Stop killing animals, you degenerate scum

Stop killing animals, you degenerate scum.
Eat rice, bread, vigitables, eggs, oats, cheese, etc, but stop eating meat!

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bread is fucking terrible for you

Killing and eating animals and lifting weights is my religion. I believe that through slaughter of animals and enduring physical hardships, my Gods will bless me with strong muscles and good fortune.

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I never had meat before, and I’m 6’3.

That's because you're retarded, sweetie.

meat too


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factory farming is cruel and very non-whiteEuropean

I like eating meat.
I find it tasty.
I won't stop.

Not really, when balanced with plenty of fiber.

What about taking a cow that I own to a local butcher??

Cruelty of weaker beings pleases the Gods. In fact, everything weaker than me should be killed.

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We were meant to eat meat and animal products. Eating preys/herbivores to get the nutrients from the plants they eat that we can't properly digest. Veggies should always be cooked, not raw, to break down the fibres. Plant protein is their defense mechanism. It's toxic. Fruits should be occasional. Fuck carbs in general, wheat, oats and legumes. Fuck you memeflag.

>Stop killing animals, you degenerate scum.

Life survives by consuming life -- you just think you're morally superior because you eat things that can't run away.

Oh, and fuck off -- I'm at the top of the food chain and I'll eat whatever the hell I want to eat.

those pigs look just like you user. I even dream of eating you while I'm eating them.

good luck with Colorectal cancer

Its also just low quality food. I wish I had direct farm to butcher hookups

You have no power here, kike.
Count yourself lucky jews aren't edible.

>Count yourself lucky jews aren't edible.
Yes, but if you sacrifice them to a river, you will be granted safe passage.

imagine being this bluepilled on diet
dietery science is moving past your pseudoscientific horseshit
nobody here will fall for your cognitive dissonance attempts
leave, shill

people who eat animals have no soul and are not white.

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user, I...

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No. Pork is yummy.

sounds gay
this thread is gay

The reason you "feel good" after eating meat is because the animals know they're going to die and adrenaline is pumped through their blood.

>I don't know how to shit, so I assume that nobody else does either
The funniest part, some of those methods you were showing were the most humane way to kill any living thing, designed specifically to avoid the horrible torture you claim we're doing.

Also, in the wild, those things grow tusks, will kill you, and eat you in the same afternoon, and literally do it again tomorrow.
You have no idea what you're telling me to do, and you don't want to.


I killed my first chicken at 9.

You have to live a pretty sheltered life to be shocked with an animal being killed. fucking basedboys

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Kek, I'd love to see the look on your face as I piss on your little voodoo nigger altar.

>vigitables are great

You're welcome for protecting Germany from the -pre-WWII communist invasion. No need to thank us, you already removed enough jews. The descendants of Goths and Sarmations can destroy anyone if they worked together. Roman empire? Jewish-American empire? They're nothing. Start larping. Start killing weak animals. Then move to parasites in your society. Dehumanize and face to bloodshed.

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idgaf, it's just larping. Burn effigy churches. Burn real churches. Tolerate no religion that tolerates racemixing.

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So all carnivores die of rectal cancer?

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