How are you preparing for the Polish century?
How are you preparing for the Polish century?
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Loading my STANAG magazines now in preparation
polands only relevant right now due to that they aren't degenerates due to the jews alone.
Polish what? A century of them sucking on German dick? We've been watching this shit for centuries.
>What is EU?
fuck off kike
It's not hard to have that high of a GDP when you're the sole monopoly of industrial production in Europe.
You shut everything down, as part of the deal for us vasal states to join your globohomo caliphate.
Thankfully, I can go for a coffee without seeing arab subhumans stabbing themselves in the middle of the street over the corpse of a woman they raped to death.
Also I don't go to jail for social media wrong-think and don't need rifle-armed guards guarding venues. Got those going for me, which is nice.
Don't hate Poles but the country is fully dependent on Germany. It's just how it is.
> Thankfully, I can go for a coffee without seeing arab subhumans stabbing themselves in the middle of the street over the corpse of a woman they raped to death
That's outright lying. They cause crisis in Greece as well as they go through it.
They don't have to resort to rape when your women spread their legs willingly lmao
Don't find this funny at all.
Did you find it erotic?
go make some more cars Hanz
How in the ever loving FUCK is that even an argument?
Hahhahaaha triggered!
If Warsaw is any indication of Poland's future, it's not looking good. Mutt kids, homeless everywhere, various nonwhite shit, massive housing prices, multinationals, etc.
No. It's just that I dislike dumb infighting among Europe while Jews, Niggers and everything in-between is after this continent. It's just dumb.
Most people are dumb, welcome to Earth. Also I believe you meant "are after", I forgive you for the grammar, though, Hans.
Its mostly about how these people think. They might be ok for now, but as long as they worship germans and western values in general they are going to end up just like them eventually, only worse.
>I forgive you for the grammar
You shouldn't. He should be sentenced to death instead.
Implying you dont. The most Nigger-mixing of any sort I saw among Italian men of boomer age with 20+ Negresses. Not even kidding.
we are poor but at least our daughters arent getting enriched by milllions of turks and sub saharan immigrants
its over for your kind, Hans
>our daughters arent getting enriched by milllions of turks and sub saharan immigrants
They are getting enriched by Western dick instead lmao
I am not Italian. And I haven't seen too much mixing around here. Even here in the south. But most importantly - people don't have this "wealthy country = good country" mentality.
Us poles hate nazis, commies, faggots, jews, russka kurwas. Know what we love? NATO
Sometimes I really wonder on what meds you are. Maybe you spend too much time on here. Western Europeans dont mix in large numbers with Niggers or Turks. They don't even live together. The rape happens because they are virtually all incels.
There are unironically 2 groups that race-mix a lot and it's the following:
- Italian men fuck negresses in Italy and all of Europe
- 1. Gen migrant Polish women fuck Niggers in the UK.
German women more often than not are highly family unfriendly, which is why many men either import foreign women or date then when they are around, exhibit a) my family.
Not kidding it's common to see an old boomer Italian with his nigger-waifu. They are to them what Thais are to Australians and British.
It's a fake. It's non-German in one generation. And that is true, I aint fully German as well. Your women are Ukrainian tier cheap, not even kidding.
Hans you better start sucking Islamist cock.
>But most importantly - people don't have this "wealthy country = good country" mentality.
God bless Italia. Im an ethnic german, both blood and culture but I hate our 'muh gdp, hail growth' mania. We are growing ourselves to death. Ancient landscape and beautiful old cities destroyed with the monstrosities of modernity. Italy got it figured out. Even with their corruption and littering they still manage to conjure a better quality of life fore their citiziens than us. Fuck growth, embrace family, quality, sustainability, identity.
Well said. Trading your ethnic heritage for short term GDP figures is not something to brag about. Western Europe has bought itself a couple of decades of growth before the collapse.
900 Billion to Poland soon?
i been in germany last summer. it was... not good.
Shut up hans. I been to Germany and study in London.
My Afghans friends banged plenty German woman they love Arab Afghans and blacks. I seen it first hand stop lying. German woman are not only ugly but they openly show love for foreign brown dick which is good.
German man in the other hand are pussios. When I was there one horned at me. So I slowed down pussy wouldn't even look. I walked on the streets like I'm the terminator there. Apart from immigrants white germans have 0 balls I'm serious here.
Poland on the other hand was much better.
Tbh I think the quality of life is in fact better in Poland.
Men are men not pussios
Woman are not as easy and ugly and messed up %%%
What do you mean Polish century
>What do you mean Polish century
Don't forget that soon Germany will be Germanistan and we, Poland, will be Polin.
Pay debnts and get out of the eurozone you leachers.
>Poland, will be Polin.
Why only show data until 2015? Afraid much?
>worrying about national debt
Based retard.
When people buy a home they often enter 20+ years of debt, amounting to over 300+% of their GDP.
What's important is management.
>muh gdp
Let's see how stable that is after Germany is an internally divided country with different races and religious groups fighting for political power.
You know being poor is the worst?
>Its ok goyim, taking on debt is normal, no need to worry about the interest
Go back to your shitty country Marek.
Imagine having your GDP funded by America (still 1/12 of US gdp) and still beinge 3rd world shithole.
>Polacken education
You are a mongoloid shithole that was build by the American tax money (still being having like 1/12 of USA gdp) and calling yourself "world superpooper" even though no country consider you as such, because your gdp is laugable.
Mississppi of Europe but poorer XD
Given the fact that Germans are losers at everything and thgeir GDP is 1/12 of US gdp. I prepare for everything but German century
GDP per capita of Germany 42,000$
GDP per capita of California 78,000$
What was that?
How does it make you feel that nobody in the real world respects Poland and you only get appreciation on a vietnamese checker forum from larping teenager?
fuck off kike
Growth from immigrants. Research average hourly wage per capita. Its also nice to have your own freedom aswell.
>If Warsaw is any indication of Poland's future
not really, Warsaw is the Los Angeles of Poland and even then the faggot rainbow that was built there was burnt so many times that it was removed.
Drinking vodka in the street and making sex with car exhaust pipes.
8.5 in 10 immigrants end on social benefits and don't contribute with shit, other than violence, rape, murders, terrorism and the destruction of social cohesion/trust.
>get religion of peaced
>oy vey, at least I am not poor
>oy vey, at least I am not poor
But Germany IS POOR shitty california is twice times richer than Germany per capita
>the kraut is afraid
I'd unironically rather see Denmark's GPD cut in half than have immigration. If I had the choice between cutting the Danish GDP in half and become a 100% pure ethnostate, and doubling the GDP and have continued immigration, I'd choose the former in a heartbeat. Fuck niggers. I'd rather be poor than infested with these cockroaches. Not that it's that bad in Denmark, but still.
Negative interest rates put a new twist on this
ITT: as always butthurt polacken
I think I will go to the flatrate brothel tonight and fuck some polish whores
>my country is cucked as fuck but at least i can give mr shekelstein more money
GDP in the US is useless due to extreme inequality. Only in countries with a fair distribution of wealth, GDP and/or avg. income is a good tool of measuring wealth in the general population.
And the reason is this:
Guy A makes 500k dollars per year
Guy B makes 10k dollars per year
Combined they make 510k dollars per year, divide it by two give you the average income.. 255k dollars per year.. But what can the guy that makes only 10k per year use that stat for? That's the US for you.
Your pic related looks very comfy and strikes me as something that has a lot of history behind it, to be honest.
Don't you get it, the average German is rich guys. Meanwhile in reality Germany only fell down in those 2 years since 2017.
>ITT furious Jews
Living in Judeopolonia will be amazing