Why Don't the U.S. Republicans Support Nuclear Energy?

>reduces energy costs for consumers
>reduces carbon emissions from energy production
>BTFO democrats
>BTFO Swedish climate loli
>waste is easy to deal with (just dump it here lmao)
>safe af
>slows climate change so we can prepare to BTFO Russia in the arctic
>replaces toxic solar panels
>replaces bird killing pinwheels
>tech is needed for space travel anyway

You have that radioactive material, might as well use it.

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because jews told them it's bad so they could hoard all the neutrons

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Because America and the world in general developed breeder reactor technology because it is better than other methods at creating bombs.
Sure if they wanted to build liquid salt reactors but they want more breeders.

Mostly fear based nonsense. I was crunching the numbers here in Canada, and with the carbon tax collected from 2016 to now, we could have built 2 nuclear reactors, which would prevent around 10% of our CO2 output. Instead the carbon tax has done next to nothing instead.

The cheaper you make energy the more frivolous things people will find to waste it on.

You know who they say Socialists would run out of sand in a desert? Well this is the world on cheap energy. I know a fat boomer that runs file server in his house for a his Christmas light music and light files.

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Agreed, wish we would utilize it on a much larger level.

Because it isnt safe

It disrupts the petrol/natgas/coal status quo; i.e.: out interfere with the rights penchant for corporate fascism kickbacks.

We don't need the bombs now so why can't they shift?
Is there any party that would be willing to shill for a non-shit solution to climate change?
I'm fine with absurd amounts of energy as long as those sweet electrons are extra cheap.
Safer than the alternatives (except anarchoprimitivism).

Chernobyl and Fukishima are the tip of the nuclear disaster iceberg. They happen all the time. Acceptable radiation levels have only ever been raised. One nuclear power plant poses more of a threat to the planet than 1,000 nuclear bomb explosions. The whole Northern Pacific is essentially DEAD. You're retarded to promote this as a power source when Tesla invented free energy but it was shut down because it wasn't profitable to the international bankers.

ok retard

>doesn't know about Tesla

No it will just fuel more of the consumerist madness.

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>Thinks perpetual motion is a thing.

tesla invented a free distribution system not a generation system, if you want a generation system look up Viktor Schauberger

By reducing the cost of production. If we don't buy then we save.

Democrats hate nuclear because nuclear physics is white supremacy (no, really. Democrats want physical sciences abandoned for intersectional feminist social science in schools)

Republicans hate nuclear power because they're drooling retards who think mUH CAOL JERBS AND MUH OIL FEILDS

Except nobody is saving and they are going into debt to buy more cheap crap.

They're owned by the oil and gas lobby.

I thought nuclear physics was jewish physics though?
Not me, I'm gonna hoard my shekels. The debt problem is shit, but they were going to take on more debt anyway.

>I thought nuclear physics was jewish physics though?
only the part where you use it to make bombs

this but unironically

>t. know fuck all about nukes
amazing how all the radionuclides spewing out of the divergent boundaries and hot spots in the oceans hasn't killed off all life. You're a fucking moron and should just shut the fuck up in regards to anything that requires actual knowledge. You probably cannot even describe alpha or beta decay without looking it up. Fucking faggot. Die already useless cretin.

because its literally too efficient and makes electricity too cheap and makes it easier for the goyim to survive and breed

LOL, I am a Republican, and I am against nuclear for exactly this reason.

But also, Im old, and I ive known nuclear plant workers, and... Humans and nuclear don't co-exist... As long as we have labor unions preventing incompetent people from being fired, we can never rely on nuclear.

>I am a Republican

you could've stopped there

So, you are basically why we can't have nuclear... Imagine you having to read a manual to figure out how to scram a melting down rector, and you read the first sentence and jump to conclusions...


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>LOL, I am a Republican, and I am against nuclear for exactly this reason.
>I am a Republican
>you could've stopped there
>you read the first sentence and jump to conclusions

Yes. You are old. You have no aspirations for the future. Just lay down and die already.

>Just lay down and die
the republican party should have done that after nixon

Bush tried to meme a "Nuclear Renaissance" but it didn't go very far. Fukushima killed it off and now you have Cuomo shutting down Indian Point.

>now you have Jewmo shutting down Indian Point.

fixed that for ya

Which republicans?

And yet it remains. And yet they win elections.
Tough luck.

They do. Or at least support for nuclear power is substantially higher among Republicans versus Democrats.

>special interests

The public need to write to their representatives about molten salt reactors.

The real redpill is realizing that nuclear reactors need to be built in space and have drops of energy compartments that feed back into national grids.

the current secretary of energy, Rick Perry, is a HUGE proponent for Nuclear Energy
most of the 2016 republican candidates were super pro nuclear
where are you getting the idea that they're against it?

But why aren't they shilling it constantly so they can tell the democrats to fuck off with their shit climate schemes.

I'm all for continuing to fund research into MSRs, but it's also important to remember we have perfectly good fourth/fifth generation reactor designs we could be building RIGHT NOW. If we were spending as much subsidizing nuclear power as we spent on fossil fuels or on 'green energy initiatives' we could probably double our nuclear power capacity over the next decade.

Because the nuclear power lobby doesn't pay as well.

Republicans literally do support nuclear energy wtf are you talking about.

By "support" I mean't shilling it as hard as possible to put the democrats in a bind that causes them to in-fight. Politically they've invested too much in their own policies to do a 180.

Because despite being incredible safe, efficient, cheap, and unlimited; the reality is that the vast majority of Americans have a 5th grade education. They hear the word nuclear and all they can comprehend is a mushroom cloud.

cuz nothing happens


Imagine if we put them on the moon

Yes. Absolutely nothing.

it's short sighted.
it's dangerous.
it's toxic.

Why'd you type out "I'm a huge faggot" three times? Surely once would have been enough.

And everyone else doesn't mind having a constant electric bill coupled with a massive energy grid run by overlords that funnel all wealth back to Jewish monetary institutions. Release the death grip your throat has on authoritative clock and you might understand. Until then, enjoy your self imposed Stockholm syndrome... At least until the next cataclysm.

None of those things are true.

when dealt with properly, ;like it has been for years, its not any of those 3 things. and dont start quoting reactors from fro, the 60s when they weren't built too as high of a standard now

If you want to get your energy from personal solar panels and portable energy (batteries, and fuels) then you can still do that. The only people that have to be enslaved are the ones that want it.

very true.

I mean, it's probably because energy diversification is best for us currently
have as many different types of energy, so that if one market takes a hit we can just shift to another one with minimal cost
It just makes sense.
But they've been aggressively pushing nuclear, particularly research and development, for awhile now.

I think what you should be asking is "why is no one reporting this"
And the answer is "cause it would solve problems, but the republicans want it"

Imagine using electricity to heat homes instead of natural gas, not because of how convenient it would be, but because it's just cheaper to do so. Imagine running your A/C without a second thought to the power bill. Imagine a world where we can afford to desalinate all the ocean water we want, for drinking water or to just pump into reservoirs.
Just think about it. New manufacturing processes that don't even exist could be possible. Carbon capture technologies could be economically feasible. Synthetic fuel creation for internal combustion engines could be economical feasible.
You aren't just bending the rules to barely get by, you are completely rewriting the rules and completely changing the game.
Giving people more options is never a bad thing.

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Why can't I buy Novazymes products for cellulosic ethanol production so that the food waste, grass clippings, leaves, and wood chips don't rot into methane in a land fill? I have a TBB permit and have been doing this for 2 decades, just so you know. My guess? Everything in this post is news to you... the same way that information was to me 12 years ago. Stop slobbering on that authoritative ballsack. Energy grids are stupid, no matter what input goes into them.

Or just downsize nuclear reactors to the point where something similar to a city-state could operate them...

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A very short answer: NIMBYism, the fossil fuel lobby, and the very high inherent cost of developing ways to mitigate safety issues.

You go swim in the Pacific Ocean, m8. Make sure you get all your fish out of it too. Oh ,and ignore the mass animal die offs in that area; and the massively reduced animal reproduction; and the fish with tumors. Fucking idiot.

People like you will lead the Earth to be destroyed like Mars was destroyed. You don't even know about the Mars Civilization, no doubt.

You'd trade one ballsack for another? Why are you so addicted to authorities? Why are you so scared of independence? What's wrong with you?

>People like you will lead the Earth to be destroyed like Mars was destroyed.
Nigga what?

In America we developed breeder technology because of our original desire in the face of an increased demand for a cheap and plentiful source of energy, hence why we would need to create a ton of fissile material for these new reactors that would theoretically generate the bulk of our electricity. The problem for the US is in the high costs of safe reprocessing and disposal. It was really the Russians that had the idea of creating a dual purpose breeder, since their limited resources and money forced them to invest heavily in a nuclear cycle that could rapidly transition to making weapons grade material with minimal reprocessing involved.

And yet you speak as though you are (((educated)))...

He's right. But with a massive grouping of idiots professing strategic energy initiatives based on authoritative hierarchy, like most of you in this thread, a "Mars" type end to this species might be the most viable option.

Fukushima was built on low elevation and was supposed to be decommissioned a decade before the accident, the Japanese government kept it up and running despite the warnings of several nuclear advisers. Chernobyl was poorly engineered didn't have proper containment because it was built by commie slavs and they did something very stupid with it.
It's funny how anti-nucelar people always bring up these two nuclear accidents but never ever mention Three Mile Island, which is a testament to what proper engineering and safety standards can accomplish.

Smaller government is better than larger government.
And again, monopoly on violence and all of that. Some state is necessary.

here hoping you live down stream of this

Fukushima: Japan will have to dump radioactive water into Pacific, minister says
More than a million tonnes of contaminated water lies in storage but power company says it will run out of space by 2022


Only because you crave it. Authority is something you want. It's not a need.


Not politically advantageous. That's it. Too much fear to overcome, not enough will.

Especially now that they just dredged up Chernobyl again. I wonder why that series got released...

Look at that scary water vapor!

McCain wanted to build a ton of them. It was part of his Energy platform when he ran in 2008.

You say that like a "file server" is anything more than a normal computer. I run a "file server" so I can watch my personal media collection anywhere with internet, and it takes less energy than the sump pump keeping my basement dry. It's just a shitty old PC that isn't good for games anymore. And that Boomer only uses his Christmas light music shit like 30% of the year maximum.

watch it backfire and inspire more people than anything

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First you need to have proof climate change is real, then we can talk.

Implying that faggot was good for his word

Fracking has made it tougher for Nuke to compete

We have thorium in abundance and it isn't controlled by the 1% like uranium. Fuck our corporate overlords and bring on the cheap thorium power.

thorium is a meme

Most liquid salt reactor designs are variations of breeder reactors. It is one of the biggest hurdles to developing them in the United States.

At this point republicans do but left wing environmentalists don’t

Your stereotypes are outdated leafe

Honesty i would go the other way and build 10 gigawatt reactors and have centralized power to take advantage of less grid loss. Also the US should follow China with its own ultra-high voltage transmission lines.


>Soviets overload their fucking rectors
>NPC Nuke Energy Bad
God, I can't wait for peak oil to happen, so these npc retards die off, because their wind turbines only last 5 bloody years.

The costs associated with it actually make it cost more to generate than coal, natural gas, and even solar and wind in most places. Because it makes less money, it gets less support.

He invented power towers that would distribute energy. But some scientists thought it would fuck with the magnetic field.

See this site for details on cost analysis of energy generation: lazard.com/perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-2017/

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Yes, I've seen Kirk's videos already. Just make MSR reactors that run off of Uranium first. Walk before you can run.

Were the Wardenclyffe Tower test successful in the terms of wireless electricity? Or did JewP Morgan shut it down before it was tested?

Because US republicans are bankrolled by oil industry.

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Personally I'm really excited about their potential cancer treatment

Yes. But further development of nuclear reactors will bring the cost down even further, a large part of the cost is construction of the reactor and storage of the waste. Newer designs are getting smaller and more modular.
And all the buzz about green energy? If you want green energy this is it. The potential is much greater than anything we have today.

>MSR reactors
damn I'm tired
time for sleep

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Interesting. I'll have to give it a watch.

Well the real roadblock for nuclear in the US right now is natural gas. Fracking has made us one of the world's most gas rich countries (as well as more oil rich, but not to the same degree). Right now it's incredibly cheap to use gas. Nothing can compete.

I do agree, though. More development should be done. France is really the world leader for nuclear energy; around 75% of their energy is nuclear, so we know it can be a major source if the infrastructure is promoted.

Nuclear and Solar are the future. If the efficiency of solar cells keeps increasing, it'll soon be affordable for most of the population, which could turn every single family home into an effectively self-sufficient mini power plant.
Nuclear will also become way more cost effective if people wake up from their propaganda induced delusion that anything with a radiation sign slapped onto it = bad.

Forgot pic

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Fukushima still radiating California we are downwinders now. Don't tell me a banana has more radiation that's potassium not cesium 137 totally different types of radiation. Did you know when they refuel a power plant it puts out 500 times more radiation then normal.

Nuclear power is safe, Fukashima would not have happened if they kept the jews away from it.