This fucking FUCK thinks he's going to disarm Millions. He thinks AR-15s are the guns mostly used in mass shootings. He thinks they are magical in their ability.
I unironically hope by some miracle he becomes President. Imagine the acceleration and absolute chaos that would ensue.
The same American-Atheists that brought you the degeneracy in the transition of pic related want to take away your guns as well, and make American citizens surfs of a globalist oligarchical shadow-government and inflict Jewish socialism and communism, then package up all her debts as Triple-A and passing them off to Americans as Assets backing a new currency, then secretly siphon off her real productivity and real assets to export and enrich non Americans living in America and enable her destruction from the inside out.
The time for cheese headed politicians to nonchalantly stand up on a podium and say to America: "I'm going to disarm you" has come to an end.
Your argument that Pea Shooters in the hands of individuals to protect yourself against the infliction of an unwelcome and hostile domestic government-insurgency, or the overthrow of your own government from a hostile foreign power by tanks, aircraft and ships isn't enough to form a meaningful resistance.
Give up your guns, you don't need them. I've done all the pre-requisite reading and research: They're no good for hunting. They're no good for protecting your family, they're no good for defending your local territory, they just won't do, so I'm telling you, you have to get rid of them.
This fag beto is just gaslighting in hopes of more gun violence. Ignore and he has nothing
Xavier Sullivan
Boomer meme
Colton Wilson
If someone like Beto wants to make meaningful policy about dangerous people using Dangerous guns to harm the innocent, that thing that needs to be banned is African Niggers, not the guns.
BETO, It's time. Explain in detail how, who, when. No graduated steps, just an outright confiscation. Just take them. As a symbolic gesture, You must go yourself to a house in rural Georgia or Lubbock TX and DEMAND the GUNS! Don't talk about it and make someone else do it, show leadership and do the first 100 so we know how, do it and show us you mean it! Start with the guy who owns this one! TELL HIM YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE IT THEN GO OVER THERE AND SHOW AMERICA YOU'RE SERIOUS PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL!
>hell yea, we gonna take your ar15 next mass shooting with handguns >hell yea, we gonna take your handgun next mass shooting with shotgun >hell yeah, we gonna take your shotgun . . . . . >hell yeah we gonna take your air rifle
These cats are smarter than they look, when they say something that is obviously wrong it's a secret Code to say something that they cannot say or else lose their station on the podium.
It's secret code for fellow Data Scientists who know about predictive modeling and information gain.