How can they spin this to be a bad thing?

How can they spin this to be a bad thing?

>muh tax cuts
Trump actually increased taxes on the rich. Revenues are through the roof.

Attached: trumpecon.png (736x468, 26K)

They can't give any credit.

Idk. Stable growth is good. People who want 10% a year are retarded that’s how massive recessions like 2007 happen.

There is lots of cycling going on in stock market. Dow companies have lots of international exposure, so some are up, some are down. The S&P is where the Maga companies are all listed.

Another bubble that you know who made so they can profit on the way up and get out before they blow it up.

so many ameritards dont realize recessions are normal

its meaningless. it doesnt actually save jobs AAANND the dow chairman admitted that they dont have to put forward accurate figures on market volume in 2017. after that the conversion of market volume to dollars became reduced and they admitted it doesnt even have 1 million dollars in it

how did this happen? some one did the fuzzy math M0 to global markets. low and behold there was 3 trillion more than there should be and a that was assuming there was no such thing as cash on hand which all drug dealers and prostitutes have as well as those that do business with them AAANNND all retail chains and gas stations have in their registers

so when they dug deeper they found the dow didnt actually have the cash flow it seemed it would need. there is a reason people use the s&p more now

it probably has less cash in it than pre obama dow which according to the spread sheets every one uses had sub 11k market volume which is a lie and it hit 12k many times for many years before that

Are you getting any of that tax break money?

The government usually doesn't have this much debt except in times of war, speaking for the past 10,000 years (yes ten thousand)

Recessions are normal 2007 isn’t.

the price of btc is the only thing that really matters

only correct answer

Stock growth for companies doesn't meaning investing in employees. It means stock bonuses for execs.

This is only as good as 1) Trump AND China ease the Trade War, and 2) Trump is able to trick speculators into the "one more day" mentality.

TBonds represent the REAL value of the NYSE. When that value ceases to accrue, then the causes of that cessation must be addressed with possible interest rate tweakage....under normal circumstances.

Under the current parabola induced by this Mercantilism-inspired "trade war", speculation cannot endure fed on lies for very much longer.

The dollar value can even rise when this bubble bursts, but it is going to happen.

Attached: Master.gif (635x426, 39K)

recessions aren't normal. they've only been normal on a national or global scale for the last 100 years. they are purely done to sabotage the west, and root out smaller competition.

This is why the bailouts weren't even debated, it just passed, both dem and repubs voted for them. people didn't even have time to rally against it. just "here, have trillions of our hard earned dollars while everyone else fails and collapses and you fuckwits buy them up for pennies on the dollar"

And that's what happened. control and power was consolidated between 2008-2012 toward the ultra rich and powerful.

10% a year may as well be a recession when i can get 1000x trading crypto

Muh over 1 trillion yearly budget deficit, sans bailout, sans new war, sans fucking anything besides the trade war trump started, but yeah totally booming economy of trillion dollar yearly debts, hail capitalism, hail market economics

A few months back Mormons were saying that Trump raised taxes on hardworking Americans.

They refuse to acknowledge that the standard deduction was doubled. Most working class people paid less, but the media and normies refused to accept it.

>Revenues are through the roof.

Man you drank all that koolaid didnt you? A recession is simply a slow down of the economic cycle. And after the boom of jobs and spike in spending and growth the past few years, we are probably looking at one on the horizon. Its not DA JOOOOS. Its not deep state. Or whatever you foil hats circle jerk to. Its simply that after so long people burn out on luxury spending. Or they run out of things they want to buy. Recession isnt an evil thing. Its a normal part of how our economy flows.

Standard deduction was doubled but the personal exemption was removed
>Before they added up to maybe 10500
>Now the single standard deduction is 12000
Its not a big bump

>A recession is simply a slow down of the economic cycle.
that's what they tell you to mask their conquest of america.

in the past, before the federal reserve, sure, you had ups and downs but it was always on an industry or region-specific scale.

every time you have a recession, the rich get richer, everyone else gets less and less. this is a system set up to enslave us, plain and simple