Just enrolled in seminary
How do you deal with the occasions of sin on here?
First year is a year of discernment to figure out if this is truly the life God called me to. I haven’t taken any vows yet so I don’t feel too bad about browsing here. But WOW is the theological discourse on Jow Forums pure cancer. Anyone theologically inclined, go to Church. Talk to the clergy, ask questions, in person is a much better environment to learn and discuss theology and philosophy.
How many times did they cum in your ass in the first day?
Post cumstains and timestamp or it didn't happen
Good luck senpai, I finished up my MDiv a few years ago. It was an experience.
Have you had any encounters with your prospective peers yet?
It's probably a little early, but do you have any internships set up to explore congregations or chaplaincies?
Which gospel is your favorite and why?
Which order?
t. Benedict (Conception Abbey, MO)
What denomination, and why is post millennial Calvinism the correct path?
I’m good faggot
Thank you user. I have little experience with my peers and superiors, only in the 4 days I visited seminary beforehand. It’s pretty overwhelming at first, I’m really just shutting up, praying, and listening to whatever I am told to do.
As for my favorite gospel, probably John or Luke (and Acts). John because of the classic moment of our Lord ousting the money changers and other merchants from His temple. And something about the language of Luke and the stories in Acts draws me in. But it’s a tough choice, ask me on another day and I might say Mark.