Daily reminder if you don't have skills, a trade, and cannot weld, you are not white

Real white men don't vidya.
Real white men improve and have abs and biceps.
Real white men weld.
Are you a white man who loves freedom and liberty or a fagget loser incel who loves tyranny, socialism, and takes government aid?

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14 years in trades. 60k/ year. No college debt. Single. Feel like I missed out a lot.

Sorry Chukee. I took the neet pledge.

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What if I know skills, PLUS I know chemistry?
Does one negate the other?

Knowing and learning how the world works and how to use it to make humanity more powerful makes you white.

College is where most find their spouse. I feel for you dude, I missed it too.

What if I know how to make and safely utilize meth, explosives, and improvised weaponry?
Those are illegal, and only niggers break the law.

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What if I can woodcraft, weld, smith, AND I play vidya?

19 years in tech.
180k / yr.
No college debt. Single. Feel like I missed out a lot.

Um real white men play fortnight and understand feminism sweetie so go kys

>having low enough body fat to have abs

Vanity is a sickness

Fuck, I want to learn to weld, but too afraid that my corneas will get deep fried if I try to teach myself. Does JB Weld count?

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I love

> socialism

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Welding is neat.
Just make sure to wear the correct PPE, user, and your corneas should be fine.

"Things that never happened" for a thousand, Alex

Metal fumes are the greater danger as long as you're wearing welding goggles/masks.

with that kind of money, I feel like I wouldn't feel bad about experiencing more in life. As a single person with that kind of money, can\t you travel a lot and do fun stuff? Not smart enough for tech, am a carpenter.

fucking this.

real white men weigh 110kg (250lbs) minimum.

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15 years in retail. 28k/year. no college debt. banging a cashier and a deli girl. feel like another joint.

Sheet metal fabricator and shop welder here.

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Watch this thread get flooded with skilless office cuckbicle dwellers whose only skills are in putting hemorrhoid cream on their lose buttholes.

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14 year metal fab and TIG welder coming through. Please hold on to your panties.

I lost a butthole once

Its still a skill.

Aluminum fumes are bad. Mild steel and stainless aren't that scary.

Wow mental illness is a funny thing. Like this is a larp right? there cannot seriously be people that un-ironically see the world this way

>t. Cubecuck

JB is good stuff. In a cinch you can helicoil with it, aluminum.
I have a 120 amp welder, stand, but have never fired it up. Even got the cool flames welding helmet, but same concerns.
I did small engine mechanics, but got a profession and bought a lot of toys.
Problem with trades is you have to deal with a lot of real retards, sometimes it was like trying to talk to a litter of Irish setter pups.
Or women.

>Real white men don't vidya.
>Real white men improve and have abs and biceps.
>Real white men weld.

lol whatever fag

t. truck driver

>be highschool dropout runaway
>join muh Army in a plea bargain to escape juvie/prison
>now machinist in mid 30s
>make ~$90,000 a year
>own nice house with wife and 2 kids

Life is good. But the world sucks. Thinking about pulling a Randy Weaver and moving innawoods.

Oh shit it is real? Ahahaha oh man Jow Forums turning people into stone cold crazy incels isnt a meme

also, I create vfx for movies and I can guarantee my job is waaaaay more fun than whatever you do friendo

>t. Hollyjew cubecuck

True, but in steels there are other metals that can cause issues.
Iron isn't the problem. It's moly and cobalt and others.

also pol needs to take the blubber pill already.

science, evolution and DNA hints towards a past when the white race were entirely aquatic beings, swimming in the ocean due to our uniquely buoyant body fat (it is well known that blacks and other races can not swim and will sink like stones in water).

one of many pieces of evidence proving this is that non-white races have a high chance to develop diabetes if they are over 100kg, while whites are much more resilient to diabetes, even at very high weights like 200kg+.

obviously this information is not well known because this means the white race has the largest ethnostate on planet earth by far (the oceans) and the unparalleled ability to protect it from intruders.

the movie 'mission to mars' hinted towards this.
when gary sinise is drowning in the water at the end, but then realizes he can actually breathe in water because the aliens showed him his races natural abilities.

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I weld, am a competent carpenter and mechanic, do my own home repairs, combat arms veteran, and work in technology making around ~100k per year. Also, I play vidya sometimes. I guess I'd be white if I didn't play games? You polsters are a weird bunch.

>how DARE people make a living without destroying their bodies like me

get a grip retard

Pretty nice work user, though your corners could be a bit tighter.

Work for Weta?

How do you like your aids from the lot lizards?

>started trade school at 28 years old 4 years ago
>2 years to get certified
>making 85k after 2 years of employment
>no debt. Don't feel like I missed out at all

Every aspect of construction should be generally understood by everyone. It took me 3 years going from a total fag that couldn't hang a shelf to someone who rides around in boom lifts and interacts with every head contractor of a site. There are too many retards that undervalue a 5 minute conversation with the drywallers to add to your overall knowledge. We should all be able to generally build our own buildings or at least know when we're dealing with shitheads that only pretend they know what they're doing

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muh real man

meanwhile the chinks pajeets and smart nogs are taking the white collar jobs where all the prestige and power is.


Ok kid

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I was considering the VFX path recently but I read more and more about how it is nigger tier and pays shit. Is this true at Weta?

I have nice biceps but no abs. Am I still white?

How do you like your cancer and being blind by 50?

How do you get money?

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dont forget lung cancer from aerosolized metal particles.

>Real white men don't vidya.
Yes, Mom.

I'm physically unable to use an arc welder.

how did it happen?

struck a nerve, huh faggot?
I rarely weld but am certified

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Completely unexpected Cardiac Arrest that claimed my life. If my ICD comes within contact of a strong Alternating Current I can die.


hourly work is only worthwhile if you have a family or a gf you are planning on having a family with, which is difficult these days because women see themselves as better than the average man.

salaried work and entrepreneurship is better, but most millenial white men live in social and financial poverty and have no option to do this kind of work unless they are extremely high IQ.

Most welding is DC unless you're doing aluminum. The DC can shock the fugg out of you though.

Damn man, that's intense.
What about welding with direct current, or are you just not willing to risk it?

Direct Current is with the Argon Gas, right? Yeah I can do that, I did some of that in HS and it was fun. Oddly enough I can also become an electrician, I put in an app with the IBEW recently and sent my transcripts but haven't heard back from them. I've been on a working hiatus since January but am now fully recovered and looking to jump into a job.

They're housing for diesel engines and water pumps. They get craned over the engines. I've had the refurbish plenty of them over the years. They get shit-kicked. They aren't worth making look pretty.

MIG, Stick, and TIG are all DC regardless of gas. Only use AC for TIG welding aluminum. Gas depends on material. Could be 75/25 mix, argon, tri-blend. Really depends on what you're welding.

I've met a lot of truckers are they are all fuckin weirdos.

Whats trade school like, is it worth it? Im considering being a plumber

Do you guys spend your hard earned dollars on $80 carhartts or just buy $10 jeans from the thrift store like me? I laugh every time a new apprentice shows up in $250 worth of clothing.

Weldlet cope

It's worth. Apply for Pell Grants if they are available. NC gibs paid me to go to trade school. Most employers won't accept it as work experience but a lot will give you a interview at the least. Go for new construction plumbing. Decent pay and never have to handle shit.

I'm a butcher I make 50k a year. No college debt and Im not destroying my body in welding or construction.

i used to literally wear my pajamas to work (ripped T shirt and track pants).
no point in buying specific work clothes if they would only get stained with caulk or burned with grinder embers within a few days anyway.

Question: Aside from as a profession, what is the benefit of knowing welding?

I'm a licensed pilot, does that count?

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if you can weld a car frame and dont need to take it to a body shop, you are literally saving thousands.

You can build stuff. Very strong stuff.
And you can cut metal in ways that would make people in cities rue the day they pissed you off.

PROTIP: look up what high-tension power-line towers are made of

fucking nice, do a 9/11 for keks.

Depends on if you are a hobbyist craftsman or not. If you enjoy building or repairing things then welding would be a good skill. If not, it would be pretty useless for you.

Can you do an Immelmann loop at a sustained 4Gs?

too much paperwork, mate.

depends, in what plane?

real white men are leaders in industry. what executive position do you hold OP?

Highest tier you're approved to fly in.
Also, do you have confidence you could handle yourself in a single Immelmann at 4G in a standard military fighter w/ suit?


Honestly, by being overly proud of being white, you show the fact that you are insecure about other things in your life. It's ok to be proud of your heritage, but don't overdo it. Like danm.

fuck off kike

with a suit, I could handle it with some practive, I'd feel most comfortable attempting it in something I'm familiar with, so I'd try in a p-40 warhawk.

50k a year here in a trade My problem isn't working it's the fact I find everything boring all the main things they give us tv vidya boring its come to just drinking no I'm not depressed

A little confidence is a good thing. Too much is suicidal. Not enough makes you a pussy.
You gave the correct answer.

even high IQ isn't a guarantee
I'm a college dropout who had a 3.9 GPA but had to stop cause my educational plans were a bit delusional and I'd have to rack up 120k in debt easily to even start my would-be career

its just not feasible for most of us who arent trust funders or those who take a huge debt leap and get lucky.

I work for a bit above minimum wage now

22 years old/ lied on my resume/ 70k senior maintenance guy

>when shit breaks i just put a new thing on
>when shit stops working i turn it off and back on again
>if step 1/2 dont work, I call the company of whatever thing isnt working
10/10 everyone loves me

Somethin I whipped together today.

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well you know the saying, there's bold pilot's and old pilots.

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fucken sick.

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>Real white men don't vidya.
>Real white men improve and have abs and biceps.
>Real white men weld.
>Are you a white man who loves freedom and liberty or a fagget loser incel who loves tyranny, socialism, and takes government aid?
Real white men think. Thinking is the source of all power throughout all of human history. And the more you do it the more potent you are.

Spending time thinking and planning and resting is magic. That is the source of all great accomplishments.


>jewish warships

sorry I will NEET my way to ther coming onslaught before i weld for Rabbi SAM

No i wanna see more spic nigger and kike policd release illegal spics for murder rape and assault.

what world do you losers live in?

I don't "know it" but it sounds like VERY similar warnings for those of us who dabble in improvised weapons and clandestine chemistry.

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Stayed home and spammed social media with nigger hate and gay hate posts actually. I got fired from a warehouse for not speaking spanish so then I knew to stay home.

saw it on youtube weeks ago

baby shit, either you can do it all or you can't
most can't

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