Former moderate conservative turned hard liberal. Ask me anything

Former moderate conservative turned hard liberal. Ask me anything.

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Are werewolves real?


Are niggers real?

What socioeconomic class are you

>All green IDs

Lower middle class I guess.

How serious was the brain damage?

Do you dildo your ass?

Get the fuck out of here you orange scum.


when are you coming to take my guns. i'm sick of waiting for boogerlube

Which do you prefer sucking? White dick, nigger dick, Asian dick, or sandnigger dick?

Never, I am not a gun taker, but the longer gun owners drag their feet on basic gun reform the more people will move from the gun reform camp to take guns camp.
I am straight.

Are you from reddit? If so, why are you here?

I am not. I dont even know how to use reddit. I remember first coming to Jow Forums before /v/ even existed looking for OS-Tan images.

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Do you suck dicks?


Why not? You sound gay

Cause I am not gay. What about me sounds gay?

Wat dat mouf do ?

>hard liberal
Little 'L' liberal? That term has so many interpretations around here that it's meaningless.
What do you actually believe?

Do you have to wear a helmet now to protect the place where you sustained the head injury?

you arent american, so basically a poor maybe even a scummy poor.

Thats way more complicated than is warranted on Jow Forums. What point would you like me to expand on.
Thats a loaded question user, I have never had a head injury.

I am American though.

What country are you posting from? Have you always sucked cocks or did you just recently start?

America. Tennessee to be more specific. Why ask the same question that has already been asked twice?

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>OP was a moderate conservative
I'll take Things That Never Happened for $500, Alex

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Something that tells us more than "I'm a hard liberal". That alone means fuck all.

I suppose I'll ask the real question: What changed?

>green ID

He was asking about your brain damage, not how many IQ points you have left.

All teenagers here it seems

>basic gun reform
cuck detected
focus more on nigger reform faggot

>turned hard liberal
>now attends Standard Fuck Parties

the fact is they DID ruin your chances.

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80% of americans identify as middle class. How fucking poor are you?

Do you, as a fag, feel that you are out of place in tennessee?

Moderate conservatives are liberals. nothing changed.