Italy's new leftist government just went full open-borders and France and Germany are pledging to take half (one quarter each) of ALL immigrants arriving on Italian coasts, regardless of whether or not they are actual refugees.
Italy's new leftist government just went full open-borders and France and Germany are pledging to take half (one quarter each) of ALL immigrants arriving on Italian coasts, regardless of whether or not they are actual refugees.
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germany has been trying to do their best to end europe for over a century now, dont try to blame others. krauts sicken me
you are Asian
Idk why is that even bad? Europe isn't over. It just won't be 99% white. We are all humans, colour of your skin doesn't matter. There is population crisis in Europe anyway, they need the injection of something new that will revive the continent.
100% good news for Europe.
nonwhites are not human
Europe belongs to white people
and somehow still whiter than you
germany will seperate again. eastern germany will split from western germany.
afd will get much more votes in thuringia than in saxony or brandenburg.
95% of refugees live in western germany anyways
you wish, chink
They are lmao. Yeah sure, some races have different AVG IQ but few points here or there doesn't make a species making difference.
Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean he is less human than you. Hope you will grow up from these racist and at this point academically laughable viewpoints.
>>the absolute state of shillbots.
No European country needs Africans or Arabs of any sort for any reason. This stale bullshit is stale, come up with a new propaganda point.
This 100%. Europe will need many skilled workers and employees in the future and the only way to make this happen is via immigration from africa. We need to fight racism and bigotry in order to make our economy and countries grow and blossom. This is the reason why we need to open our doors and womens legs for immigrants especially from africa.
Germany did their best to dump the ZOG but failed. They got stomped down by the entire zionist world and were subsequently raped by communists, Germans don't exist anymore.
Kill all traitors
what kind of fucking fantasy view of ww2 do you have?
We need BREXIT... not later... NOW. Deal or fucking not. Get it done.
>We are all humans
Debatable, but even then we're just not of the same subspecies
Physiology, genetics and hard culture already proved it.
>colour of your skin doesn't matter
it's an indicator of your subspecies, of course it matters
>There is population crisis in Europe anyway
Muh falling population
>they need the injection of something new that will revive the continent
>100% good news for Europe
No, only for it's minorities, not for its core population.
That's the only good thing I can say about this.
>>IQ doesn't matter
Look at how some of these "fellow humans" live. In Africa they cook and eat each other. Their IQ and brutality are hand in hand. They live like savage cavemen because they think like savage caveman. Why the fuck would anymore want to let a savage into a civilization?
>We are all humans, colour of your skin doesn't matter
>Trying to block the road with small trees
That went out of style in the Ardennes
But ofc niggers wouldn't know since they never opened a book
classical wanna be Anglo
>few points here and there
He doesn't know.
youre arguing that we legislate for iq. in that case we still wouldnt discriminate against entire races of people but we would iq test all, whites included, and kick everybody who doesnt pass the test out. this iq shit is just a cover, just admit that you simply hate non-whites
The average sub-saharan African IQ is in the "mentally retarded" range. This makes them a burden to any remotely advanced society, and often a criminal and violent one at that.
I know this is bait but I'm still angry.
Just let italy, germany and france die they are the axis of cucks
Just send this pic to every leftie post you see guys
If he keeps responding, it's a shill or a troll
Lol even if you read a redacted public education textbook the story is still "Germans dump Jews, Jews call in USA and Russia, Russia rapes Germany into oblivion once the war is over." In reality the Jews were being expelled from a newly nationized Germany following a betrayal in WWI where German Jews betrayed their host country in order for the UK to cede their colony Palestine to zionism, and establish Israel. Following their defeat in WWII though, Germany was raped so hard it split the country in two. Now the refugee crisis is just pulling the plug. Fucking brutal.
He is absolutely right germany is like the low iq whore that keeps going out and getting raped.
She just wants to suffer and bring everyone down around her.
Jesus. I didn't realise how bad it was. It's over for France, there's no coming back from that.
Good riddance.
IQ is merely an indicator of correlation between certain groups of ethnically similar people behaving in certain way. We're not arguing that IQ is the SOLE indicator of an individual's behavior in society.
The other explanation is aggressive hormonal swings caused by a genetically enhanced production. Or the smaller cerebral capacity and lack of a developped frontal cortex.
Do something you faggot. Stop talking online like this solves it, get up and do something. ANYTHING. Break a fucking window, but do something.
>destroying the country even more
>niggers are a good thing because muh acceleration
Well if you go ahead and do that you would end up with a white ethno state anyways.
It's a good thing Hans. ACCELERAT.
Very well played as the EU faggot. Believable.
i dont think you understand how averages work sven. it would have less white people per capita than sweden does currently. still majority white but far less so than northern europe
I mean if you throw everyone under 100 IQ out you would pretty much throw out 99% of all niggers and sand niggers, the few that would remain would probably move away by them selves after some time.
>Such a deal would..
>babysitting feral niggers for free
Everyday the world gets more colwned
>>There is population crisis in Europe anyway
>Muh falling population
ending woman's suffrage would solve that
Acceleration is a stupid meme. We're accelerating for decades now, and it just gets worse and worse and worse. The end result will be a leftist totalitarian state with full control in which you can neither rise up nor accelerate anymore. We're closer to this shit than you believe, and it will be global, with nowhere left to run.
>few points here and there
African people have the average IQ of a mental retarded person.
you wouldnt have a country after throwing out everyone whos not triple-digit IQ
Germany has been trying to ruin Europe since the Roman Empire
This will happen within 20 years
fuck me
Maybe you stop with that cuck mentality and become man again. Also it's time to become Pagan again retard
Who is that guy?
hm. afd is always getting over 20% in eastern germany now. even if they go full totalitarian, they will never have everyone on their side.
and most people vote for old parties because they are either used to it (many of them old people who will die over the next years) or because they are afraid to lose their pensions because they want status quo.
just imagine one of these cases:
>massive rise of inflation (not hyperinflation, but seirous inflation)
>leads to massive price spikes for food which makes it unaffordable for many people
>refugee tax (that would actually hurt a lot of people, especially leftist students who might change their mind then)
>rising unemployment (unemployed people might spend their time lurking on the internet and informing themselves)
>harsh punishments from russia, china, usa because of bad relationships (might hurt a lot of people and redpill them)
i'd actually say we have absolute totalitarianism right now and it's just peaking before it collapses.
But they didn't do shit, didn't deport anybody. Now you telling me something worse is happening.
Can i as a nordic looking Canadian arrive in Italy and then get German benefits and claim to be a few years younger than i am? Should i maybe learn Arabic first? Maybe French, as North africa speeks it. I can claim berber.
>i'd actually say we have absolute totalitarianism right now
you fucking kidding me? go to north korea or china and tell me GERMANY is an absolute totalitarian state
>I did nothing to stop the Jew, my country is irrelevant shit
>t. greatest ally
i too support open boarders for israel, the homogeneity sickens me!!!
Based, fuck Yuropoors
My hero
Sergei Witte
Eastern Europe will still be around when all of you are living in multicultural, plague-infested, bug-eating, sleeping-pod living Western Europe, but life will be much tougher for Eastern Europeans when Western Europe becomes and existential threat for Eastern Europeans.
She is ok?
The jews will win, the white race will go extinct. Christianity will be gone. The world will be an uncontrollable mess and the Islamic antichrist will wage war on the jews and Israel.
Sounds better than population replacement to me.
I agree, but let's take this one step further and take a hard look at Israel's Jewish majority citizenry. I think it would do well to inject an African Muslim majority class into it self. We are all just human after all
we are not third world. stop comparing ourselves to third world shitholes.
it's like you are saying "you think losing two arms is bad? someone else lost two arms AND both legs".
it's just idiotic relativism.
we are the leaders of the world, we have culture, intellect, emotions, consciousness and massive intelligence. by our standards we live in a totalitarian time.
why? just some examples
>gun ownership illegal
>massive taxes
>homeschooling outlawed
>forced to pay 200€/year for government media
>heavily regulated economy
and so on. maybe we have even more regulations than these third world shitholes.
germany doesn't even have a constitution.
seriously, the average iq is much lower than you seem to think. furthermore the average difference in iq between races isnt as big as you also seem to think
>Christianity will be gone
That will be the first step to uncuck the minds of the sleepy masses
she died
fuck off with your moral relativism bullshit. why do krauts always do this. all people are to be judged by the same standards you waste of life
your reply makes no sense. where did you spot any moral relativism? lmao you sound like you are confused.
you are literally using different standards to judge people because you think you are morally superior. being german is a mental illness
take your pills shizo
i cant wait until america finally nukes you
Kek spoken like a true kraut.
>stop fighting, just let them stick it in your ass
Germany lost its manhood in 1945. Literally.
The west is over. We are being flooded by people with no sense of community, justice or values who are being imported to endlessly consume. They come here with arrogance, voting for short sighted socialist gibs are basically above the law. They have NO allegiance to our nations, do not believe in our God and will significantly outbreed us. There's simply no way of turning back, the damage done is already irreversible.
I'm neither. You know, not everyone who disagrees with you is paid shill (lmao, do these even exist anymore?) or troll (Hillary, is that you?) All of that in your post was refuted btw, academically. I know you and your alt right friends don't like science in particular (Earth is flat, vaccines kill people and jet fuel can't melt steel beams, hint, it can, sweaty) but try opening your eyes at least once. It can save your face when you actually go outside and try talking to women, so they won't laugh at your outdated racist theories.
Finns arent usually as cucked as you. Finnish jew
Spoken like a retarded burger. Not thinking that accelerationism is good in all scenaruos is not the same as not fighting.
>IQ was refuted btw, academically. Incel!
Just stop trying so hard for fuck's sake, it's getting cringey.
Who's that?
These fucking idiots let them in at the start and have turned it into a business and now the little black monkeys think it’s ok because some weak white slut thinks it’s ok. Why don’t they stay in there countries all they do is see a way out and start causing carnage as a way of entry. Are people this dumb?
grrrr im so mad grrr you got me SHAKING
is he shooting blanks?
You can be a meatball human wrapped in flesh with skin on a planet thinking he’s all that when the fact of the matter is that mentality will get us all killed! Fucking trannies at it again
Stop complaining about immigration, stupid ungrateful goyim!
Nigger in Roanoke, VA who shot a reporter, her cameraman and the person they were interviewing on live television.
i agree, whites are too passive. an injection of active agressive is exactly what goverments need
>Germany wants Europe to be for Europeans.
>Jewish EU gives it to every nigger.
>Who then in turn fuck over every euro.
>This is Germany's fault.
The Irish and Scots wanted independence from the UK and now the UK wants Brexit and NOW the EU is fucking over Europa like you couldn't even imagine.
I'm honestly upset.
>We are all humans, colour of your skin doesn't matter.
Race, IQ and skull shape dont matter now?
Skin pigmentation and racial political ideology doesnt even matter?
Turns out guns dont kill in one shot, especially small calibers.
Third world immigration to Europe can't be stopped trough democracy. Once enough people realize this, change can happen.
Did Hitler not want to take on the international finance system?
Did he not want to get Jews out of Germany?
Fucking retarded.
I agree. We need to end racism once and for all. The only good way forward is to have foreigners enter our governmental body, especially the european parlement, which is fital if europa wishes to survive. Currently this is very hard, since racism is rife in the european continent. To combat this, I suggest a diversity policy, which makes the european parlement, and all governments in the european body to become at least 50% diverse with peoples with a non-european background. This will ensure we will get a fair perspective on politics for ALL the peoples of Europe.