What grade would you give this art project Jow Forums?

What grade would you give this art project Jow Forums?

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What was the prompt/assignment?

Source and elaborate. Dis real?

This. A rare stance on Jow Forums these days. The man who asks questions; instead of just spouting rhetoric.

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My favorite part is that the teacher crossed out all the vulgarity but not the anti-semitism

I think it was just to draw a portrait of someone.




>calling a jew a jew is antisemitism

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14 / 88


kek @ my ID and last digit of post #

I doubt he's actually jewish though

I mean it's pretty well executed honestly. Nice shading. 10/10

You can see my rating in the corner, 0/10

I thought leftist like edgy art. They praise stuff like menstruation and piss paintings.

>insatiable greed
>proven lack of empathy

>not a jew

Uh....it doesn't get any more jewish than Zuckerberg.

these are great

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I'm not jewish and I have a nose
But no precious metals
The other 2 points aren't wroth my time

Not bad. Eyes look a tad too retarded and reptilian, even for Zuckerberg.

You can't be serious. How long have you been here?

whenever they made /aco/

If the name didn't give it away just type in mark zuckerberg jewish and find your answer. Fix your jewdar, it doesn't get any easier than this.

>Zuckerberg’s recent string of Jewish affirmations began nearly two years ago following then-presidential candidate Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States. Being raised as a Jew, Zuckerberg wrote, made him sensitive to attacks on all minorities.

>“After the Paris attacks and hate this week, I can only imagine the fear Muslims feel that they will be persecuted for the actions of others,” Zuckerberg wrote, referring to that year’s terror attack in the French capital. “As a Jew, my parents taught me that we must stand up against attacks on all communities. Even if an attack isn’t against you today, in time attacks on freedom for anyone will hurt everyone.”

>Zuckerberg invoked his Judaism again after the August white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

>“It’s a disgrace that we still need to say that neo-Nazis and white supremacists are wrong — as if this is somehow not obvious,” he wrote.

>But judging from his Facebook profile (and in his case, shouldn’t we?), Zuckerberg has reconnected with his Judaism not just as a national figure but as a person and a father. His post featuring a collage of a kiddush cup, Shabbat candlesticks and homemade challah waxed about passing the cup from generation to generation.

>“For shabbat tonight, we gave Max a kiddush cup that has been in our family for almost 100 years,” he wrote, referring to his eldest daughter. “Her great-great-grandfather Max got it after our family immigrated here and it has been passed down through our family ever since.”

I see you are an individual of refined taste as well.

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