanics making up less than half of the total population.
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It's called a plurality
Ay Tone! This gal's saying we gotsa get rid of the damp-backs before they take over like cockaroaches in a kitchen!
It already happened, retard
It's already like that dude. The beaners lie on the census by saying they are non-hispanic white. The true non-hispanic whites make up way less than half the population. Mostly white trash hillbillies. The true white man like myself makes up far less than 1/3 of the population. I'm mostly Frisian. The whitest you can get. We're more pure than the Nordic people.
Bahhaha who gives a fuck?
You guys are such faggots. Badass spce men don’t go to other planets and cower from the women because they look different, they dominate the wildlife. They find the hottest chick their, kill her man and take her for hisself.
The US is a non white country in 2019 and the most damaging force against european peoples in the world. It's gotta go desu
No king rules forever my son
It's bad. Please white people in the US .. please have more children. :(
Better to have an aware and racially conscious people at 35% of the country than as 65% full of degenerates and self hating whites. It will get worse before it gets better, but this is needed for whites to wake up as a racially conscious people. Once we have racial solidarity we are unstoppable, even at 15 or 20 percent.