Is George Carlin the most based boomer on the planet or what?

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>George Carlin
>baby boomer

I like how the audience cheers at him as he talks down to them like the cattle they are.
They probably believe they're not the ones he was talking about, but then again they all paid money to watch another guy talk.

This in turn is why Carlin was such a misanthrope. He saw this night in and night out.
>look at all these fucking assclowns, they have no clue I'm talking about them.

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>george carlin

It's quite sad.
Maybe they're just laughing at themselves.

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Signs point to "yes".

He's dead user.

>on the planet

Carlin was going to be unhappy anywhere in any era.

Okay, yes. He's dead now.
That wasn't my point.
I get that.

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clown tells audience theatre is on fire, they all think it is a joke
he tries to convince them more earnestly, and it’s met with more applause
they all die laughing

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I wonder what Carlin would say about the jq.

>a "judeo-christian" lefty edgelord who isn't funny

see He's a goy.

Nothing because he's a dumb boomer, and a disillusioned hippy.

I would have liked this as a teenager.

He was silent gen, and a beatnik

Well being he probably didn't wanna be poor/blacklisted/suicided, he'd probably not say anything.

He gets awful close, describing them without naming them.

You know, he knew

Course he knew.
You can't work in that businesses and have three brain cells to rub and not get it. If you have pattern recognition abilities, it's not hard to notice.

Guys like Carlin use comedy to reach out and touch that 1/1000 that aren't still wholly inside of the system. Comedy sticks to you. It's why it's easier to remember jokes than it is general speech/lines. It's problem why comedy/laughing evolved in humans, as a means of setting in important examples. That would explain why Aesop's fables all have a twinge of comedy to their story.

If he were still alive, i would love to hear his take on the last 5 years.

He was not a misanthrope. He was Irish!

Still a boomer and a disillusioned hippy.

A very observant misanthrope with the gift of blarney.

it's the only based boomer

GoFundme Patreon Apple Jews Defeated

No, he specifically would not name the jew and made fun of whites instead. He's 100% establishment.


I used to love Carlin, but his material has aged terribly.

Michael Savage is the most based Boomer

No. Not a boomer, plus he's been dead for a decade.

WAS he based ? Yep.

Carlin certainly had a way with words. His special Life is Worth Losing isn't even his best but it's fucking cocaine comedy man turned jaded cynic gold.

He’s a cucked liberal Jew that pushed for multiculturalism and faggotry.
But he had some funny moments

Carlin would be an australian poster on Jow Forums.

>Michael Savage is the most based Boomer
It depends on the day. 1 day he’s a neocon war hawk that wanted to go on a crusade through the Middle East. The next day he’s Ron Paul. It became so tiresome.

Can you speak in anything but memes?

>George Carlin is dead
I think OPs onto something.

>pro abortion
>hates god
yah fuck right off meme flag faggit

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he killed himself during heaven's gate
chomped his dick off and everything

Carlin is for people with a high school mentality who think they're in tune with what's going on. He just parroted 2000s era liberal shit and people think he was some deep thinker.

>The real owners of this country
>They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying to get what they want

Shit this guy was woke

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Fag, as much as he shits on the system as long as it made those evil white conservatives see how dumb god and being straight is!

>Shit this guy was woke
Yes, but you can't use words like that anymore. The left has taken them over. Carlin was a fucking genius that pointed out every fucking flaw that humans have. He will be missed for the rest of humanities existence. He is the gold standard for filtering out bullshit. I doubt anyone will ever replace him. RIP.

He wasnt anything special. Just basic anti-establishment, but still parroted every liberal talking point ever.

No, I guarantee that he would not call himself part of the "left" these days. He would be making fun of the entire thing.

Yeah that was me before i got redpilled

Yeah, but still fine with the underlying principles. A liberal.

No. If anything, he may have been a libertarian, but he was a free thinker. He was anti-statism. The line has changed over time. If you think he wouldn't have fucked with dumb fucks like AOC, you are mistaken.

>He's dead user.

The best kind of Boomer.

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I would say yes but he wasn't a boomer

Yeah, because genius people like yourself could have taken us to the moon, invented cell phones, etc.

No, but he would be fine with all the basic liberal "anti-racist, anti-homophobe" bullshit. Hes a fucking liberal and thats it.

Well...I can tell fart jokes like Carlin. I must be based.

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>Bro, the system baaaad
>Hahaha church baaaaad
>Life has like no meaning were all dust in the wind duuuude
Fucking based!

Why does that little kid look like she's 30?

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Your baseline is below the noise floor.

Picking on christianity happened back in the day because of how hypocritical and weak mainstream christians acted.
You have to remember, this was an era coming off of the Goldwater era with christian fundamentalism(the die-for-Israel evangelicals) threatening to take over the right. And sure enough, as Goldwater predicted, the evangelicals took over the right. We call them neo-cons now.