I don't want to be forced to watch white women, i'm not boomer, i'm not stormfag...

I don't want to be forced to watch white women, i'm not boomer, i'm not stormfag, i feel disgust of being forced to watch white women in everything

I want tv shows, movies, media, with hot white men and hot/cute asian women as normal happy couple in some action or something good, i want white women removed, related to shit, marginalized, everything that was made against white men being made in were would hurt more the white women pride, self-esteem, confort zone, lobby, Or white men with attractive black women? And the non-white women lusting and seeking for the hot white male and the men of their own races like losers like was produced with white men with white women doing these narratives for the men of other race for years?

Would be better if have a scene of white women being ugly and inferior for asian women, the white women jealous, the white women completely removed and not inserted in the middle of white men and asian women to try to sell white women confident and try to remove novelty when USA industries always worked to boycott white men and non-white women, keep white women as center of attention and celebrated with men of other race while invented racial cuckold tv shows, media, porn, narrative with white women being the only race used against men of own race and working to lower sexual market of men of own race and keep white men as inferior locked in white women laughing of the men of own race being loser jokes for the men of other race while white women is keep in racial pedestal in american

Why the white male can't be sexy, hot, constantly with the best pure blood cute pretty asian chick, non-white women, without the white women, i do not want the white women, is disgusting be forced to watch white women again and again all times and white women being the white people who is keep above women of all other races, the narrative is anti-white male and white women praise

Is disgusting be forced to watch white women after years of anti-white male

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how about sicilian women

Attached: francesca chillemi.png (898x557, 1.2M)

Thank you for making this one a little more intelligible huenigger

That’s because you’re a faggot, OP.

Fuck off and go live in China or Africa then


That's obviously bait.

Shabbat Shalom brother, keep fighting the good fight

I want constant all time hot white men with hot attractive asian chick, maybe even black women too, only non-white women in general, is much hoter and better white men and non-white women

And white women had the advantage of being for years the only white people celebrated, the white people who USA tried to invent race card, the white women being the only race of women used to lower sexual market and relate men of own race with shit while try to put the own disgusting white women as gift or trophy for the men of own race when the white women was used to lower men of own race and keep them as losers and locked in white women

I want to watch white women representated as ugly and inferior for asian women and white men, i want to watch only media, movies, porn exclusively and only with hot asian, black, non-white women without the white women being inserted, i want everything that was made against white men, being made against white women and non-white men who enjoyed to see the white having their sexual market castrated, promoted as cuck loser race non treatening non-dominant men who their scenes were forced to be with white women only, who white men and non-white women always were boycotted, who the scenes of whit emales were made to be drama, without sex, 2 seconds of white men kissing some woman and coming back for the lonely asexual narrative

I want to see tv shows, media, ads, of mockery of white women as inferior for asian women, black women, i want to see white men and non-white women against men of own race showed as losers and jealous of white men and non-white women like the asian incels, the nigger men, the men of other race

I want constantly high quality best porn with the best white male of big white cock, sometimes more than one white male, being lusted with the best asian women, black women, seeking for the white male, and producing racial cuckold scenes sometimes against men of own race

I wanted this constantly for at least 15 or 30 yeas

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got to admit the negress there has a nice body but would likely produce low iq violent off spring

the chinky also looks nice but would produce a potential supreme gentleman

just stick to white women long term