Choose only one point

Choose only one point
1.Sex with girl with AIDS
2.Sex with girl with tatoos

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3. Light your kike ass up

sex with your sistrenka OPishka

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>t. coalburning whore with tattoos and debt

if they look like that I will have both


Look at Mr. Judgemental posting on Jow Forums. So what if a girl has tattoos, its ink. You judge and shame these people even though they know not what they do. Their brainwashed, it's up to the intelligence to lead the herd.

What's the difference?

Why not both?

So this is what happens to one's mind after too much vodka.

the one with tattoos most likely fucks niggers and has aids so its not much of a choice


3.None of the above.

Take your bitterness off of pol. "Me mad girls have tattoos, even though I'm truly mad because I'm rejected by them"

tatoos are non symmetrical and degenerate.When somebody makes tatoos Jews are dancing from happyness.Look at good architecture.It`s symmetrical

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Can the tattoo spell out AIDS?

76% of tatoo masters are Jews

Jews are greedy and treat us differently, but it's the synagogue of satan spreading degeneracy, those who call themselves jew but truly are not. Dont be a fool. Tattoos are Mark's, like an Aztec warrior or gulag vory. You blame blue pulled idiots for not being smart enough? They cant help it, it's those manipulating them you should be mad about.

After Germany lost war Germans are massively making tatoos to show what submissive losers they are

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Why do russian prisoners have tattoos? Are they submissive cucks? Bc if you're prisoners are weak what does that say about your people?

they have symmetrical based tatoos

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You can't remove them with a laser?

Incredible, both options has sex.

So its okay because rapists and molesters tattoos fit your narrative? Boris logic. You blame brainwashed normies for being brainwashed normies? Lol. Complain about the puppeteer not the puppet.


Prison is literally the place to make people into submissive cucks. If the guards and walls don't break you, having to fit into the criminal subculture and your cellmates fitting into you will.

Not all people in prison break. Did Adolf Hitler break? Did Stalin? That's just a couple examples.

I'd fuck a suicide girl

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Stalin was broken by Trotsky in Syberian sylka in Tobolsk.Stalin even didn`t even clean his room


Tattoos are disgusting, I'm with the Russian.

this guy gets it

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A lot of people get tattoos when they're young and stupid, no one is born red pilled, you become red pilled, and prior to that you do normie shit, some of that may be getting tattoos


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Tattoos are only hot when young

But once skin starts sagging

based russian tattoo boys

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I fondly remember looking down on such "people" with tattoos when I was 10 years old.

Stalin was broken by trotsky even though he defeated trotsky in a power struggle and ordered his assassination while he was hiding in mexico? Sounds like stalin broke trotsky. (Fuck all commies imo)

it really doesn't bother me as long as they get it from a clean shop that uses good hygienic practices and doesn't reuse needles.
Sometimes I find it sexy. But it's not something I prefer normally.
Either way I don't see how this is even an issue for people choosing. 1 can get you a chronic illness you can die from and requires tons of harsh meds to live a normal lifespan with, the other is just some possibly dumb ink.

stalin was a literal mutant with different sized limbs and a skin eating disorder. he never spoke publicly because of his heavt georgian accent...last time i told that to a russian commie kike he said >b-b-b-bbut he spoke! and he sourced him talking over the radio. stalin claimed to hate jews but always had his jew friend by his side to verify orders.

lmao stupid fucking niggers

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Well HIV is treatable and tattoos are more of a threatening disease than HIV is anymore so... AIDS chick it is

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You're still blue pilled though, hence a grudge against people will tattoos lol. Blaming the idiot masses only makes you a fool, the masses are swayed by influences not by themselves. The few are awake to this, those are the red pilled

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>jewish friends

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Song about making tatoos in jail

you get commie tattoos so the law shows "mercy" to you.

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The eyes stand for he was a faggot by the way.

I choose #1. There are many lovely, intelligent women with AIDS who acquired it in the process of birth or work as health professionals or volunteers.

Meanwhile all women with tattoos are trashy and disgusting.

Do they even lift

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looks like a Zoo exhibit

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Damn, I'm seeing that a lot of people responding to this stupid question are worse then blue pilled, they're bitter blue pilled. They would rather fuck a girl with aids then one with tattoos, wrap your head around that fellow intelligent people.

If this story has a happy ending then the nigger and the race traitor both get shot!

choose one,
fat german feminist
thin lesbo feminist

choose wisely.

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But would you marry one?

Mfw half-Russian but inherited russian hair gene

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Female -> Male HIV transmission is nearly impossible. Especially when treated.

HIV infections can happen through accidents or malicious actors. The girl could feasibly have done nothing wrong to get infected.

However nobody gets a tattoo on accident. It’s the #1 indicator that any person isn’t worth time or respect.

Inbred Russkie future fags!


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>fat german feminist
none but german fat is better
i hate thin woman,they are brainwashed by French mafia

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Trick question, b/c girls with tats always have aids.

I wouldn't necessarily rule it out. I'd have to get to know her.

Oh I accidentally had unprotected sex, or used a dirty needle, or drank blood. Most cases of full blown AIDS are definitely due to degeneracy.


Nice cope ex-liberal.

Is that leaf talking?

nice filter

I see your future, Justin Trudeau bodysurfing on a crown of Muslims, prayer loudspeakers spouting Qur'an verses.


can't come at you for alimony in 10 years

tats obviously.

Has the girl with tattoos hepatitis?