Sick fucks would eat our pets.
Why the FUCK do we want to Trade with China?
Other urls found in this thread:
The fall of communism just opened up the labor markets to billions of people. We didn't win anyway.
We should just freeze all transactions of outstanding treasuries and declare them null and void !!!
its why you tolerated them stealing your shit so long
Those vids of Chinese cookin dogs alive....fuckin evil.
You trade with isis and they throw people off roofs
Money doesn't smell
But the consumer demands cheap garbage and Christmas is coming.
Consume next product.
wtf do you think they think of us? They keep niggers as pets and we fuck them
>*goes back to eating pigs raised in their own shit and subjected to a lifetime of abuse*
This. Fuck it, we print the gold. USA USA USA
Hey faggot smoked pork butt is godly
>americans do the same things!!!
Maybe but have you ever had Golden Retriever kebabs? Mmmm
>b-but what about americans??
Don't Chinks have some sort of ideology where they don't even view animals as emotional creatures and just think they are food?
god damn, I couldn't do that to any animal and I'm a fuckin cattle rancher
No way i am clicking that shit
Roll and bet on whether africans will eat chinks or chinks will eat africans first when mass starvation comes.
>whether africans will eat chinks or chinks will eat africans first when mass starvation comes.
The truth about Chinese people.
compassion is for womens
The truth about Chinese history.
The truth about Chinese homogeneity.
The truth about Chinese inventions.
The truth about Chinese culture.
The truth about Chinese food.
That's vibrant cultural diversity bruh ?
# mass immigration
Ill keep that in mind when i feed you to a pack of dogs.
anything on 4 legs is only worth being food
>Unironically believing all this shit
Yeah because pigs have helped us like dogs have, fuck off you wannabe absolute fucking cunts
That is something I have never understood. The desire from normies for trade, especially mainstream conservatives is perplexing. We should reserve western markets for western goods and refuse to trade with the yellow subhumans.
they're not bringing the jobs back to USA, they're just sending them to a more pliable ZOG ally like India.
>money doesn’t smell
I bet you can smell a penny from a mile away you fucking desert rat
>"After the fall of the Han dynasty, the northern half of China was repeatedly conquered by various foreign invaders for almost 300 years during a time of total chaos and suffering."
This is referring to:
"The Sixteen Kingdoms"
>The term Sixteen Kingdoms traditionally denotes the plethora of short-lived non-Chinese dynasties that from 303 came to rule the whole or parts of northern China. Many ethnic groups were involved, including ancestors of the Turks (such as the Xiongnu, possibly related to the Huns of late Roman history, and the Jie), the Mongolians (Xianbei), and the Tibetans (Di and Qiang).
"Northern Wei"
>Wei dynasty, Chinese in full (Pinyin) Bei Wei or (Wade-Giles romanization) Pei Wei, English Northern Wei, also called Tabgatch or (Pinyin) Tuoba, (386–534/535 ce), the longest-lived and most powerful of the northern Chinese dynasties that existed before the reunification of China under the Sui and Tang dynasties. The Wei dynasty was founded by Tabgatch (Tuoba) tribesmen who, like many of the nomads inhabiting the frontiers of northern China, were of uncertain origin. Their language was basically Turkic, and scholars presume that their ancestry can be traced to proto-Turkic, proto-Mongol, or Xiongnu peoples. In any case, the Tuoba were non-Han Chinese, and their conquests of the small, weak North China states in the late 4th century were clearly regarded as foreign invasions.
>By 439, the Bei Wei had secured their territories from attack and unified all of North China.
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
Normies are NPC's, the people who control them have nothing to do with 'us'.
'Mainstream' anything is pure filth.
Okay, now this is epic.
Can I get the link to the original video? Keep seeing tons of memes with him and want to see the whole thing
It's sad the Japanese are next on the cutting block.
>Jews literally eat your babies
>Jews literally smear your baby dicks into their faces
>Chinese turn the $oyboy of the animal kingdom the dog an inbred retard wolf genetically cucked to submit to the dumbest bimbo and beta manlets into meat
The History and Geography of Human Genes: Abridged paperback Edition
By Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi, Alberto Piazza
Hailed as a breakthrough in the understanding of human evolution, The History and Geography of Human Genes offers the first full-scale reconstruction of where human populations originated and the paths by which they spread throughout the world. By mapping the worldwide geographic distribution of genes for over 110 traits in over 1800 primarily aboriginal populations, the authors charted migrations and devised a clock by which to date evolutionary history. This monumental work is now available in a more affordable paperback edition without the myriad illustrations and maps, but containing the full text and partial appendices of the authors' pathbreaking endeavor.
Chinese are a menace to society, they are buying all property in western countries and raising housing property values everywhere.
They are trying to corrupt South Korean, Japanese, and Philippine politics in order to steal the trade in the eastern hemisphere. Say no to the red menace.
He is holding a bag with his ball in it.
>*eats cow beef, pig bacon, chicken breasts, sheep and goat meat
I will be the first to enlist when we go to war with those fucking rats.
>English is just a Mandarin dialect, Chinese scholars claim
>The English language is a direct offshoot of Mandarin Chinese, a group of academics from the country who believe Europe had no history before the 15th century has claimed.
>Scholars from the World Civilisation Research Association, a Chinese scholarly group, argued that all European languages derived from a Mandarin root while speaking at the first China International Frontier Education Summit in Beijing.
Omg so much this, you are sooo smart my man!! Tell me again about how many lives those animals save and how they show emotions towards humans and would die for their master?
I mean chickens always run into burning buildings and locate people in the snow.
Get the fuck out of here, kid.
Good thing our language is much different than German, The early Germans must have bred with some races in ancient China.
its literally same internet army of gooks that writes and screencaps and keeps vandalizing Wikipedia in first place
I wish I did not watch this chinks are fucking evil
To my understanding the Wikipedia was blocked multiple times by China, you know why? Because it's not written by Chinese, but by Taiwanese. China doesn't actually agrees with their language choices of simplified and traditional Chinese.
Post some chinks getting wrecked videos.
Chinks are cannibals.
>>The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats dogs.
>Can you prove that statement wrong? I doubt it. The fact of the matter is, a strong and healthy civilization treats dogs with care and respect. A weak and immoral nation treats dogs as inferior to cats. This is true about personal belief too. If you think dogs are bad boys or stupid or inferior, you should not be allowed to live in a civilized society. It's as simple as that.
because they are cheap
Americans aren't represented, corporate lobbyists are. Bankers have had total control since 1913.
Why can’t we just nuke them already
>defending bugs
Cats > dogs tho
>Sick fucks would eat our pets.
stop outsourcing your jobs to them then. ez win
Webm of me abusing my dog. Click at your own risk. My pomeranian is german aryan so he deserves this sick depraved treatment.
Are you fucking retarded? Cats are predominate in agrarian societies and Dogs were more of in nomadic and hunting cultures. Literally if you are up in arms over fiddo, chances are you are a nigger or a "good ole boi".
Yeah Buddhism.
>dogs are cattle
what alt paradox interactive game am I in this time?
did someone say cattle
>implying chinese history and culture mean anything with the PPC are still in power.
>implying the china we have now resembles even the slightest bit of dynastic china.
>Cats are predominate in agrarian societies
Not as pets though. Dog is man’s best friend and Cat is the shifty hired hand that may do its job but is also guaranteed to steal from you. They are both disgusting vermin.
HELP ME user :(
Fuck China.
if they wanted to just eat it they could kill it painlessly and quickly.
they lack compassion as a race. not only do they not care, they enjoy torturing animals.
White Supremacy is Obvious.
more blowtorch
Wtf happened to him??? Why did they skin it alive?????
Goddamn these shitskins are fucking discusting
We really are the master race
oh wow what a big brained idea. Tis true I stand here flummoxed, at a loss for words /s
Now that you got what you wanted promptly kys
the more pain a creature suffers from, the "tastier" it is to them. They literally feed off of pain and suffering
For some reason the chinks are very good to goats
Let me guess, youre a petcuck and this retarded comment is about what chinks do to dogs?
Dogs are carnivores, meaning they slaughter the innocent on a daily basis to survive. Each living dog requires the slaughter of hundreds of innocent lives per year to produce dog food
A dog only acts as a stand-in for a real child and pointlessly pushes your girlfriend's eggs closer to their expiration date as you waste precious time taking care of the substitute instead of your own real child
As a white man, you should be trying every day to forcibly suppress/kill the pathological altruism inside of you that irrationally drives you to care about outgroup creatures such as dogs, cats, etc
Getting a pet is de facto participation in white genocide. If you like dogs, you are the enemy
For those of you who already have dogs: If you can't bring yourself to kill a useless freeloading parasitic outgroup beast that passively acts as a white genocide enabler just by existing, then how can you possibly hope to kill actual human liberals when the civil war begins?
I strongly advise you all to kill your pets as practice for hardening yourselves, and also to free yourselves of what is objectively a useless burden costing you thousands of dollars in food per year, made up of the corpses of the sort of mercilessly slaughtered innocent animals you are right now pretending to care about
Pets are a proxy burden to the race you claim to care about. Every second you waste looking after an animal could have instead been spent as labor toward the wellbeing of your people. If you have pets then it proves you don't actually care about your race at all
You all talk here every day about how you're going to start putting your race first, and everyone else dead last. PROVE IT by killing your useless pets
I'm all for eating anything. I'm not for letting anything suffer you brainlet. You put a lot of work into that reddit-spacing ((((bait)))) post retard.
You need to be less concerned about their dietary choices and more concerned about them buying up and colonizing land literally all over the world.
using dogs as horse
We don't cook pigs alive
Buy the plastic, Goy.