This kills the refugees welcome shill

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Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft

East Germany is based since the dawn of time. So glad that Ivan was so nice to teach Germans to still be proud of their nation but to not be too much racist towards others. Kinda cute desu

Attached: Monika.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

Fuck off commie kikes.
All communists leaders were jews

>East Germany is based since the dawn of time
No shit, it's all Slavic. Germans are cuckbait.

Attached: east_germany_is_slavia.jpg (1095x561, 194K)

Here are some of the statements in the publication "The Business Case for Migration." (Why migration is good for business), published in 2013 by the Global Agenda Council on Migration of the World Economic Forum after two years of consultation with each other, with governments and with so-called civil society:

>Migration is good for business.
>Political parties that promise to limit and control immigration are a problem. They hurt the economy.
>Development agencies promote migration.
>Today, migration should no longer be understood as a relationship between the individual and the state, but as a relationship between the individual and the employer, mediated through the state.
>The World Economic Forum has formed a public-private coalition to promote migration.
>State and civil society want to establish a welcome culture in partnership with the private sector.

This is the reason europe is flooded with noggers and muzzies.
Spread this!!!



>t. trotskyite puppet faggot with a memeflag
Fuck off Trotsky, you are already fucking dead when Stalin mined your head. Also, in order to be a Jew, you need to believe in YHWH, not to be a Jew by blood. That is like saying that a trans female is a male because XY chromosomes, which on itself is actually autistic, like ok, it's a biological male, so what? How does it make it actually male if he does not posses any of the traits that many men have in common? Plus use the pronoun "she" because it is actually pretty weird for retards like you who believe in alpha beta male hierarchy to call a someone who literally cut her dick off a "male".

Also, have you ever heard of Bezbozhnik?

this is common knowledge tho

They are still Germans culturally, nation isn't exactly defined by the default people who invented the culture, but by the all people who maintained that same culture. So these slavs are actually real germans.

>Muh economy
Another proof why Capitalism needs to be fucking abolished with any kind of Socialism.

fucking based

what's the source for the map on the left?


lol show this with crime map

your mom. btw, most arsons go unsolved.

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>And the refugees can too still be Germans culturally!
You're German by blood or not at all.

what the fuck does the slavrunes on the right say

>They are still Germans culturally, nation isn't exactly defined by the default people who invented the culture,
A nation its race. You lose your race, you lose your nation. See: United States, all of Western Europe.


(federal republic of germany)- west germany
and (german democratic republic) - east germany

>Muh blood
Fuck off with that nigger tier reasoning, faggot. Nation is defined as a group of people who support the values and culture of people who originally invented it. With that being said, you cannot claim that the Germans who are mostly bluepilled cucks to be German, while dismissing the Eastern Germans as slavic subhumans simply because of their blood. That is like saying for example to the child who had abusive parents to be his parents, like nigga no, are you fucking ok?
Still, I would not advocate for forced immigration.

I don't know, someone burned all of my books. Aushcwitz was really a summer camp. Everyone did drugs and had a great time. Hitler threw a really great party.

Attached: nazi_book_burning.png (1000x592, 564K)


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It's basically just saying "GDR and FDR" alongside with "Germaniya".

I think the issue is that non whites can never be german, ossis who have some distant slavic ancestry, having been assimilated centuries before, are fully german, and yet, black africans never can be

Completely inexplicable why there's nearly no mosques in the Russian owned territory. It must have been the evil Russian mentality imposed on East Germany.

>Black africans never can be
Debatable to be quite honest, I mean you are partially correct, they cannot be considered fully German because of their blood, however, I would be surprised to see if most of them converted to their culture and with a course of several decades, they make some form of history and contributions, and thus become Germans. Of course, this is just a hypothesis, not sure if they are going to do that or not, but it works for all races.

And remember that some of the first books banned by Nazi Germany were Jewish promotions for transgenderism

The initial influx of muslims was under the west german gastarbeiter program, which was a capitalist scheme to get more workers into the country, this established the foothold.

Hitler came to power for no reason at all. I learned that in holocaust class.

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>Russian evil mentality
>Implying that burning empowering hijabs and blowing up churches is evil
Nah, they just purified the brain out of the shit the people had so there is no more autistic religious conflicts.

Pretty much this. Technically anyone's descendents can become a certain ethnicity. However, it would take an African like 8 generations or something ridiculous to integrate. This only works if the country being assimilated to maintains a strong original majority too and the ethnicity integrating is statisticaly tiny. Mass migration from an outside ethnicity, especially non-european, makes integration impossible. Instead the countries ethnicity will be mixed to the point where it becomes something new.
Tldr: mass nigger immigration is impossible if you want to keep Germany German.

kill yourself nigger

>saying n*gga

fuck off nigger

they can't become germans at all nigger. maybe in a 1000 generations intermixing with germans where there is only trace nigger blood

Insults are not arguments, faggot.

>there are still people who think white genocide is a conspiracy theory

just saying that you're a nigger. why you're saying that by me saying that you're a black african is an insult? don't be racist, jamal

would smell brown sicilian feet desu

Attached: francesca chillemi.png (898x557, 1.2M)

I am not talking about blood though, plus the blood should not be a necessary a factor to determine a nation, neither should we force other people to accept tons of people with different cultures.

>brown eyes
it's not even human

why don't you like cute, mud colored sicilian girl feet?

Perfect for stepping on grapes and making wine.

Attached: francescachillemii.jpg (1236x1622, 256K)

he is right, it is a shame, but the immigration-policy is the only part about the AfD's programm I agree with. Unfortunatly that is also the only thing you dont find in any other party.

I cant realy compromise on any party. Convince me to vote AfD, despite disagreing with them on Eu and enviromental/climate politics

Even airbrushed, it couldn't pass for attractive.

>everyone who has brown eyes is not human
>Aka around 80% of the world population
No different from a Jew, you are just a goyim who looks up to Jews because how fucking based they are, and how you as a white man in order to beat your daddy master, you have to hate on every single person you think is "non white" if they do not have blue eyes.


will keep posting sicilian feet

Attached: francesca.jpg (640x640, 146K)

no that they're not human, but they wouldn't be white. although of course that doesn't mean they're garbage, there are "whites" with black eyes that can be absolutely based. but a tier below that you get in a dangerous territory

>Convince me to vote AfD, despite disagreing with them on Eu and enviromental/climate politics

Lurk moar

I don't have to stop at just hating jews. I can hate subhuman slavs that racemixed with gypsies and arabs too.

Why does the eye color even matter to you fuck heads to begin with? Are you literally LARPing as those Hollywood nazis or are you being serious here? Pfft, if so, then please fuck off, I don't have time to debate with Hollywood nazis who believe that everyone should be exterminated who does not have blue eyes
>INB4 but I never said that
Yet the (((Shlomo))) never said anything about importing all that diversity will bring us death either, so why should I trust you to begin with

her feet are white.

Attached: Francesca-Chillemi-Feet-820397.jpg (1600x1065, 183K)

Still no better than a Jew, faggot. Admit it yourself
>Cries how his nation is being genocided and that ethnostate is needed = Jewish tactic
>Hates on all people who are not white, even Southern Europeans and slavs in general = Jewish hatred of humans
>Does not race mixing at all, although it has been shown that the Jews have got over 100 genetically inherent diseases because of their obsession for racial purity
What else did I miss, Shlomo?

>Still no better than a Jew, faggot.
Wrong. I admit I don't like jews and brown eyed people, and wouldn't cry if they were all killed. I openly state this. A jew never does this. He is dishonest and hides his intentions. This separates the humans from the jews.

never said they needed to be exterminated you nigger. and you don't need to tell mem you're not white

also, expanding my previous answer, yes, around 90% of the people in this world are absolutely garbage that needed to be purged. people with 120IQ should be encouraged to have kids. that would solve the alleged "overpopulation" in the world and would get us rid of all the undesirables

>Nation is defined as a group of people who support the values and culture of people who originally invented it
Honestly... cringe. Muh values, values change blood stays.

wanting an ethnostate is a jewish tactic? how retarded are you, nigger?

non whites are generally retarded, that is a fact. asians are honorary whites, remember. now let's see what's left in the world....

SA = continent full of mutts, no wonder it's garbage

africa = an ENTIRE continent of niggers. absolutely garbage

middle east = needless to say, it's garbage

your point?

>Wrong. I admit I don't like jews and brown eyed people, and wouldn't cry if they were all killed
Literally a jewish behavior towards white people, so what's the point here?
>A jew never does this. He is dishonest and hides his intentions. This separates the humans from the jews.
Wrong, that separates humans from lying pricks like you and jews. You should know that people like you do not actually support Free Speech to begin with, let's face it, you always use that shitty argument "muh freedom of speech" like you are a fucking kike being persecuted, and once you are not, you strike back.

>wanting an ethnostate is a jewish tactic
It is the reason why Jews hate us you fuckhead, plus ethnonationalism is based upon the hatred of others
This is what the LARPing kike who wants to save Europe says. Seriously, you should know that reason why I hate Jews is because of their ultranationalistic dogma hidden behind the happy colors of faggot multiculturalism, and the only difference between you and a jew is that you are openly honest, yet still need to hide in this shithole like a true Jew you are.

Of course, I am not saying you should import shitton of other people from other countries. Just don't be a fucking dick to others, or else you behave like a jew.

no, being a ethnoationalist does not mean you hate other races. just that you recognize that they need live apart from each other

race nationalist = cool with other races

race supremacists = that's what you're talking about, you despise other races and want to enslave them, if possible

no, the reason to hate kikes is not because they want an ethnostate (this is a lie since israel is multicultural), but because they subvert every single country they come in contact with

>no, being a ethnoationalist does (((not mean you hate other races))). just that you recognize that they need live apart from each other
>((does not mean you hate other races)))
>literally shitted on "niggers" 5 mins ago
OK Jew. I am officially reporting your fucking ass, hope you enjoy the ban.

niggers are absolutely garbage. can you deny that?

also you're a nigger, right? getting so defensive, jesus

are you new on pol? to hate niggers is to live and breathe pol. and that's because they're garbage, low IQ, violent and prone to savagery

Depends on what do you mean "nigger". I mean, you could be talking about Africans, but considers how Jow Forums likes to brand everything it doesn't like a nigger or a jew, I really doubt you are here using that word to specify on only certain group of people, rather to actually refer to any kind of person who has mixed DNA in more percentage or less. All of that because you responded very strangely to my post, calling me a nigger for defending "slavic subhumans" and other stuff.

Well with your kind of fucking attitudes, you cannot be really classified as "ethnonationalist" according to your own definition, but rather just a jew in general.

and everything is a kike for you. kill yourself, nigger

Attached: 7fd.jpg (1104x927, 232K)

Where not white fren :(
t. Jew Yorker

lots of cute sicilian girls there with mud colored feet.

Attached: Francesca-Chillemi-Feet-4470135.jpg (1095x1344, 1.01M)

Not by me, all Chinese. Your people moved out when they started moving in.

so you are in favor of brown sicilian feet?

Attached: sicilian girlfeetss.jpg (275x744, 49K)

based AS FUCK, great speech

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The bulk of those populations was established since prehistorical times. Some may have become slavs, others german, other celt then german, other slav then german... but in the end an east-german will always be closer to a west-german, a pole and a czech than to an ukrainian.

kys footfag

french love stinky girl feet.

Attached: brown french girl.jpg (850x1258, 116K)