Why did he stop talking about Jews?
Why did he stop talking about Jews?
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Because the Cabal is multiracial and comprised of many faiths.
He didn't. I just checked on his last few streams and they're all about jews.
He does say really retarded shit though like "the holocaust narrative hurts jews the most out of everyone" and "no planes hit the towers on 9/11".
He didn't, he just changed the word he is using to grabbler so that he can reach a wider audience with the same information.
Because the grabblers like to control both sides against the middle.
They control both the narrative for the left and the right.
You will never gain control of your life if you follow any of their lies.
He hasn't decided if Jews are the masters or if they're just elite puppets of the true masters (international billionaires?).
He also still can't seem to decided if he thinks Jewish is an ethnicity or not. I personally feel like the only reason this is an issue for him is the fact that he has some Jewish ancestry. If it's genetic then he has Jew blood, if it isn't then he doesn't have Jew blood. However, it's obvious that there is a Jewish ethnicity and he's doing little pilpul tricks to soothe his insecurity.
Also he's a sensitive little ban-happy faggot.
the grabbler meme is to cast a wider net to mock both jews and their shabbos goys like the pope and western politicians alike. pretty genius imo
the idea that jewishness is purely blood related is stupid because many jews became christians and many jews today especially ashkanazi are european blooded, or the others are mixed blooded with various sand people tribes. Jewishness is a spiritual rot, a female mentality of victimhood and guilt and materialism imo
>fingers your butthole with olive oil
nothing personal kid
He is one.
Ignore these gay threads
Owen went full retard.. I can't stand him or his streams especially after the way he went after fuentes a few weeks back was just oddball shit.
I'm not a fan of crowder and his milq-toast shabbos ways but I knew when Owen went after him that Owen was nigger-tier mentally.
It's all about truth. It's all about logos. But it's not the Jews, it's the grabblers with tiny hats. Whatever Shylock.
If a couple of dick-riding fags like ROTC consistently come out ahead in your struggles against them, it's time to hang it up.
Let it go Big Bear.
He lost it completely. He took to many red pills at once and it fried his low IQ celebrity brain. Or he actually is highly intelligent and is milking his low IQ Christian fan base. I stopped listening to his streams once he stopped playing music and rambled about Jews like the kid at school who first discovered 4 chan and spouts memes in real life.
>openly jewish, pro israel, and pro race mixing
>got spitroasted by his dad and his priest
>"everyone in my town got molested bro"
>piano playing chubby hollywood homo projects his homosexuality onto everyone
>mutt with ugly mexican wife(?) calls himself white
>failed comedy hack thinks he is "objectively funny" because he made some money
* Started constantly rambling
But those are spot on. Passengers were worm food and what hit the towers were remote drones with aerosolized jet fuel in the cabin.
And the holocaust myth means that the next time the jq is asked, they will see it happen for real.
he is one of [[[them]]]
Killed his career with attempts to red pill, and he'd like to keep an audience on the largest media site instead of getting a job at Burger King
Except he didnt.