Why USA keep white women racial supremacy in Democrats Corporations? Why white women is not ridiculed, inferiorized...

Why USA keep white women racial supremacy in Democrats Corporations? Why white women is not ridiculed, inferiorized, related to shit like was produced with white women against men of own race for years?

>thinking white women are overrun by WOC
All the heores are white women and they throw in a negress to distract /pol, and they make her super niggerish, like with an afro and extreme african facial feature like captain Deha or the new negress in IX. All aexecutives are miostly white women. They weaponize minorities against white men, but at the end of the day it' a whiite female supremacist movement. They aren't even pretending looking for equality, they are publicily saying they have more women and they have all women story groups. KK sent her daughters to an all-female schoolfor rich white girls. It's waird that she doesn't want to expose her own daughter to diversity, but Star Wars fans have to endure it in the movies.

I know what really hurts the white women, white women is not really confident about asian women, this is why USA worked to marginalize them, marginalize whit emen, try to relate white men and asian women a negative, boycott white men and non-white women, keep everything centralized in the racial praise, confort zone, self-esteem, pride of white women, they even tried to insert white women in some narrative of victimized and identity politics even white women having the best lives compared to the women of other race, even american corporations being made to keep white women above the non-white women as inferior, even with all narratives made by white women for years to lower sexual market of men of own race, boycott white men and non-white women, keep white women as center of attention, desexualize white men and non-white women to make uncool, unsexy, unatractive and keep the white women as racial trophy, white women being the most popular gold diggers, prostitutes for racial fetish of men of other race and maybe this give a ego boost for them

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So, the main qualification isn't merit, it's being a cunt?

I know what really hurts the white women self-esteem, racial self-image, ego, confort zone, is white men and non-white women being celebrated, instead of put them against each other in disguised shilling and celebrate the white women alone as the center of attention and celebrated with men of other race while boycotted white men and non-white women for years who was the majority of couples and attractive before USA started to politically racially pick only the best white women models to be used with the men of other race and use white women with non-white men, blacks, as cool, pure, good and white men and non-white women as bad, drama, bullshit, nerfed, no kiss, no sexual scenes, no sceens against white women as trash, villain, related ton shit, no white women and non-white women against men of own race like was made with white women for men of other race against white men having racial fetish with white women who loved everything be with white men as undesired cuckold ridiculed loser race of men image locked and forced to be wiht white women only not by choice but for american racial manipulation who wanted white women as the defualt with men of other race

Look at american media, how they pick uglier non-white women, less attractive non-white women to keep racial confort zone of white women, how they try to insert white women included in the side of non-white women and try to put against men of own race to try to put white men and non-white women against each other, while try to include and celebrate white women with men of other race as positive

How USA always worked to lower sexual market of white male, promote them as cuckold secondary loser race of men who is supposed to be forced to be with white women and white women needed to be the default with men of other race instead of white men and non-white women and white women ugly, inferior for asian women, non-white women, compete with non-white women for white men without boycott white men and non-white women

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Why is Kathleen Kennedy not fired already? Is ruining a franchise not enough?

Kathleen Kennedy destroyed Star Wars like it was Alderaan.

Im astonished that she still has her job. Im convinced Ryan Johnson acted in bad faith the entire time during the TLJ, he purposed wanted to throw a wrench in the entire franchise permanently. If it wasnt on purpose, then he was wholly incompetent. Either way, its her job to steward the franchise and she failed

I recently re-watched the prequel trilogy. 20 years ago I despised TPM, now I kinda like its humor, even Jar Jar. Maybe the reason I like it now is I have something worse to compare it to.

The jews need to go.

Tried to make asian women guilt of being sexually attracted to white dudes being hoter than asian men, manipulation of only allowed being attracted for white women and anti-white male shilling

Desexualization of white, thousands of anti-white male biased news to try to marginalize only them, use only them racially negative, keep white women being the white people free because wanted votes/support of white women or is the own white women with the democrats who are the owners of these corporations and the white women openly or in subconscious work for their own racial confort zone, racial supremacy, self-esteem, subconscious pride and enjoy have all racial manipulation polarized in anti-white male, with every kid who born white and men being used for political evil maniplation of hate baiting against the normal white people while say to worship rich white democrats in their corporations and worship the white women who loved the white woemn being the racial fetish and promoted as positive while try to say that white men and non-white women is some evil racial fetish who the white is disgusting and nasty and they need to be related to shit, after years of white women racial praise, boycott of white men and non-white women, working to lower sexual market of white men, condition every kid who born white and men to have internalized racial cuckoldry being the only race of men forced to be used negative, cuckolds, forced to be with white women, promoted as lesser cuckolds losers and villains for men of other race while the men of other race is the pure, dominant, good male with the narrative of white women being the only race seeking and beging for men of other race against men of own race, the deepest racial dream fetish of non-white men in being the dominant male with white men as inferior and white women being celebrated against men of own race for men of other race to give racial pride, fetish, confidence in want white women and see white men as losers for other men

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it was never a bad movie and Jar Jar was never a bad character. i was completely mystified when i first found out how much people hate it. we live in a very strange world.

>franchise nobody watches with any seriousness

Ah, so now we know why the films suck so much.

Who the white mlae is showed only as the non-dominant men only with the own white women while white women was the only race of women for years used with men of other race, who for years was used to lower sexual market of men of own race in anti-white male narratives for racial fetish of men of other race with white men as losers, and keep them locked as inferior with white women, who the white male was the only race promoted as cuckold and inferior men and jokes in american propaganda, and never produced nothing of masculine, dominant, to have respect of men like cuckold the men of other race, have white men and non-white women against men o fown race, they have only anti-white male and racial fetish with white women and see the white men being friend or mocked losers or villains never dominant man, and only with the own white women who nobody cares and the own white women already related white men with shit and the men of other race feel confident seeing white men as losers of white women and living only for the racial supremacy/self-esteem of white women being the white people who is keep only in racial positive narratives, aren't used as ugly, villain, aren't put as trash and inferior for white men and non-white women, white women victimized even having best lives since forever compared to non-white women, white women being the only, and this because democrats also wanted, white women against men of own race and with men of other race, white men alone, and non-white women with men of own race friend of white women and against white men, this was the american racial manipulation made by Democrats industries using every kid who born white and man as political hate scapegoat like jews were used to unite people in hate against one enemy

While the scenes of white males, live for more racial hegemony of white women, live to make the scenes be the most desexualized, neutral, least treatening possible for the men of other race and white women above non-white women

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Real wisdom here. MGTOW

it's amazing how fast they killed star wars

killing space jesus was her job fool. She's performed her task well. Retards that think Star Wars is just oopsie poopsie we screwed up bad amaze me.

It's almost like they were given the directive make it as bad as possible and kill Space Jesus and make him a cucked loser

Women doing men's job...

Fuck this clownworld!

NOBODY wants to see the female in command except JEWS.

Naturally, females are followers of men and they are happy that way.

Why we can't have constantly white men and non-white women celebrated instead of biased news made only against white men and non-white women and keep white women confortable and celebrate white women with men of other race, why we can't have white men and non-white women without try to insert the white women in the middle of white men and asian, black, non-white women to try to make white women ego confortable and say, hey i'm white women here and i'm total okay with it, when it's a lie and the white women only hide it for themselves because the white women feel totally racially confortable with yeard of anti-white male trashing and white women racial praise, we do not want white women confortable, we want white women living like white men, with all the race baiting, polarization, manipulation, bias, we want white women unconfortable, ridiculed for women of other race in the jokes, white men and non-white women constantly without the need to create some white women confortable narrative in the middle of white men and non-white women, we want white women being polarized, racially marginalized, exploited as negative, everything that was made against white men being made against the white women, and also the men of other race as cuckolds ugly inferior losers for hot white men and hot non-white women celebrated, constantly, praised, scenes showing the loser blacks, asian men, jealous of white men and asian, black, non-white women and used as villains of white men and non-white women against men of own race, all the narratives forever made for their racial fetishes with white women against men of own race for the men of other race like was used politically as the default in american manipulation for years, the american corporations being made for years to keep white women as superior race, racial trophy, seeing white men as inferior and locked in white women, the white women is not showed as lesser, ridiculed, for non-white women and white men against white women

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Jar Jar is a sith lord. Lucas was too much of a coward to stick with it.


It fully would of been the next "No, I am your father" moment if they weren't pussies.

Why when have white men and asian, black, non-white women they try to insert the men of other race totally okay with it instead of show them jealous, the black men in american media become fake supportive of white men and black women and promoted in good way, the asian boys aren't showed as insane jealous shilling against white men and asian women and wanting white women to feel macho man and narrative of white men as inferior cuckold loser race of men like was politically made for black men for years in american corproations while the white owmen is keep above asian women, black women and with narrative of non-white women as inferior and friend of white women, instead of show the men of other race jealous like they are (Even with years of everything produced to give confidence for them in have racial fetish and try to flirt with white women and see white men as losers to be jokes and ridiculed with the narrative of white women support and praising the men of other race as dominant real man against white men as the villains, cucks, losers) and wanting only the default racial fetish media/ads/propaganda/porn that was always made with white women and boycott of white men and non-white women relationships, marginalize, ridicularize, make them looks aberration, drama, uglier, uncool, divide, put against each other, desexualize, make the leasr treatening possible for the men of other race masculine self-esteem, and for the white women racial confort zone of see white men as their pets, white men and non-white women that always had much more before american social engineering fiction tried to produce opposite word with white women as the default, and were more attractive couples of normal people in contrast of the rare white women with black in real life being the ugliest and fatest and the attractive white women being gold diggers who rich men of other race buy for racial fetish and the white women and men of other race aren't related to shit in biased

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Same woman

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>more than 50% female
discrimination. Needs to be 50% male.
>only two half black girls
fucking racist. They need 4 blacks, 3 mexicans, and an asian.
Fellas, how can we stop the racist sexism over at lucasfilms? They only have 1 tranny for fucks sake.

White women are easy to control.

that woman is not Swedish

Star wars died a while back. Torrent it if you must. It's gonna suck and they can't salvage the franchise anymore.
Women don't belong in creative fields. They're not creative.

Incompetency, the image.

I've told you once already; dilate

Nice. How can I short Lucas film?