Should divorced parents be legally forced to pay a 50k fine to their children for fucking up their childhood?

should divorced parents be legally forced to pay a 50k fine to their children for fucking up their childhood?

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I like this idea.

>giving people with a fucked up childhood money

In case of a divorce the kids should be executed because they are the end result of a mixture that was proven to have not worked out


>itt: spot the kids with divorced parents

I think the mother should, yes. Divorce should be illegal though

Why? It would fall on the father in the divorce settlement and he’s get fucked twice as hard, why not have compensation to the man for a broken contract?

My parents have been married for 35 years. Still think divorce is degenerate and child abuse.

i would say 50/50 ALWAYS
of course this could hurt the innocent parent, but it ensures that the guilty parents always has to pay 25k

A family should never divorce until the children grow up and move out of the house.

Since we're already talking impossible hypotheticals, obviously we should also ban alimony and this fine should only be paid by the party initiating the divorce.

In order to be legally allowed to have children you should have to obtain a child license. Only requirement for this license is to pay 100 thousand dollars. This money would then be put into an interest generating account. Once the child turns 18 the money will become theirs to do whatever they want with.

so they can do what?
buy drugs, alcohol and other immediate gratifications to numb their sense of reality before they either OD or wind up in prison?

Just ban welfare for single mothers. Does the same thing but cheaper. An actual incentive for parents to stay together.

fuck off. the whole point is to punish the parents and to give the child some compensation.
parents need to feel consequences of their irresponsibility.

this is good

This. I'm a fucked up adult caused in big part by my parents divorcing when I was 4/5. Money won't fix my brain and I'll piss that money away quick enough.

I think children should legally abort their mothers until they're 25.

This could only serve to hurt White people, kike.
Niggers do not consider any kind of consequence, they are literally incapable of doing so (they did not evolve to prepare for winter because there is no winter in Africa), and they will have 80 kids with 30 women without even spending a single second thinking about this consequence, they also will not have a job and live entirely off welfare so this money could not be collected.
This is an anti-White suggestion and I suspect it comes from Jewish origin, go fuck yourself.

they wouldn't have divorced if they had faced a heavy financial punishment

Yes they will, and read

i wont read your nonsense pothead


Okay Jude

For that to be legal, would-be parents would have to be licensed to procreate and, upon birth of the child, enter into a binding 18 year contract predicated by the existence of the aforementioned "procreation" license. Otherwise, it would never hold up in court.

Make the first two things happen and we can talk about the third. And, no, I do not disagree on principle as it would require both parties to have 50K in liquid assets on hand to be able to be licensed. That would solve many problems. And it would open the door to many new ones.

Shouldn't the mother have to pay as it's usually their fault.

Alternatively, the payment could be a legal requirement of divorce.
Either way, in reality you'd simply have couples separate in secret and never remarry - they might reconcile more easily though.

What an excelent idea.
For the moment, children could attempt suing their parents for compensation.

The children should live with the father, then their lives would not be fucked up.
Women are useless irresponsible parasites and cannot raise children.

Not as long as there is no fault divorce. Bring back a system of divorce where one of the two parents is clearly wrong, or clearly want to leave with no real justification other than "muh feels" and I would be amenable to the idea.

As it stands, with no fault divorce, it is usually the woman who leaves and the man STILL has to pay alimony and child support. Fuck getting sued or having to pay the kid 50k once a man has already been screwed out of the kid's life and the chance to be a dad.

this is even better

Jesus said divorce is a major sin.

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calm down incel


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no, there should be no thing such as alimony either

if a parent doesnt want a kid and the women keeps it to term I think the father shouldnt be mandated to pay for anything either

I think more up to date orphanages should also be built for kids to go if born into families that have no way of taking care of them or have no ability to provide for them. also think some people shouldnt be allowed to reproduce unless certified

Divorce needs to be made harder.

I dont think so. Divorce sucks but it's an avenue for perhaps a better life for everyone involved. All this fine will do is force people who hate each other to stay married and probably end up either killing each other or the whole family. Giving a kid or a fresh 18 year old 50k isn't exactly a great idea to begin with.

no it’s your own fault for being a fucking failure, stop coping and man up to your problems

We can all agree that, if you want to have a children, you need to first, have an investigation on your finances, and then receive a parenting card

Depends on the perpetrator and the cause of divorce.

Man divorces woman (because he is mentally ill and divorced his wife even though she was good) -> Man pays
Man divorces woman (because she displays slutty behaviour) -> Woman pays
Woman divorces man -> Woman pays
Both parties agree on divorce -> Both pay (an even higher amount because they didn't have any legitimate reason for their divorce and were too weak mentally to care for their child)

1) then why are they together in the first place
2) then why did they have children
3) then why shouldn't they be forced to get their shit together and to fix their broken relationship? you can fix everything with enough talking and understanding each other.
4) if they regret fixing why should the child be punished for it and not the parents? they should get punished for hurting their child by not confroting the problems that need to be fixed.

> there should be no thing such as alimony either
So if a housewife is beat by her husband daily she should only have the options of staying with him or living on her own with no employable skills?


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>if they regret fixing
*if they refuse to fix it

You chose to spread your legs.

>Refusing to accept the consequences of one's past actions
This mindset is nigger-tier.

I dont recall a women having no skills out of volition, you choose the life you live

>1) then why are they together in the first place
>2) then why did they have children
It's entirely possible for someone to change as a person in the 10-20 years it takes to get married and raise children
>3) then why shouldn't they be forced to get their shit together and to fix their broken relationship? you can fix everything with enough talking and understanding each other.
Most people are incapable of the rational sort of conversation you're proposing
>4) if they regret fixing why should the child be punished for it and not the parents? they should get punished for hurting their child by not confroting the problems that need to be fixed.
I'd imagine most of the damage from divorce comes from the parents loudly arguing with each other and displaying open resentment for one another after the separation. I don't think people who do such things around their own children should ever have been parents in the first place

>husband beating wife
you could also sue for you know being beaten

Why is it the state's responsibility? Cunts should look carefully at the quality of the men they marry.


and no, my parents never divorced

Yep. Like I said, it would open the door to so many new problems and - from your thoughts - solutions.

I do wonder what the "legal" standing of children born of unlicensed parents would be. Would they be qualified for public schools? Would they qualify for civil service? Would there be benefits to it?

This is all actually a pretty interesting concept. Too bad it didn't garner much attention.

This is a nice idea but the money will probably never get to the child

Should be more for niggers. We gotta end this vicious cycle of reproductive failure. A Final Solution....

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Real feels coming.

Look, I'm a child of divorce and I'm not a against divorce per se. I'm against what happens AFTER divorce. In my case my father pretend I didn't exist, my mom too never talked about it and pretended it never happened. Her new bf was abusive towards me too. This really destroy your fucking soul man.

Divorce would be ok if people would behave normal and civilized afterwards: fathers still writing their kids letters etc. in my case this shit never happened. I'm not only a kid of divorce I migrated to Germany too, it is irrelevant which country, , so I had to ingegrate, to learn all the stuff without ever, EVER having a father telling me he is proud of me or telling me what to do or not to do. I achieved so fucking much but you can't understand how it feels seeing how guys who had it a lot easier enjoy 2x the love and pride and you feel 24/7 like a subhuman even if there is no real reason to.

I'm a very loyal person. I would die for my best friends or family. This is why divorce hit me especially hard. It is anti-human and ultimately anti-white and anti-civilization. I can never look the same at my parents not becaues they divorced but because how they treated me AFTER the divorce. Perferring not to interacting to not bruise their fucking egos instead of doing what needs to be done. Fuck my parents. I hope these subhumans rot in fucking hell.

This is a great idea.

I hope your parents get the punishment they deserve. They should be forced to pay even more if they don't care for their child.

I THINK there should be something called a license to breed.

problem solved.

The only way natural selection can work is by allowing individuals to make mistakes, and for the mistakes to be corrected in future generations. If every individual that did something wrong hadn't procreated, mankind wouldn't exist.

>I'm not a against divorce per se
this is just a cope. take that from someone who also has divorced parents. you only think that way because you want to prevent the trouble it would cause to confront your parents about this. so you became accepting of it because they literally forced you to accept it.
just ask yourself, if you had a wife and would get a child. would you ever divorce? even if you lose sexual interest in her or if you don't feel love for her anymore. would you try to get closer to her again and reignite the relationship or would you just leave? me personally, i would always try to find out why the relationship doesn't work anymore. and i'm 100% sure you can always have close feelings again if you just are mature enough to figure out what's missing. usually it's when partners don't talk anymore. and if that happens it just takes responsibility to start talking. most often they don't talk because some topic is uncomfortable. so what, that's your job, talk about it even if you disagree and if it makes you uncomfortable or hurts your comfort zone.
what if your wife just leaves without trying? then hey, she should pay 50k to her child or any other punishment that makes her suffer for her immaturity.

Yes. Then they would stay married. And having to stay married, they would grow up and work it out.

And in other cases, it would motivate people to work harder so they could afford that 50k.

The money should go into a fund...but for what?

>but for what?
doesn't matter. even if the child just wastes it. the whole point is punishment.

The state should be forced, for allowing divorce without good cause. Failing that, the insistent party should never get custody.

Ya not original aussie. It means sterilization for mentally deficient etc. Originally a policy of the left to break the cycles of poverty in the slums

The money should go directly to the child, and only to the child, because he/she is the victim.

Be careful with that loyalty. You have that because you've been betrayed. Always remember that loyalty is earned and not given. If you give it - and if people know you'll give it - for nothing more than it "being how you are", they'll break your heart. Every. Fucking. Time.

Better to be loyal to your own values and to be silent in the face of baytrayl. But learn. Always learn. And never, ever tell someone that you are "loyal". Non-broken people don't have to do that. You shouldn't, either, but because you are broken.

how much married parents have to pay for fucking up Their children?

Ya, but look how that decimated the good men of Germany Britain France and Russia in the great wars. The best and bravest died.
Just a tragedy. No more brother wars.

>It means sterilization for mentally deficient

i dont think so. properly managed with plenty fo warning it would improve things greatly.

I agree on this one. I think WWII is the reason why Germans are so weak nowadays, because all the strong ones have died out. We're brothers and I will defend every White American's right to live with my blood.