>My husband paid me $15 an >hour to be a stay-at-home >mom. Here's what I learned.
>My husband paid me $15 an >hour to be a stay-at-home >mom. Here's what I learned.
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And she’s complaining? 15 an hour to raise your own damn kids? Jesus Christ what the fuck dude. Just get an abortion and lie for Christ’s sake. If you’re going to demand money to be a stay at home mom for your rich ass husband, you don’t love your child.
>According to Salary.com, if a stay->at-home mom charged what she >was actually worth, she'd make >upwards of $162,000 a year.
What is the reasoning behind this?
If there are more than 1 child, it is even more money to pay?
>Paying someone to raise their own child.
How are people this stupid. You can't fall harder for kike propaganda than this.
I didn't realize keeping your own house clean, keeping your own children fed and making sure they don't eat pennies off the floor and choke to death in between watching the daily soap operas while not having to actually work at all was worth 6 digits.
They calculate the wage so someone who does each task professionally and adds them up.
It's the price of one-on-one childcare for 16 hours per day, 365 days per year, I suppose.
If you consider a child to be a fucking huge drag that you should be getting paid to take care of...you probably should've just gotten the abortion. Women like this are evil and their children inevitably turn into "male feminist" sexual predators.
>not happy to be able to raise your kids
WTF is wrong with people. Women today have to hate their children to be “cool”...and they fall for it.
8760 hrs in a year * $15 an hour = just under 132k
Nowhere near 162k
this is the logical conclusion of applying economic ideas and terms to places where they don't belong and it is precisely the reason why libertarians need to get gassed
in a sane world this bitch would be beat until she stops her delusions
>My husband paid me $15 an hour to be a stay-at-home
Retarded. Does she have to pay income tax on that?
A woman is worth exactly $0. Her only value is that hole between her legs and if she isn't willing to use it for its intended purpose, then she is absolutely worthless for even that. If we weren't a sexually reproducing species, and men could birth via asexual reproduction, women would have died millennia ago.
And if all dumb fucking women stayed at home, their husband's labour would be worth prob $162,000 more.
Ya dumb bitch.
It's men's fault that this is happening.
Can't find a decent wife? Don't get married.
It's a simple if statement. A normal person should understand within 2 weeks of meeting a women if she is worth a dime.
I don't understand obsession with having children anyway. Survival of white race? Really? So my child can become a 53rd gendered tranny liberal socialist?
Parents don't raise kids, they just throw the jewtube at them and then go drinking
I cook and clean for myself, I should get paid for it! Doesn't matter that I'm not doing it for a child, I'm still doing the exact same work a stay at home mother would do! I want my 6 figure salary!
I’ve always admired car owners, and I hope to be one myself as soon as I finish paying off Mother. She insists I pay her retroactively for the food I ate as a child.
>I don't understand obsession with having children anyway
It's a modern concept invented by women because for the entirety of humanity no one cared if you did or didn't, it wasn't a social stigma to be unmarried or to not have kids cause who cares, you can do other shit and fucking isn't the only thing on your mind
Disgusting. Depending on how bad the fire is, a lot of strangers would have ran into the house off the street to save the kid if they knew she was in there and her own mother left her for dead.
> Woman doesn't understand market price discovery...
Now you know why no female CEOs.
>What is the reasoning behind this?
Reason has nothing to do with this.
> Somebody NEEDS to pay me to wipe my ass!
>If you hired a professional ass wiper, then it would cost you 40k a year for a nurse ass wiper!
>Someone needs to pay for me to feed all my children!
>If you paid a professional cook, then it would cost you 40K a year!
>If you paid a professional babysitter, then it would cost you 30k a year!
>Someone needs to take responsibility for this!
Face it Jow Forums women are all niggers
Boomer parents.
They think of their kids and the first thing that comes to mind is the opportunity costs of having them.
This, sadly..
I'm worth a million dollars. But you don't see me complaining.
thousands of women literally murder their own children in the womb every day because they know it would hamper their goal of being a cubical rat or riding new chad cock every week
Why are you complaining about this?
What's this effectively means is that stay-at-home mother is worth 162k of income for the family. So unless she has an opportunity to earn that much at the job market it isn't economical to join the workforce. It's a strong argument for women to be housewifes.
She's right you know...A fter you pay Humans of Colour, you have to pay reparations to women too. Pay up, paypig!
This is a D&C and demoralization thread. Treat it appropriately.
This. What is being conveniently forgotten here is that these same people demand $15/yr minimum wage so anyone can support themselves on 6-hour workdays, so the commercial prices for the services do not reflect their actual worth. Then again, see above.
Good point
You idiots are missing the point. She's saying being a stay-at-home mom is hard work and it's underappreciated.
Also a lot of stay at home moms recruit other women to have kids and raise them because they want more mommy friends
No, she’s mad that raising her kid and keeping her writing career going was exhausting and she was resentful that her husband didn’t do enough to help her. She’s mad that it’s more work than she expected and she clearly doesn’t enjoy it. I get the impression that she’d be in favor of free childcare and drop that kid off to let strangers deal with everyday. That’s why she’s saying it costs $162k. She wants the state to help her. Her only argument about why she stayed home was the price for other childcare. She realized she’s only be working to pay for the childcare. At least she made the right decision there.
>She's saying being a stay-at-home mom is hard work and it's underappreciated.
I get that. But then if she gets paid $15 per hour then is that fully compensated?
Marriage starts as an emotional commitment and ends up as an economical arrangement.
We should be able to filter a decent-good values woman who can help to create a family and bring up decent children like herself. If we can't find any better stay single.
Are you human? Having kids is literally the only thing that really matters. Procreation is the survival of our species. Only a brainwashed fuck up like you could actively go against his biological, PRIMAL urges to fuck and make babies.
Jesus. Imagine if you actually made enough money to pay for yourself, your lifestyle, and your wife's accustomed lifestyle. And then you had to pay her $162,000 on top of that. Nobody would be married.
>They calculate the wage so someone who does each task professionally and adds them up.
Nice, i'm going to start billing stuff like hammering in a loose nail as proffesional carpentry, changing tires at the same rate as a professional mechanic, tightening a leaking water connection at the same rate as a professional plumber, driving to the store as a professional driver, carrying bags at the same rate as a porter etc.
Got to see how much i should get paid by my wife, on top of my normal work.
Fuck off. Its not my responsibility to population the planet with more crotch fruit. Theres already too many people as it is. If we loose a few billion people before birth rates stabilize we'd be better off as a whole. Less people means labor is worth more.
>What's this effectively means is that stay-at-home mother is worth 162k of income for the family.
How did she come up with that number? I mean sure if you pay people to do literally everything 24/7 and don't do fuck all yourself i can see it being that much. But just daycare/school during the hours you're working? No way.
This is how you ruin your kids' life.
>stay-at-home wife
>workaholic business-owner husband
>husband literally overworks himself to death when your kid is still underage
>claim all of your husband's savings as "reparations" and squander them
>entire family goes broke, your kid is barely 18, still needs education, you only ever were a high-school dropout wageslave and haven't worked in 30+ years and the only reason why you're all not on the streets is that your late husband wasn't stupid enough to not own the house
Speaking from personal experience. Boomer mothers aren't human.
Make the world a better place. Kill a boomer today.
>too many people
Out of your god damn mind. Stop spouting bullshit you know nothing about. It’s everryones responsibility to have more kids and propagate our wildly successful species. Maybe your kid will invent a spaceship for people to travel in? Or maybe he’ll be a selfish arrogant piece of shit like his deadbeat dad?
That’s fine, but obviously wages need to increase accordingly so men can afford to pay out 160k, I’m positive like 85% of the us population isn’t remotely close to such a wage
I got lucky as hell. Mom was raised by a very trad Irish-American family and ingrained with family values that she taught to us. I've heard horror stories from my peers about they way their mother's acted like relentless cunts, and while mine had her moments, she always put family first. My dad even became a drug addict and alcoholic faggle for a while and she stuck by him. She's a boomer
I'm grateful srs
Husband should stay at home as well so they can earn double that money.
>kike propaganda
It's just regular women's self absorption, mate, nothing to do with propaganda and all with giving them a voice.
Does that mean stay at home dads will be paid 200k a year? Sweet, pay up pay pigs!
This can only work, if for some reason the wife and husbands have separate bank accounts, and keep their finances completely separate. how the fuck does that work? If I was about to marry someone and she tells me that she wants to keep our finances separate, the marriage is off.
Would be a real shame if someone here reported this to the IRS since she likely doesn't report the salary her husband is giving her for this JOB. Please someone report it, I need a good laugh when she regracts the article and says its not work
okay 162k a year pre tax
> - utilities 600/m
> - her food and half of kids food 750/m
> - property taxes mortgage etc 2000/m
> - her car, gas, insurance 1000/m
> - her healthcare and half cost for kid 1000/m
> - her clothes shoes etc and half of kids 500/m
> - her paying me to listen to her yak away (if shes not gonna be a wife and charge me im charging her if she wants me to listen to her talk 100/hr say 3 hours a day) 9000/m
anything else?
162k after taxes in my state assuming single not married because the whore doesnt want to be treated as a married women is 115k
115,000 - 178,000 = (63,000)
the bitch owes me 63k a year even if she charges me 100/hr for sex and wed fuck everyday shed still owe me 26,500 dollars
so i guess she should go get a job and work full time just pay me back, i mean we are equal right? if you wanna get paid to do your half of the marriage i shouldnt be ripped off right?
yes, housewives do those things.
Why don't they put escort on the list as well?
lol you think a family must be communism? Nothing is free. Free market must include the inner process of a family.
>stay at home
You want that much cash for staying?
Then whats next ? Where does this bullshit stop ?
Now for the minus column.
Mowing lawn =$150.00/week
Trash detail = $50.00 /week
> adds/subtracts sex acts to confirm shes an actual WHORE
>for the entirety of humanity [...] it wasn't a social stigma to be unmarried or to not have kids
are you lying or just stupid?
>His smile and optimism, gone.
that's a fucking lie
>$162,000/yr to play candy crush, watch Ellen and fill up babby's milk bottle when it gets low
Have fun having all of your money stolen.
You don't have a leg to stand on even if she steals from you with separate finances. She is legally allowed to do so when you have joined finances.
Your only option is divorce, and she will steal half of what remains.
Personal experience, again. I had a part of my late father's savings and my boomer mother used to literally steal my debit card from my wallet to withdraw money from the ATM.
When I caught her, she started going to the bank teller instead.
My father wanted separate finances at marriage.
I didn't, look what good that did to me.
I wasn't even what is, yes your spouse but still virtually a stranger, I WAS HER GODDAMN KID.
The sole breadwinner had just died.
But she didn't waste a second after hubby croaked to steal all of his money for herself, and from her underage kid too, and not a hint of thinking twice before doing so.
Have separate finances.
I am a stay at home dad and it is absolutely fucking great.
I get to raise my sons right, and spend the rest of my time on my hobbies. Its fucking amazing.
This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen here.
>>didn't marry chaste/virgin christian qt
>>married a soggy tattooed harpy
the absolute state of gammas
This is the worst logic. Do I get to charge my wife rent like she lives in an air bnb, charge $15 a plate for meals, and demand hourly pay for my services as a body guard and chauffeur? How about consulting fees as a financial manager? Everyone can do this nonsense. But yes stay at home mothers are extremely valuable. Anyone eoman not making almost 200k is in fact contributing more to the household by staying home.
But why the fuck would you marry a woman like that? Are people so scared of being alone that they would rather sign a contract with someone that could rob you blind, or ask for money to take care of their own kid? Its not like its arranged marriages, people nowadays wait a long time to marry, at that time you should know the person well enough to know if shew will do shit like this.
Kikes are asking for it at this point.
>Theres already too many people as it is
Yeah, all non White, that White christucks have been breeding for over a hundred years "for only a dollar a day."
>Also a lot of stay at home moms recruit other women to have kids and raise them because they want more mommy friends
Or these women see how great being another is and realize it’s better than pretending to be a man for eight hours a day.
>This is a D&C and demoralization thread.
More like a “no matter what women will always want more” thread
That's an UGLY woman.
based and underrated as hell
>What is the reasoning behind this?
24/7 would be my guess. Of course it's retarded way of thinking about this, cause raising your own children and caring for household should be your joy, not fucking wage slaving. Not to mention it's not all work. Maybe just few hours a day
>should be your joy
It isn't, especially if one dedicates her life to it.
One has to accommodate this and not try to conjure reality into something it isn't
reminds me of that webm of the mother who hid behind her 4 year old son during robbery at a convenience store.
>women expect to receive highly skilled assistance with the birth of their children for free
>women expect a salary to raise their own chirrenz
I don't even know what fuckin’ direction civilization is heading anymore
they used 13h/day.
One important thing I see they missed though, is that this needs to be compared with the case where she isn't a stay at home mom. She would still have to cook food, clean, do laundry, do her finances, all those household things. That needs to be subtracted from this amount if they want to worth of a mother.
Divorce incoming in 3...2...1
People are seeing through bullshit statistics like this.
I don't get why do you need to quantify your natural vocation as work at all. Personally, if it wasn't being look down upon in our society, I would love to be stay at home dad, seeing the kids grow up and expanding my hobbies. If you don't want to be a mother, then fuck off and live with your cats. No one is forcing you to be one.
Raising kids full time deprives you out of options after a while. Is mentally draining because you have to watch over a retard and prevent it from killing itself or being damaged in any way by the environemnt - this includes your husband which probably has to work a lot to sustain all this and is stressed out as all hell.
It is also mind deadening because you maintain company with a literal retard 24/7 and have to ensure it understands you.
really melisa
Lets calculate how much a cleaner is per day
I can get one for 50 dollars.
So, lets say you do a full weeks work. (which is highly unlikely)
that's only 250 a week, or 1k a month (so far we are hitting 12K ayear worth)
so lets say you shit out a baby
Lets see how much a child care person costs
Now, we can go cheap and replace the house cleaner with a nanny, who will do what the house cleaner does AND take care of the kids.
Lets say that's 80 to 100 dollars a day
well, Melissa, that's 500 a week, or 2k a month. or a whopping 24K a year.
So....you think I should pay you 162k for the exact same fucking job.
YOURE FIRED. Now pack your shit.
>natural vocation
It's like saying that because you can drink sugary chemical sludge, it constitutes eating which is natural, therefore ou shouldn't be unhappy with it
Men will be the first to bitch about a stay-at-home mom for being a useless sack of excrement
you're mind deadened
autistic opinions of people, who are incapable of human feelings, don't count. Fuck off
Fuck if I know.
Boomer parents in my case, I guess.
I know my dad had just come out of a "divorce" and with a kid when he remarried with me mum. First wife killed herself. Never knew the circumstances, never will.
Anyways, plenty of horny men marrying roasties like that. Think with your brain, not your dick.
Cool impotent insult. You have any legit response?
>stay at home mum
>middle of the day
>in dressing gown
>unmade bed
>busy taking selfies
I cant understand why we undervalue them
No, it's literally the reason why you are on this world, you idiot. To pass down your genes. Don't like it, don't do it. No one forces you to it. You can die eaten by your 50 cats, like Violetta Villas - no one cares.
we don't complain until you house moms start over valuing yourselves.
Oh...what? women are above that scrutiny. Well if I start to overvalue myself at work and bitch to management how i work too hard, not get enough pay consistently and start fights over it.
Eventually they will fire me. I guess that's why women want marriage. It's a job you cannot get fired from, and if you do, it's a long drawn out painful experience, and she gets a huge severance at the end.
Ya...no thanks.
>literal mindset that makes being a full-time homemaker such an shitty deal for women
unless this changes, they won't do it.
it was legit. You're clearly not capable of understanding what's the reason for having kids. Therefore you're lacking something crucial, that most people have. Therefore your opinion is invalid.
As i said, no one forces you to do anything. Just focus on your career, but don't tell other people what's good or what's wrong, because you're in minority. Most women don't think about it this way. Assuming you're even a woman. I'm suspecting you're just some sociopathic autist.
Shhhh. Women can't do math.
My wife does, she just isn't a lazy cunt who complains about it shes up with me at the crack of dawn for work and is already cleaning up before I'm out the door. I come home to dinner like i should. Most stay at home mums are sloths, its not an attitude, its fact.
Mad lad
Read some opinions from real women about the topic and don't rely on magical thinking to materialize into reality.
>I think something should be this and this ... therefore it will be so!
All biggest mistakes starts from this line of thinking. Polish people do it in leaps and bounds.
are you going to pay the nigger that fucks your wife like a professional porn star?
>She doesn't do it for free
>But someone else will
>so lets say you shit out a baby
you would have to deduct her money to pay her share of the baby responsibilities.
She's working rmember. She needs to pay her way.
>including food, bills, mortgage, insurance etc