The Hollywood Tranny Conspiracy
Does this have any merit too it? Are most actors within hollywood ZOG trannies?
The Hollywood Tranny Conspiracy
Does this have any merit too it? Are most actors within hollywood ZOG trannies?
T. Johnny Depp
Get off Jow Forums and walk around nature
Interesting question. The most confusing part is that for whatever reason, likely because of their storied history as empire and civilization building, most really do believe that Brits are white but this is not true. They are not.
The New Lara Croft
I feast upon your butthurt Greek Turk, keep them coming
T. Ring fingerlet
Come again?
Stay mad Turk
Kid looks like a Londoner
I think op triggered the hollywood trannies.
If you live in the rest of America (outside Hollywood and other metro areas) trannies are a very infrequent occurrence.
I understand some folks are wired differently I just don't understand the rabid push and hype. Especially upon children.
I'm surprised no one has gone ballistic over it.
He is from a Italian-Mexican mutt from America you mutt, one of you wide array of "stellar" actors
No surprise here, especially seeing as I baited that Greek turk.
there is a correlation nothing more
Found the Jewish Surgeon who conducts the "transformation"
With Trannies or the Finger BS