Circumcision Increases Risk of Autism inBoys

>Circumcised boys are more likely than intact boys to develop autism spectrum disorder before the age of 10, new research suggests. Painful experiences in neonates have been shown in animal and human studies to be associated with long-term alterations in pain perception, a characteristic often encountered among children with ASD.

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is that why americans all look like spergs and shoot each other at school

stop cutting your dicks fuckers

If this is true and has negative effects, then why do Jews circumcise themselves? Surely the right way would be to circumcise others but keep your own intact?

calm down, this nut job could be applying to you. britfag

Keeps them fierce and combative

Hmm. I do handle pain well. Pain is a mental thing. Its just your body sending signals to your brain. It goes away pretty fast. I split my shin to the bone and it hurt like a motherfucker for like 10 minutes. Then when i was going to the hospital on the way there it went away. Even though there was still a big gaping hole in my shin.

Jews have been circumsizing themselves for millennia, so you could assume there was enough time to select the genetic traits that make them resistant to circumcision-induced autism. Americans, on the other hand, only have had ~100 years

You're less sensitive to pain. Are you less sensitive to pleasure too?

Not gonna lie. Masturbation feels like a chore.

Theres nothing pleasurable about it. Except when i ejaculate. The pleasure is only like 5-10 seconds.

Do you feel anger toward your parents? I would be livid if my parents allowed me to be circumcised.

One thing I have never understood is how something is missed that one never new?
I am circumcised but don't hold any resentment. It stinks of victim hood that the left practices. it shouldn't matter if you are whole or your whole dick was cut off at birth. A man is not measured in inches.

Same. I dont know what im missing so how can i be mad? And i dont remember being circumsized so the pain doesnt effect me. Im fine with the way i am.

i can get off in seconds , its freaky, its going to take work to not premature ejac in future relationships , what the fuck , ya its like i have learned to ejac fast for the quick get off and it hard to have a longer build up , i sometimes have very little pleasure , its so fucked up, i have a tight cut job is normal i guess but it really doesn't seem sensitive at all. sometimes when i do something to get a sensitive fell its like too much and i cant handle it, ya thats fucked

same here , i think thats the mark of the circumcision, the very short lived pleasure , its like we never really get off like nature intends so it fucks with us and maybe makes us hornier or a different kind of horny , maybe we lsoe control and are more easily cucked by hot women to because we depend on the passion of the exciting opportunity instead of the connection, so we go into further eotica that gets worse like with the porn addicts getting more depraved with the kind of porn

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It isn't merely a state of mind. It is the state of mind that corrupts. "I was circumcised so I'm defective". If you think this makes you less of a man then you are weak.

jews do lots of harmful things why do you think they're so pointlessly evil

you could probably talk to me in binary autistic faggot missing half his dick lmao

i dont care about my dick its over i dont seeth like a victim but tits the truth and it about awareness and redpilling people

its always been about finding truth about something does is negative in society as a whole or individuals and trying to raise awareness and change it, that's one of the bes things to do its a big part of the Nat Soc uprising ,

>It isn't merely a state of mind. It is the state of mind that corrupts.
So you got a part of your penis cut off and you think sex is the same as uncut? cope.

This is going to be too much information. But when i jerk off ill jerk off until I've cum at least three times. You're right. The lack of pleasure makes you have to fap more.

>not knowing Jews are mentally ill self-hating sociopaths

Part of what makes it feel like a chore.

Sorry, circumcision does make you defective.

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dont you have a refractory period , it should take longer each time too ,

What does nat soc have to do with it?

I think sex is for reproduction with your wife.

pointing out truth to change things and that its not about victimhood as other are claiming

Yeah. Ill jerk off. And then take a break for like 5 minutes and jerk off again. Then take another break and jerk off again. And by then im usually exhausted and bored. Its not even that ive been satisfied. Im just exhausted and bored.

And kind of ashamed.

you know this shit is pretty cringe, but ya just learning shit and sharing

Makes me feel like a porn addict but i know I'm not because i can go weeks without fapping.

Forgive me for clarifying. What truth?

Circumcision desensitizes you.

ya i get the enlightened mind back after you get off whats the japanese name for it again? the sex drive withe the high we get from the rush of hormones is real ans strong

because they mark themselves as slaves for the demiurge and it keeps them roided up

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the truth that circumcision is bad and the jew mark even a jew tool

Yeah but without circumcisions what would illuminati Jews have to snack on?

Thinking with your dick. Measuring the worth of a man in inches. Sad.

Im not measuring shit. Im just saying.

Im not a victim. Im just me. And im fine with me.

i do believe that the true God was the one of the bible and he did want the cutting, but i also think it may have had a hidden purpose also , God used and made an example of the jews as the perfect example of what not be like and so on , its too bad the jews have become a stumbling block keeping people form being christian and saved , also cant forget that the jews changed the ritual and made the cut bigger when it may have been very minimal before

Also a lot of people who got circumsized are so traumatic that they have a small dick because of it.

I wonder how many of americans here are affected

Oof, if all I read about Gilles de Rais is true I'm extremely concerned.

And I'm saying so what? Your dick is for procreating. To hell with pleasure.

no bitch its just needs to be pointed out its wrong m we need to unjew society you shill

Corellation does not mean causation


I dont see it as a bad thing.

have you not seen the study showing it damages brains and shit wtf is wrong with you people . at the very least it can be botched


here argue against this you jew slave

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I cant read ant.

It's really sad this keeps being done to kids, should wait till you are 18 to even be able to have it done even if you want to. not 0 years old. Or 21 like to buy cigarettes and alcohol.

You can´t really take it bacak, if it was a thing like that it was more understandable.

Also even if you are jew i don´t even think you should have it done till you are 18 years old. Even in the bible abraham was circumsized at age 99 and who was it ishmael circumsized at age 13.
People don´t even realize that. You go read the bible right now and you realize not even jews were necessarily circumsized at age 0.

SO that is pertaining to jews. So there´s no reason why a non jew should be circumsized at age 0
And now apparently it causes trauma and autism aswell. It just keeps getting worse with this stuff, it´s very sad.

I'm not saying it is not a bad thing. I don't know. What I am saying is it doesn't matter. I'm saying that you don't even need need a dick to please a women.

This is probably about race, with blacks more likely to be uncut and less likely to have autism.

ok you are fucked up gtfo, ya dont need a dick to have a legit sexual experience , and having kids is one way to please yourself and the woman

Wisdom teeth extraction can be botched. so what?

ya you do need a dick you idiot bot

You fucked up the picture and posted a thumbnail. Please fix it. But i think i can already guess what happened just from headline.
Very powerful influential jews said shut it down. And claimed it is for health benefits and other shit so they don´t have to admit that this is not the reason it´s even done.

It´s so clear why jews pushed it on americans. Because otherwise the practice would be prohibited for the jews themselves, like it was for a long time in europe. So jews wanted to get circ done, they have to push it to the americans as if it´s normal or americans would have said sorry you have to wait till you are 18 so the kid can decide for themselves or whatever. That´s why this shit came out where they claim it´s for your health.. it´s not for health, outside of usa and places like saudi arabia all the medical consensus says don´t do it. It´s really primarily in USA that they claim it´s for health reasons. But americans unfortunately think the entire world has general medical consensus about it. They don´t.

>And I'm saying so what? Your dick is for procreating. To hell with pleasure.
>I'm saying that you don't even need need a dick to please a women.
You seem to care more about women's pleasure than your own. How very altruistic of you, user.

what if the real cause is that jews are simply more autistic

The correlation between dick cutting, swerging out and shooting up your school is purely Americans.

So your only porpoise in life is self gratification?

Circumcision is absolutely barbaric and needs to be banned. You should be 18 before you can decide to get a circumcision, and even then you have to have a legitimate issue with it. You shouldn't be able to get it removed for cosmetic reasons.

The foreskin is where most of the feeling of a penis is. The most sensitive part of a penis of those who are circumcised is the scar where the foreskin was removed. The foreskin naturally stimulates the G spot during sex, which makes women more likely to orgasm. The foreskin is also part of the nervous system, and one of it's functions is the regulate the ejaculatory response. People who are circumcised are more likely to orgasm earlier than those who still have foreskins. This results in circumcised men only being able to make women orgasm at half the rate of uncircumcised men on average.

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That is Hyperbole you mental midget.

Ofcourse it can have compilications. Anything where you area removing a part of your body has a certain risk attached to it! Even just for that reason you shouldn´t be doing it as default to all toddlers. It´s crazy and it´s not necessary whatsoever. That´s why medical industry in general outside the USA say they do not recommend this for any health reasons whatsoever. But only for religious excemption. Aka the only reason you should have it done is for religious reasons, not health.

It´s only really in USA and a few other places that you have people literally going against every other doctor and medical professional in the world and actually fibbing and saying it´s good for health.

Far from it. The women's happens comes from your happiness. But if your happiness comes comes from the joy of the flesh your relationship is doomed to fail.

>Circumcision is absolutely barbaric and needs to be banned. You should be 18 before you can decide to get a circumcision, and even then you have to have a legitimate issue with it. You shouldn't be able to get it removed for cosmetic reasons.
Right, we suggested this in denmark where only jews get circumsized, we had a rabbi come in and talk to danish medical board and they say we do not recommend this procedure, but we would like for the young jewish child to wait till he is 18 and if he want it done he can decide it for himself at that point. You know what the rabbi said? That it was antisemitic to say such a thing, and that it heralded back to nazi regime and germany in the 30's and if we wanted such a thing in denmark, maybe jews in denmark should think about if denmark was a place they should be in anymore..

This is how crazy jews get if you even say just let their own jewish kids wait till they are 18 years old. This is exactly why they pushed it on all americans in USA and lied and said it was for health. Then they don´t have to have 'annoying people' who want to give them a choice weither or not to have it done.

Not saying you are wrong. but when did they start these study's?

If you're having sex without finding joy in the flesh of another, what is it that's giving and maintaining your erection? Sincere question. I understand there's more to sex than just physical pleasure, but to say physical pleasure is irrelevant to the act of sex seems silly.

i agree with you,

who wants their sons dick ending up cut off completely or getting infected so they die it happens, but even you can get bad scars look you penis holocaust deniers

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>Not saying you are wrong. but when did they start these study's?
Which studies?
Circumcision has never been done in europe other than by jews sir. It´s never been done by default.
Jews have lied to specifically americans about it. And americans now think it´s done for health reasons. It´s becase nobody fucking else recommend it almost than the americans, and they do that because of very influential jews in first place. Otherwise europeans would have a circumcision ban except for jews, just like it has in europe and other places.

There´s nothing even to study, you cut off part of a penis for no reason.. No reason to cut it off. Therefore medical professionals do not recommend it unless it is done for medical reasons. And rally against it being done to toddlers and are trying to like the medical professional in denmarks are to get the jews to give their jewish lads a fucking chance to decide for themselves at age 18 if they want it done. They know it is for religious reasons and the jews refuse to accept those kinds of terms. When really ironically the medical industry is concerned by the jewish kids not even given a choice.

If it was anything else than circumcision there would be unanymous consent across the board including in USA and you know that.

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here's your study you couldn't see , there have been a lot of circumcision thread its like im arguing with people who have never seen one before with all the facts

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Sincere answer. I am not married So I don't engage in intercourse. I have turned down many a lay. I would hope that if you are married you find your partner attractive enabling you to maintain an erection. So to your main question of finding joy in the flesh I do not.

you did the same unless you were serious , you said you don't need a dick to pleasure a woman,

explains all the neurotic jews

>getting your dick cut in as a toddler is a traumatic experience.
Yeah imagine the surprise.. The reaction just says it all. They called before a jewed disciplinary board that are not even interested in the findings but just say you are not going to stop circumcision. Stop researching into it. This just tells you everything doesn´t it.. These area not people who are interested in the wellbeing of these little boys.

So the shit hole that is europe is prime example that America is worse off with circumcision.

I stand by that statement.

>So the shit hole that is europe is prime example that America is worse off with circumcision.
Look you can be in denial about it all you fucking want, quite frankly it just shows how it has fucked with your head already. You acting like a crypto jew with this fucking shit.

There´s no medical reason to do it, they lied to you. you should only have it done for religious reasons which is what jews did through history.

You take this procedure who should fucking be illegal, and then you claim somehow it make your country better than europe or whatever. Have you lost your fucking mind. How much in denial can you possibly be.

Imagine being this fucking stupid.

They circumcise themselves because at the end of the day they also have their own religion, their rites, their ethnic particularities, their traditions whom they follow even if most of them are atheistic nowadays, and even if it is a negative net for themselves, they won't look past that and they will either argue that it's the way they have always done this or that they do it because God commanded them to do so.

For a jew, even if an atheist, avoiding circumcision is like renouncing his jewish identity. There's no further rationale, there's no adquired "immunity" to circumcision drawbacks, what a stupid low-brow darwinian argument.

No denial. All I asked was for the studies. As for fucked in the head. I stated how can you missed what you never knew?
When It comes to the jews, they are of there father the devil.
Never claimed there was a good reason to do it.
My country is better than europe because we are not european.

>For a jew, even if an atheist, avoiding circumcision is like renouncing his jewish identity.
I get that for the jews, who were only ones who really did it except some muslims aswell.

But i like to just use the ishmael argument even from that perspective, looking purely at religious lense. abraham was 99 when he was circumsized. So you can even say. Look no reason to circumsize toddlers. But if a jewish boy he turn 18 he say i will have part of my dick cut off as religious rite. And for no other reason. And medical professionals say we don´t recommend but you should be allowed to do it. THAT`S FINE..

But that´s not the situation, not only jews lying about why they do it, they are tricking non jews into getting circumsized to avoid circumcision being prohibited. They do it for toddlers!!! And they are bullshitting americans about it who find out.

It´s just wrong on virtually all fucking levels. And you can see the jews damn well know all this whenever you bring it up and how they react.. really stupid excuse or just refuse to even discuss it.

>My country is better than europe because we are not european.
That depends on perspective. You were the fucking person who started on that shit, i just said outside USA very few people practice circumcision, for example europeans don´t it´s only jews in europe that did that.
And you then turn around and call european continent a shithole and try to fucking argue that USA is better country due to circumcision. This is why i told you have you lost your mind. If you act like a lunatic i am going to call it like i see it. And it´s stupid as fuck to even try to change the conversation with stuff like that.

>No denial. All I asked was for the studies.
Where are the studies that say it is good? You don´t need a fucking study to say you should not cut a functional part of your dick that is necessary to remove whatsoever. Medical professors across the globe say they don´t recommend it. It´s religious reasons. It´s only really USA primarily that say no this is good for health. It´s nonsense.
There´s a jewish kid from USA who has made a documentary about why circumcision is bad. I suggest you watch that aswell if you haven´t already.

>USA is a better country due to circumcision.
Don't put words in my mouth you euro fag. I have taken no position for or against circumcision. I have been staying on subject. And for the record europe under the 4th rich is a shit hole.

Why not fry away your tastebuds as well?

>Don't put words in my mouth you euro fag.
Get out of this thread you fucking idiot. Nobody needs to listen to your garbage.
And no i didn´t.
I wrote this to show you that outside of USA very few do circumcision. And your reply was.
>So the shit hole that is europe is prime example that America is worse off with circumcision.
So now you are a liar aswell. Why don´t you just fuck off you fucking deceptive moron.

Long term I see no ill effect except for when someone has been told they were mutilated as a child. long term there is no negative but for outside influence.