so i guess we are going to war with iran and the sandniggers. maybe we should have a nice draft thread so that all the metal gear and battlefield playing faggots have an idea of what to expect when they get their basement dwelling asses hauled over to the dirty damn dessert. have a nice time over there. btw, you wont have any extra lives so dont fuck up.
i'll be rooting for you in my snuggie in front of my laptop.
It's about damn time!
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Thinking I'd fight for Israel, lol. Shut the fuck up Boomer.
Have fun dying for Israel lol
here's another one for you.
goddamn, i'm so glad i'm too old to be drafted.
that shit is really going to suck for you fellas.
What a barbaric third world shithole must your country be to force young men to serve on the weapon like some african nigger warlord.
a scorpion without the stinger or snippy snappers is what frightens you?
Why are Americans cowards?
have fun dying for israel. just got to laugh alone at that point. no sympathy at all for dead American sons / daughters then. I'm not taking human compassion for the devil / synagoge of satan out alone at that point for any of this.
just got to laugh at the wicked then.
You should thank us for keeping the peace in your war-prone shithole so that you can enjoy not being drafted.
... but we already went to fucking war because of Iran.
30 years ago.
And they clearly didn't fucking learn.
Sand niggers have goldfish memories. They should listen to fucking Japan about what happens when you piss America off.
my parents were boomers, kid.
they had vietnam.
my gen had it made, all we did was get drunk and smoke mad weed and get our fuck on.
too bad that isnt the case for you.
i hate the dessert and i hate sandniggers.
i hear the sand fleas will eat the skin right off your nuts.
dont worry about shitting yourselves under fire, they give you diapers now.
Go die for Israel you dirty mutt
cuddly spiders
hey, that's the price i'm willing to pay for cheap gas.
plus, like i said, i wont be going since i'm too old.
And look at the genius generation you spawned. Good job ya fucking useless gen x cunt.
You are directly responsible for doing nothing but creating gen Z, what a fucking legacy.
Scarier than it really is. I know those kinds are harmless, but I still wouldn't want them on me.
Iran is the single greatest threat to the world and must be stopped. I will gladly send you to die to prevent Iran from becoming a world power.
/pol and the hard in for war is amusing. Not happening.
You're thinking of Iraq, faggot
Is gen Z so fucked up because their parents are gen X and gen X was molested by hippies?
>getting drafted
Kek, I'm unfit for service cause I have meniere's.
fuckers get big.
my step brother was in iraq and he said the spiders were the worst part.
they got in your cloths, in your bedding, in your food.
and, they bite.
i'd rather be a redneck in an all black alabama prison than go there.
>so i guess we are going to war with iran
it wont happen
nothing ever happens
the jews fucked that generation with muh vidya games.
i dont have any fucking kids anyway so i'm not responsible, i'm an onanist.
Aussies, mentally a nigger with the body of a white person. I mean what else are you gonna tell us that you'd eat it?
I know it's just for fun, but that might mean he's bringing home demons from the hot bed. those demons latch onto others to as well and screw places and in America it's screwing up everything wherever it goes.
system protects the right so they don't even know they have em for the most part especially the military types.
I doubt there would be a draft.
Is that real?
Imagine being naked and having these run all over your pussy :)
Iran isn't even mostly a desert, dumb kike. It has a lot of trees and mountains. It also has areas like this.
Cheap gas, lol you're actually retarded if you think that's what it boils down to. (Not to mention the immense amount of oil in the US itself.)
Fuck the Kikes of Israel. I hope Iran blows their fucking heeby-jeeby asses to smithereens.
There won't be a war and there won't be a draft stop this retarded meme
>all we did was get drunk and smoke mad weed
America was a mistake.
they have scorpions too.
lots of them.
they like your boots so make sure to check before you put them on.
The only reason Iran hates us is that they know our gov is infiltrated with kikes. I hope they build a nuclear bomb and nuke israel
SouthWest USA is covered with sun spiders. people from other parts of america like to call them camel spiders to sound exotic. they are truely harmless. the do run at people because they are startled they hide under rocks, I.E. your feet. the most they can do is pinch you, to little meaningful effect. they are fast though.
Yeah I bet you feel TUFF by being equipped and led by ZOG and selling out your whole race.
Lol you guys caused more chaos for everyone that is not a Jew. At the end of the day you Boomer are just a pathetic distraction trying to stay relevant and justify your betrayal and your wealth.
>my gen had it made, all we did was get drunk and smoke mad weed and get our fuck on.
>too bad that isnt the case for you.
Gee, I wonder why... probably because all your generation did (if you're not just a LARPing faggot) was participate in Sodom and Gommorah and prevent such a disaster of current events.
hell yeah!
the locals pile rocks on their sandnigglets at night so the camel spiders wont drag them off.
That would cause a global nuclear war, which I guess some advocate for and I cannot blame them.
Wait, why are we having a draft and going to war now? If this about the Saudi oil chicanery I'm going back to bed.
>tfw SSG with 10 years in this grand army of the republic
>tfw I will get promoted to platoon daddy if a draft and no shit war kicks off
>mad money for the boogaloo gear and more souls to influence
in dixies land ill take my stand to live and die and dixie
Let's get this started. Go die for israel, zoomers.
my wheels are spinnin nigga
i cant even remember my twenties, we did so much fucking acid. drank cases of beer while tripping.
all i remember is that it was fun and the pussy was easy.
just absolutely wrecked.
Australia has ants that can kill you and they don't even have to swarm you to do it, 1 ant can kill a person.
And you want me to be scared of the scorpion or something?
Like i said, cowards.
stop ramming those poor spiders in there
ahh the jumping jack.
nasty little bugger. everything in australia is terrible.
will you be dying for israel in the coming war as well?
Ah I’m 31 I’ll be good. Fuck these stupid kids though. Have fun fighting sandniggers while I smoke weed and mock you.
can someone PS in Biden sniffing the hill there
The jews were sending men up to age 44 to kill eeebil notseees in WWII
Kys boomer
jumping jacks are the smaller, more agile and more venomous version and of course we will.
Australia has been at Americas side in every war since before ww1 even started, you think we would miss one or something?
Nope sorry, I’ll dodge that shit faster than you can say kike.
Have fun in afgaanistan x1000
it's really a good thing that everyone jumped on the gay rights movement.
used to be that homos were not allowed in the army so most of you could have got off the hook.
not the case today.
incels and faggots alike will be getting shipped over there.
maybe gay rights wasn't so awesome after all, huh?
plus, if you get captured, the muslims will behead you or throw you off of a building for being faggot.
thank the fuck christ i'm almost fifty.
thats good to hear.
the fucking canadians like to brag but all they really do is chug syrup and belch and are really no help when you are trying not to be bombed.
check your fucking eyes
Every white man should. Any white man who accedes to a draft to fight for kikes should be regarded as a kike himself
You know theyre like the size of a wolf spider right? And harmless to humans.
Also, I already did time in the military. It was fun. If you dont like foreign wars I get it, but why hate on the troops? Bad score on your ASVAB?
What do you expect from a country that changed their flag from this beautiful thing to a fucking leaf?
>Also, I already did time in the military
You're a disgusting kike servant no different than a kike
Look at this, Very French, Not anglo at all, disappointing to say the least, disgraceful if we are being honest.
I don't have a pussy, user.
Like you cunts won't be dieing for Israel with us....
i know we will But only because we are YOUR greatest ally, not Israels.
that flag is shit get some shit that someone can draw
all this talk of spiders made me forget about snakes.
careful, do not step on snek
if Americans won't die for Israel, then who will?
People can’t deceive you on the internet, moron. That’s illegal
It's better than a fucking leaf on a french flag without the blue.
Daddy long legs are nice spiders tho.
>hard in
>tfw too fat to get drafted
Have fun dying for Israel, faggots
ours look like creepers and eat other spiders.
This one has a snake.
Couldn't have come at a better time. Maybe if SHTF I won't have to deal with my alcohol problem because I'll be too busy getting an adrenaline rush from running around innawoods
If you are our ally then you won't fight for them.
>i'll be rooting for you in my snuggie in front of my laptop.
why wont you be forced to go?
Bzsed aussie. If it means anything you guys are my favorite ally.
i dont hate on our troops.
the guys that signed up have big giant balls and i have respect.
it's the basement dwellers that walk around walmart with their battle dress and their open carry that are going to be drafted that i love fucking with.
maybe we should send some troops up nort and put a stop to whats going on in the land of the rake while were at it, the useless cannucks.
I'd gladly go to war if it meant every single asian, nigger, jew, Muslim and indian had to go with me.
Americans dying for us
Feels good
Because you guys are ZOGBOTS.
Why would ZOG invade the other ZOG?
i'm a gen xer.
i hit the draft lottery as in im too old to get drafted but still young enough to fuck these draftees old ladies.
life is good.
>won't fight them
The Jews?
Kinda too late on that one.
Australian shitposting knows no limits.
I'll go enlist for war with Iran if every single child or grandchild of our Congressmen also enlists for frontline service.
you are a dumb nigger
>t. washed out of boot camp
garden herb and hide
>assuming you won't be drafted too
I'm going to fuck your women while you're gone. Don't die for (((Jesus)))... or who will raise my bastards?
>49 yo and pins in collar bone
i am not rustled.
on a positive note i'll probably get a nice raise at work since there will be a labor shortage, what with all the youngsters on holiday at the beach.
I notice that a lot with redditors. They always seem to forget the second slash. Pic related is another example.
Mmmmmmm. Camel spider.. delicious
Good luck kid
As opposed to hamas?
>america is satan
this is an objectively true statement
I now understand