The Most Important Trump Fact You All Forgot

Donald Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. According to his known SAT scores and the admission standards of the highly competitive and rigorous school, we can use the MENSA models of accurately extrapolating IQ from SAT scores to conclude that Donald Trump has an IQ of at least 156 by today's Stanford-Binet standards. That is higher than Bobby Fischer whose score of 180-190 would equate to 145-156 in today's model. A man who could reliably predict outcomes in a game with more possible games than atoms in the universe, to the point that the games would offend him for being "scripted", was still probably less intelligent than Donald Trump. Donald Trump is so intelligent, his percentile is 99.9905, where people are classified as "having exceptional intellectual ability and capability of looking far beyond known facts", to quote the description by MENSA.


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What this means is that we are all effectively just observers whose input on how Trump should go about things is totally irrelevant at best. It means the
>muh 4d chess!
gaslighting fags are such smoothbrains, they are mocking chess players who recognize Bobby Fischer is a good player, while barking guaranteed-to-fail, short-sighted, high time preference, shitskin tactics about how he should play. It means the e-celebs and anons who constantly make particular demands of him are so profoundly mired in the Dunning-Kruger Effect, they are essentially analogous to an African pygmy who has never even heard of the concept of the wheel, but really feels like his input on how a nuclear submarine ought to be built is desperately needed.


Trump is a lot smarter than any of us. He's smarter than any bureaucrat or spook in the deep state, the politicians running against him, the inbred elites, and all the Jews. Statistically, only 1 in 10,000 people have this level of intellectual ability, and the whole world is run by him and a few hundred others, most of whom are 85 IQ shitskins. What are the odds that another freak like that exists in global power at all? Quite slim.


Trump is firmly in control and has been from the start. He probably bankrolled the shilling against him too, as it served an unseen strategic purpose. There's literally nothing anyone can do to help or hurt him. All we can do is hope that he survives long enough to MAGA.


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His daddy paid for him to get in

Yeah that's great, but he still fights to keep us as slaves to israel so fuck him. We're still an empty shell, a pay pig, vassal state. Under a foreign nations control.

Wake me up when he takes us off the leash and declares we'll never be slaves to kikes again.


>yeah, bobby fischer sacrificed THREE pawns, so fuck him. terrible chess player

Q predicted this

That's an extraordinary claim that could really fuck with his legacy. Too bad for you, you just made that up off the top of your head.

Yeah it's totally out of the realm of probability. I recant my statement.

Most people are more intensely aware of Jews today than they ever have been, and they're being presented in a light that isn't flattering. This is stage one, the charging of public consciousness in preparation for the next stage, which will likely come in the form of new revelations in the Trump/Russia hoax and in particular, Israel's role in the affair.

Remember, as much as some here think Trump is a zionist and a servant of the Jews, he hasn't given them a single thing that they wouldn't have automatically received without him (through a bipartisan majority), or what he gave them cost us basically nothing(embassy, golan).

Trump is getting the dems and the npc mob to do his dirty work for him. If America is ever going to leave the middle east public support must force congress to stop it's endless pandering to Israel.

Trump sucks jewish cock all day, and gave up his daughter to the tribe. Total obedience to the jews.

But if congress turns off the money? Meh, that's not for the president to decide.

An ally can turn, you'll find that out soon.

As well you should. You should recant all further statements until you learn the difference between an accusation and evidence of guilt


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Donald Trump is a distraction for the working class to focus in on while their jobs are being replaced by ai and automation. He's basically jerry lewis in the day the clown cried.


Yeah, Trump has proven several times that he has a great amount of intelligence and there is no way his life has been put on easy mode because of his family's money and influence.

Very good! Your take on chess is just as valid as Bobby Fischer. You're very smart and special. Not a Dunning-Kruger case at all!

Problem is white people are so scared to be called a racist. As if lightning will strike them down if someone calls them the oh so scary R-word.

Black people dont give a fuck if whites call them racist.

If white people stopped caring about being called racist the left would lose all their power.

In fact....the real reason trump won which nobody has ever said or the fact that 99% of the time he didnt defend himself of accusations of racism. He just shrugged them off.

Prove he got into the 156 IQ school by corrupt means. Do you understand burden of proof?

I think you meant the post below yours

jew trump - dad bought him his scores most likely and/or made a huge donation.

Burden of proof, Dunningkrugerling

Alright smarty pants. You prove it first. Show me his SAT scores and college transcripts

That's not how the burden of proof works. We know he was accepted into the Wharton School which is conditional upon having an SAT which translates to 156 IQ. The most reasonable assumption until proven otherwise is that he was just a case of standard practice, rather than an elaborate conspiracy where the complicity and unbroken silence of every person in a massive bureaucracy was perfectly maintained by the infinite Rothschildesque money of a...moderately wealthy ghetto realtor.

I'm not the one making an accusation, and am therefore not subject to the burden of proof. I can't prove a negative. Of course if you weren't a Dunningkrugerfag, you'd understand


And it's not an elaborate scheme or conspiracy. Rich and influential people get paid college acceptance regularly.

>implying iq correlates at all to real world performance and activity and isn't just a way for cucks to yell that they're better than Jow Forums

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>all those great medical breakthroughs and technology advancements from Somalia

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Very good Opie! Cookie time! You are a very smart boy!
Only certain schools. You can't buy your way into MENSA, and no evidence exists that not just admission, but passing grades in 156 IQ classes could be bought either. Imagine the degree of conspiracy necessary to buy one's way into MENSA. The hundreds of people, knowing they'll be killed, the billions of dollars to keep them controlled. You're going with the least simple explanation because it makes you feel good. And I understand IQ disparities are tough. Now you know how niggers feel, Jamal. But there is something, just one thing, you can do better than Trump: be yourself. Stop trying to be a clever politics guru. You can never come within 100 league divisions as Trump. It's just not for you. Maybe you're good at sports, who knows.

>>implying iq correlates at all to real world performance and activity and isn't just a way for cucks to yell that they're better than Jow Forums
Hi there DaQuan! You filthy nigg- I mean, brilliant political mastermind! You're right, IQ is bullshit. It's just a made up white people number mayn!

I know I'm not as good as Trump. He's better than me in every way. He's just not as good as you're trying to paint him. He's definitely not as intelligent as you're giving him credit for.

Obama released his college grades....

>implying you don't need intellect to process multi-faceted information and effectively apply it to real world situations
>brainlet IQcoping this hard

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Sure. I'm sure you've developed a system for measuring intelligence which is more predictive than SAT scores and IQ. What are you waiting for? I'm excited to hear!
From a school that routinely rejects qualified applicants and accepts only the kids of the most corrupt blackmailers. Also, all of his other documents were fakes. Not that one though. That one that coincidentally happens to be awfully convenient in this debate is the one real one
