Nihlism is a retarded philosophy and and no one above the age of 16 should believe in it, prove me wrong

Nihlism is a retarded philosophy and and no one above the age of 16 should believe in it, prove me wrong.

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It would seem so to you.
Honestly, if it steers people to improve themselves and their community, I say pursue it.

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Nihlism isn't defeatism. You can't change some things, like you can stop your self from being robbed but you can make the robber from wanting to rob someone.

nihilism is not a philosphy but inevitable state of being where all meaning is lost, a state that must be broken. people who proclaim themselves as nihilists have nothing to do with real nihilism. they are mostly freshly emancipated romantics, soon to be broken by real nihilism.

I don't think life has any inherent meaning, or that we were "put" here for a purpose by a higher power but I do think you can find purpose and satisfaction to pass the time
I also have morals and ethics but they are derived from a balance of what I feel is good for myself and those around me based off of my experiences, never needed religion to teach me that

Wrong. You can shoot the robber. Then he won't want to rob anyone anymore. There is a solution to every problem, it is a matter the will to do it. That was Nietzsche's point. He didn't want you to be a nihilistic edge lord

Memeflagism is a retarded philosophy

If the cut off for nihilism is 16, what's the cut off for objectivism?

After Libertarianism sours.


nihilists just claim to be nihilists so they aren’t seen as lazy

nihilism is for lazy people. Iver never met someone that is physically fit and regularly goes out and does things in the real world(accomplishing personal goals, having relationships, enjoying the outdoors, starting businesses etc) that's a nihilist. It's always people that spend way to much time inside and never have the work ethic to attempt to accomplish anything.

Nihilist need to remember this, there are 7+ billion people in the world and only 15% are lucky enough to live in a cozy first world country while the other 85% live in shit holes like Africa and China and India. If you believe in nothing else at least believe that it is your responsibility by being part of that 15% to do something with your life and achieve something. There's billions of people that live in places where they have no choice but to wake up and do nothing because there is nothing. No hope of ever doing anything with their lives besides walking 10 miles to get water and eating bugs and sleeping. No possibility of ever changing the world or even having a happy cozy family life.

Litteramy all the richest and most powerful people on this planet believe it
Once you stop beleving in all morality and basic human deciency man can achieve wonders
Why do you think the u.s.a is the strongest country on earth?

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Fucking this.
Jesus christ just uttering these words alone will probably break the majority of braindead regards from a stupor.
Fucking lower than slaves who don't understand will.

>pursuing passion, art, self-ownership and struggle
All of which is still just masturbation and meaningless, objective morality doesn't exist and there is no reason for anything

>Then he won't want to rob anyone anymore.
Or he will come back with his gang to kill you
Or, if you finish him off, depending where you live, you'll spend some years in jail

Based chink

>by pursuing passion, art, self ownership, and struggle.

interesting how this could also be said about religion. it really bothers me that atheist think this subject is just as simple as saying "dude, theres no god lol..."

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Then kys already the fuck are you hanging around for

I'm pretty happy about this board mentioning Nietzsche as often as it has recently. I've been talking about how the Twilight of the Idols parallels a lot of whats going on in modern consumer culture and the worship of media fame with my buddies.

one big problem with nihilists is that in reality is very likely that they are dealing with depression and not really trying to solve a philosophical question. right now I'm actually dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts, I have a strong feeling that everything is meaningless but somehow I have become much more spiritual/religious than I was 5 years ago...
music, movies, learning new things are basically the only things that keep me sane.

Nihilism is destroying the West, we have no more identity or hate ourselves. The Übermensch will rise from the destroyed Western societies.

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Nihilism is commonly misunderstood even by most if not everyone here. He was describing a pathway to freeing yourself of all boundaries you are programmed with, so you can rebuild yourself from the ground up in your own image with your own boundaries. If you have the strength and willpower for such an undertaking, if you do manage such a thing, you will become the Ubermensch, and your dudbro weightlifters will be an untermensch in comparison.

Nihilism isn't the 16 year old 'doom and gloom, nothing matters man', "nihilism". It's not being depressed all the time. It's not doing nothing for nothing's sake. You just have a pleb understanding OP, or you are baiting.

Self improvement kills the Nihilist,change my mind. I used to have a simple life and considered myself a nihilist, then i discovered Jow Forums and realised that a lot of people are like me or even worse. So yeah it is more like a phase more than a philosophical question, then i started to browse fit and pol and I woked up myself from the matrix

I thought like you when I was younger. Then one day it dawned on me that all of my ideas of purpose, morals, and ethics were passed down through tradition.

There are two paths you can pick once you realize truth is a matter of perception and existence of the universe is impossible to accurately explain. Nihilism, or absurdism. Sometimes both.

The issue with your premise is how you assert that we CAN live in a civilization without nihilism. Nihilism is simply the result of a world without gods; materialism. It cannot be "defeated" or "repaired" because it is a natural cultural evolution. Christianity has bred weak submissive white males and we are paying the price for it. To stand against Christianity is where you will be left with existential thoughts. That is where nihlism comes in. How do we find purpose in a nihilist world? Hitler proposed that the higher purpose is to fight for one's own race and to dominate the globe through war as every war or conflict has been over either resources or land. We exalt Aryans with the strongest wills and determinations and the Ubermensch arises from the ashes.


the ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values

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sorry to hear that user. I went through that phase of trying to figure out the purpose of life, are we meaningless, is there a god type stuff a couple years ago. Here's what turned me around

Try believing not necessarily in worshiping a particular god type way, but more recognizing that it's completely plausible that there is a higher power at work. Now that could be some kind of force of nature, an actual god like spirit, or an alien for all I know but whatever it is, it's much more powerful than you or I any individual human. I can't help but see us like ants on an ant hill. The ants don't know where they came from or how they got in that particular location or that we humans exist and have the technology to go to space. They can't fathom any of that yet they still exist. Why think we are any different? It's humbling to think about. I've found since I started thinking this way I seem much more "in tune" with life and get "signs" much more often that there is a higher power at work. I guess the biggest thing is how can you expect to recognize the signs of a higher power of you never believe enough to be aware of them?

All of that is essentially vain and sentimental. Yes, a creator god very well could exist (and probably does!), but that does not matter because we have no connection to this God. God could even be considered everything, the way the Hindus believe (the Aryans brought that religion to India). The creator god could have created the world and then left evolution to have its way like an experiment in a petri dish. Belief in a God you cannot see or have a connection with is merely a coping mechanism. What matters is the material, and fighting for the preservation of your own race. Without that, you get nihilistic hedonism which the West is dealing with now.

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monism, faggot
study metaphysics before speaking confidently about it

Look into a biography of Nietzsche's actual life and experiences, it explains so much of why he wrote what he did. Especially the ubermensch stuff considering his military record.

Nietzsche wrote about how life is constant struggle, constancy conflict. In every sense.

That true joy can only come from over coming obstacles and struggle as this elevates us and pushes us onwards.

>naturally all mature people progress to muh humanism
fuck off you oversocialized retard

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>Nihlism is a retarded philosophy
Its not a philosophy. Its what you call someone that has risen above the petty bullshit of everyday life and makes you insecure.
>s-schopenhauer was just a nihilist, become an edgy asshole instead!

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Synagogue of Satan, everyone

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fuck, that sounds exhausting, might as well shoot myself now

also what if you can't overcome the obstacles, in my experience only maybe 10% of obstacles can be overcome with superhuman effort (afterwards I have go lie down for a while), the rest it's not even worth fighting

And that's why most of us, probably myself included are doomed go just be part of the herd.

Unless we overcome ourselves.

Because that is true. Life is a constant struggle to come out on top. There is a dominant/submissive aspect to male socialization (and always has been) and it is becoming more brazen post red pill. It is becoming more "every man for himself". The feminist millennials tried and are trying to subvert natural evolution by appealing to sentiment. We have to break out of the individualistic mindset and become collective and tribal. The only way to harness this ever-growing rage of white males subjected to this evermore brazen dominant/submissive aspect of male socialization is to give them uniforms for order, and make them drop the negro rap image. We live in a decadent society that no longer encourages competition or masculinity, and that is exactly what will end civilization unless we reclaim what they've stolen.

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I'm working on it personally.

14 is a big part of my life's goals. First I am overcoming myself.

Yes, I know.

>but that does not matter because we have no connection to this God.
says who? Do you think a connection has to be obvious like a slap in the face? I myself find I notice the biggest "connection" when I stop looking in the now and start looking bigger picture.

Example from a couple years ago. I was building a house(which I've done probably 50 times by now) and I was hoping to have it done within 6 months to be able to get it on the market in the summertime. Long story short a couple things that were out of my control went wrong that I've never encountered before and it ended up taking 9 months and I missed the summer selling season. Now when the things were going wrong I couldn't believe it. Like I booked the power company a month in advance to move my power lines and they were 3 weeks late moving them. That literally pushed me back 3 weeks and it was completely out of my control. Well stuff like that which I had never encountered before doing this house just kept happening. It honestly felt like the universe did not want me to finish the place in time. It got to the point where I had to believe there was a reason for it because otherwise I would have to have the worst luck in the world.

We ended up finishing it and rented it out for 8 months until the next summer and put it up for sale. That summer there wasalmost no houses in my area for sale and i had multiple people interested in my place. I had originally listed the place for 500k and ended up getting 615k because of the bidding war.

Since then I've stopped stressing about shit that's outta my control, do what I can with what I can control, and almost always it all ends up working out better in the end. Oh and I always give the big guy upstairs a little thanks when shit like this happens.

>Iver never met someone that is physically fit and regularly goes out and does things in the real world(accomplishing personal goals, having relationships, enjoying the outdoors, starting businesses etc) that's a nihilist. It
Well no shit, why would a nihilist do any of those things?

In the middle of my atheist period I was walking around my town and during the walk I remembered that my grandmother didn't give me the money she promised me for Christmas and my birthday. A few minutes later I came across five $20 bills: the exact amount she would have given me. I have no doubt a creator god exists, but the culture wants to suggest otherwise. The general belief in a god is not very strong, especially when it comes to partaking in degenerate behavior. You need strong men in this material universe; not a god.

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>God could even be considered everything
>we have no connection to this God
retard warning

I'm suggesting different ideas. If you say god is everything, then he is essentially nothing because humanity and all its faults are therefore god; the shit you excrete is god. What difference does it make if a creator god exists or not? The belief is merely to comfort yourself.

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Self-improvement requires self-awareness. Self-awareness requires intellect. Society is mostly retarded.

Your argument is that if God is everything that exist, then God is nothing because he is also poo and poo is nothing. In reality, if God is everything that exists, then his full nature is beyond your comprehension, and whether this full nature of everythingness comes together as a meaningful god or meaningless chaos makes ALL the difference - even if you are unable to perceive the difference.

I said that a god could and probably does exist, but it simply doesn't matter. It is outside of our comprehension because we were never meant to comprehend it, else god would have let us comprehend him/it. We simply exist in this space and time as lowly peons and do with this space and time what we will. Life is will to power. Christianity will not be enough to fix the mess we're in. They're completely docile.

>the ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values

Unironically based.

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>pursuing passion, art, self ownership, and struggle.
>interesting how this could also be said about religion.
lol, passion are bad, art has been known to be limited by religion, you ain't your owner (god is), struggle to the fucking max. Particularly true for Abrahamic religions

>it really bothers me that atheist think this subject is just as simple as saying "dude, theres no god lol..."
Dude, if there's no god, there's no morals, no absolutes, and free will becomes real (no big plans, no predestination). If you think that being atheist is just "lol no god" you're dead wrong. That said, I think most atheist are either edgelords or not really atheist, as I have found many gnostics who think they're atheist -- we cannot know if there's a god or not, but he's existence (or lack of) is irrelevant to mere humans as if such entity/force exists, it would be incomprehensible to us (e.g. you cannot fit an infinite (god) into something finite (human brain/comprehension)

>I said that a god could and probably does exist
> but it simply doesn't matter
Pick one. You are either in cognitive dissonance or have no idea what god is supposed to be.

>It is outside of our comprehension because we were never meant to comprehend it, else god would have let us comprehend him/it.
True. Consider the possibility that you are putting too much emphasis on comprehending God and too little emphasis on living through him. You don't need to comprehend God in order to observe him in this very momment.

> We simply exist in this space and time as lowly peons and do with this space and time what we will.
This is your subjective cognitive distortion based on abstractions that have little to do with the reality that surrounds your immediate awareness. You are eliminating the importance of your own consciousness with your own thoughts, which is utterly insane behavior.

>Life is will to power. Christianity will not be enough to fix the mess we're in. They're completely docile.
God is both the life and the will. Christianity as organized form of spirituality is devoid of the substance it was formed on. Actual Christ-abiding Christianity would be one of the quickest and most benevolent ways out of this mess.

Now kiss. You are carbon copies of each other.

>citing the same argument makes us the same
open your eyes before posting

You're so wrong I don't know where to begin. The vast majority of Westerners consider themselves Christians, but the Christians have latched onto the forgiveness meme. It's done, my friend. It's over. God, as an entity cannot be seen. If he exists, he is outside of our comprehension and simply is. There is no need to dissect him/it. It is a fruitless waste of time. It will not benefit anyone. What does matter is what we can experience, and the constant struggle for the white race. You can say a god exists to the masses, but if you're shilling Christianity then that's when I stop arguing.

>I don't know where to begin.
Perhaps you should then consider your own position a bit further so you'll recognize where others stand in relation to it.

>The vast majority of Westerners consider themselves Christians, but the Christians have latched onto the forgiveness meme. It's done, my friend.
So you agree with me.

>God, as an entity cannot be seen.
Yes and no. You will never see God in his full glory. Yet you are looking at God even right now.

>There is no need to dissect him/it. It is a fruitless waste of time. It will not benefit anyone.
Good. Correct. Forget your left brained autistic tendencies to rationalize everything and move on to:

>What does matter is what we can experience,
Now you are getting to the point of the matter. God, and truth in itself, is an experience (and at that, the most objective kind), not an abstraction. You can say: oh I can't see God, I can't know God, but have you tried to experience God? Do you even understand what I'm implying? Tell your mind to shut the fuck up for a second and observe for a few minutes. Go outside the borders of your conscious comfort zone and try to pay attention to what really exists behind your thoughts, emotions and sensory perceptions - instead of merely seeing what you are expecting to see, as you have habitualized yourself into doing.

It does, because it requires a specific kind of narrowly nuanced worldview that you both innately share.

>narrowly nuanced worldview
>narrow worldview
I told you to open your eyes eurobug.
>that you both innately share.
super weak banter

>Now you are getting to the point of the matter. God, and truth in itself, is an experience (and at that, the most objective kind), not an abstraction. You can say: oh I can't see God, I can't know God, but have you tried to experience God? Do you even understand what I'm implying? Tell your mind to shut the fuck up for a second and observe for a few minutes. Go outside the borders of your conscious comfort zone and try to pay attention to what really exists behind your thoughts, emotions and sensory perceptions - instead of merely seeing what you are expecting to see, as you have habitualized yourself into doing.
>feel god m8
Now tell me how the sunrise and sunset are miracles on their own. It's like you don't understand the human limitations. But enough talking to zealots

>It's like you don't understand the human limitations
To the contrary: you did not understand my post at all.

>I told you to open your eyes eurobug.
Yes, I'm aware of the irony you are demonstrating.

What is there to understand on a zealot post with feel good vibes of "you can't feel god, but if you suggest yourself enough with my shared fantasy, you'll see what I'm talking about."

Don't worry, no one above the age of 16 except the mentally ill believe in it.

Whatever you say. You do not seem to be interested in having a conversation.

As I've said, god probably exists but it is not up to us to decipher him/it. We live in a petri dish, and the human behavior we see every day on Liveleak or in pornography gives us a glimpse into the lives of the lower class. We see murders and degenerate sexual behaviors. We see the human animal in all its smutty and violent ill repute. A god must exist for the masses, and that is all. Only strong-willed men can save us from the degeneracy we see around us. God is essentially dead for the masses. When I gain power I will bring back a religion - most likely the Hindu one that the Aryans brought to India. It makes the most sense to me.

But honestly I'm not sure from which position you're arguing. God cannot be comprehended, therefore it is fruitless to attempt to at all. Therefore god does not exist because he doesn't have to. What matters is how leaders guide humanity.

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certainly not with a zealot

>When I gain power I will bring back a religion
Sorry, thought you were being serious. See you.

Thankfully you've ended it. There is no point in arguing about gods.

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You are replying to your idea of me instead of me. Delusion.

>There is no point in arguing about gods.
There I agree with you. I was hoping to offer insight.

>not 17

you're the one who believes in sky people. the mere fact that you started replying to me by saying I'm carbon copying shows that you decided your idea of me before I even pay attention to you. but whatever floats your boat.

It's exactly the other way round. The nature of biological life itself is such that it deludes its intelligent subjects into feeling as though there is "purpose" in the world by tricking our brains with chemical cummies when we "do the good/constructive thing", whatever it is (make a baby, get money, complete the project, win the fight, etc etc etc). Biological life is itself a delusion, a self-justifying, self-replicating disease. You're simply describing a tautology of the medical community which is by definition predisposed very deeply toward the delusion-as are human instincts themselves, generally.

Nevertheless, it is possible, through pure intellection and patient reflection, to arrive at the truth of nihilism. The "petulant 16 year olds" are actually right, user, though they're not old or sophisticated enough to understand why this is so; and as we all know, they "grow out of" (really: growing into comfortable delusion) their views, providing false vindication to your corner, which I will cutely describe as "the normie worldview".

Not that any of this matters, of course. Least of all, winning some argument with you, or having taken the trouble to write this. t. 35 years old

>you're the one who believes in sky people.
I live in full acknowledgement of the existence of God. My belief operates from a position of knowledge. Your belief operates from a position of baseless speculation... or perhaps wishful thinking?

You don't really have another option.

>I found some money on the ground so the great beard man exists!

nice you left the rest of the argument out. so yeah, I believe you operates on beliefs rather than facts and reasoning.
Good you call me on wishful thinking, projecting too much? Burden of proof rests on you. Nobody can prove or disprove god and it's existence it's irrelevant to the human experience, except those who have the need to cling to something greater than them to explain why life is the way it is.

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>The nature of biological life itself is such that it deludes its intelligent subjects into feeling as though there is "purpose"
And you'd be fool not to get over this programming before you hit 12 (and then eventually return to it once your wisdom has grown to sufficient extent)
>it is possible, through pure intellection and patient reflection, to arrive at the truth of nihilism.
Ha! You'd be an idiot to stop there. You have only had your first sip of the path to Truth. What kind of journey ends to the first step? You are not afraid, are you?

>Not that any of this matters, of course.
Ah, apathy, the last refuge of a delusional anti-intellectual.

>t. 35 years old
I pity you humongously. You could've been so much more by that age. Well, not everyone has been blessed with wisdom. Perhaps you were a pedophile in your previous life and now have to suffer the consequences of remaining in a childlike state of existential idiocy.

god is nature. the creator of our natural world. deciphering god is the study of our natural world and how it functions.
god is all around us

it is a sin to waste life waiting for the after life.
what we do with our time here is how you praise god, by deed.
god is great, so be great like god. Live a glorious life.

the only laws that matter in the end are the laws of nature, god's law. Unnatural life is a sin apon god.

kill or be killed, breed or die. nature hates the weak. self genocide is unnatural. Fight to survive! Mother Earth raised us that way.

I never said that. If you really read what I wrote you will see I never said that. It was a coincidence that some might construe as an act of god.

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>nice you left the rest of the argument out.
Oh, now a conversation with hypothetical zealot suddenly interests you? What kind of maniac are you?

>I believe you operates on beliefs rather than facts and reasoning.
No, you got it wrong: that's what _I_ believe of you. Your lack of belief is based on thin air. You will be unable to demonstrate otherwise.

>Burden of proof rests on you.
What proof? I already know God exists. If you wish to prove God's existence to yourself, go ahead. Only you can help yourself. Don't be helpless.

> Nobody can prove or disprove god you. Except you yourself. But you have already chosen not to (perhaps it scares you), so what now? Complain? Fallacy? Ad hom? Go ahead. Show the wormly state of your cognitive ability.

>all the richest and most powerful people on this planet believe it

Wealth and power wane over time, and it is a very short amount of time in the grand scheme of things. Of course, I would not expect an Israeli to understand this.

>What kind of maniac are you?
the kind that browses Jow Forums and wastes his times discussing mindless topics with zealots.

>No, you got it wrong: that's what _I_ believe of you. Your lack of belief is based on thin air. You will be unable to demonstrate otherwise.
>No U argument

>I already know God exists.
so do other maniacs

>> Nobody can prove or disprove god
> you. Except you yourself.
>suggest yourself to the belief of god
man is this boring. but replying to you is more like gag reflex.

> I already know God exists

>so do other maniacs

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Disprove nihilism without relying on supernatural stuff.

>>No U argument
You copied my assertino. I pointed this out. Then you have the audacy to accuse me of copying you? *KIKE WARNING* *PILPUL AHEAD*

>man is this boring.
I agree. You are sickeningly uncreative. God was not easy on Mexicans.

>but replying to you is more like gag reflex.
That's actually love you feel in your chest. I'm a lovable person.

>disprove my cognitive distortion
How about you help yourself?

Direct experience.

nihilism is a conclusion, not a belief. behind every christcuck is a nihilist

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>You copied my assertino
kek, you opened your argument like that, with a preconception of me. But I cannot expect you to understand this when you life is based on dogmas

>God was not easy on Mexicans
Just another shit creation from a perfect being, hope he didn't give you slanted eyes and they're just shut.

>That's actually love you feel in your chest. I'm a lovable person.
I'm sure you are, had more free meals from guys like that I can remember

So you saw him, felt him, heard him? How do you know it was god?
You’re posing anecdotal evidence from a single subjective source, rather difficult to call it proof

I know monism and you referencing it did nothing to add to or disprove my claim. Please elaborate.

>kek, you opened your argument like that, with a preconception of me. But I cannot expect you to understand this when you life is based on dogmas
The difference is that my preconception was accurate and earned. Yours is inaccurate and unprovoked. You are like a small dog who barks at the big dog just because the big dog is big. Please stop it. It hurts my delicate ears. I'm a peaceful dog, you are not going to anger me.

>Just another shit creation from a perfect being, hope he didn't give you slanted eyes and they're just shut.
The inferior being you are, you don't realize that it would demonstrate imperfectness not to be able to create imperfection. Humans being perfect would point towards a flaw in a perfect being.

>I'm sure you are, had more free meals from guys like that I can remember
Well I'm not giving you free anything. Even these words come with a price that you will discover at a later date (hint: stay home on september 27th. Lock doors and windows if possible).

>So you saw him, felt him, heard him? How do you know it was god?
I experienced and identified him as the ultimate source of my immediate existence.

>You’re posing anecdotal evidence from a single subjective source, rather difficult to call it proof
I'm posing nothing. You so much want me to make a conclusive argument about Gods existence. Tough luck - I won't. You will prove God to yourself. Or you won't do it. It's beyond the control of me or anyone else.

Nihilism is but a step.

That’s a rather unspecific answer. If you can’t prove it to anyone how do you know it’s not a hallucination?
>I’m posing nothing
Then what haven you been writing 20+ posts for?

>If you can’t prove it to anyone how do you know it’s not a hallucination?
I can't even prove to you that I'm not your imagination and you have no problem with it. Whence the double standard?

>Then what haven you been writing 20+ posts for?
Why not?

This is some spooky shit right here. Philosophy is a set of lenses in which you can view different problems to find different solutions you're supposed to look at a problem you or society faces from multiple phylosophical points of view and find the best solution for that situation. Dismissing any philosophy out of hand is just limiting your own mind and ability to fully understand the world for no real reason.

This user gets it. It's like my truck. It's been having issues lately. Serious issues. I just had to rebuild the transmission. It was a slap in the face at first, but then I remember that I have plans to head south this winter, and the fact of the matter is, it's better that it breaks down now while I'm here, comfortable, and making money, than in a strange place when I'm near broke and penniless. Upsets and disruptions are blessings in disguise. Fretting over them is a waste of time. Suck it up, fix them, and move on.