In the past year I've ran into no less than ten Jow Forumsacks, Jow Forumsommandos, and /a/nons in real life and I've befriended several of them.

Who else keeps meeting J-woke people IRL?

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that's nice

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Ha ha ha americans will never not be funny
love you
always will
Your idiocy makes you cute

tbqh most people here are better to chat with anonymously than face to face. the moment I saw you id judge you. You're fat, you're ugly, get the fuck out of my way, and straighten your back

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where are the white people???

i think a guy i work with is a Jow Forumsack. I had made a joke about woman shitty behavior, and he showed me a meme of anne frank and hitler the caption had frank saying "roast me" and a picture of hitler smiling about it i can only think of one place he would have gotten that from ...
but i never asked about it its good for us to meet IRL it shows us that we are not alone even though we mentally know we are talking to people on here (in theory anyway) we are still alone in the basement or bed room whatever it misses something

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The thing that concerns me is that they're fairly normal-looking from the outside. But the minute they mention Initial D, wear /fa/ fits, or say Oy Vey, you just know.

I know. I'm not the only one who knows. We see you.

He's only 17!

This was a New York City meetup


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y-you t-too

So this is literally a jew mutt meeting?

I would rather be friendless than have an acquaintance list populated by autistic Jow Forums nerds. You guys are fine on the board but in real life it's painfully obvious that Jow Forumslacks don't have a holistic and well researched view on anything, they just parrot memes and stupid shit from here with no additional reading or extraneous sources of information which are frankly required. Being around people who spout memes in real life is unbearable. This is why you guys won't be taken seriously until you fucking clean yourselves up and start acting normal and non-retarded, Venti can be funny on her stream very occasionally but being around someone like that off the internet would just make you gnash your teeth.

Yeah, Americans always respond to what that guy said with this exact phrase. Wake up nigger. Your nation's most prolific city named after a place in England that was supposed to be a new version of that place for white people is like 10% white.

>fitting then since England is also nonwhite lololol


>I would rather be friendless than have an acquaintance list populated by autistic Jow Forums nerds
Mission accomplished, I guess.
You're not wrong about the echochambering but it's not just Jow Forums or reddit like you seem to imply.

New York has always had a bunch of immigrants. It hasn't been properly white since the 1920s. Even in 1960, when the country overall was 90% white, NYC was only about 60% white.

That's not to say things are going well (they aren't), but it is a fair statement to point out New York is not a fair sample of the US.

fuck off arrogant frog, i'd take burgers over french people 10/10 times your nation's a disgrace and we should have joined the nazis in colonising your stupid ass country and making it speak a sensible language

Mec, tu pourrais éviter de parler tu nous fais passer pour des bouffons là.

Right, it historically had *white* immigrants. Now it's overrun with filth

New York always seemed to be one of the gateways for immigrants, so it started going non-white in the 1920s with the arrival of Jews. Even some Latin Americans made it in by that time. After WW2 it really accelerated.

Today, NYC is officially 33% Non-Hispanic White, but once you factor out Jews it is only in the 10-15% range. Of course the city looks a little whiter than that during the day because of tourists and people trekking in from the suburbs.

Proof Jow Forums isn't even white

Who's that girl
She's cute

It's allegedly a picture of a Jow Forums meetup. It's a tranny

Does this mean I'm gay

you beat me to the lightshot you asshole

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I sure you were gay long before now

its not a lie...

Brittany stores her titty milk and sells them to mossad

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What are you doing this Saturday

You, I guess

I think that's actually exactly the point. The sins of the father, and the student surpasses.

its Brittany Venti or Deer she is either a pagan communist, adl, mossad, or just mildly retarded..but she got bewbs



Imagine the smell.


>the largest white supremacy board is more diverse than antifa.

we aim to please sempai.

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see you Monday bright and early.

Glow elsewhere

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Good to see Jow Forums bringing people together

No you won't faggot. I'm not a wagecuck

Tranny disco kike.

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Only thing I've seen irl is an elderly black man that comes in the store early mornings wearing a 'Q' wwgowga tshirt. Never asked about it.

>/fa/ fits
>embracing jewish consumerism
Kill yourself Zoomer fashfad kike

You and I are the only ones on here.

Which one of you faggots can spot the feds in this picture?

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so you are a neet cuck, eh?

This was a pol meetup. No one in that picture is white except for Brittany Venti's boyfriend.

Van outside? Or the only white guy in the room with his face covered?

I live on a 1,500 acre cotton farm.

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See what I mean? Like I said in the eurohate thread, these fuckers do nothing but come across as antagonists. Literal enemies.

I'm surprised you got the van. Also, don't forget the guy taking the picture.

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The brown guy there is the only chad....hes fuggin that furry

judging by your skin color, I bet you are picking the cotton too. Does master know you are using the utilities?

My skin color at dusk is yours in the day.

nice nigger skin

wagecucks mad

you're the one in the field picking cotton,

I bet 10 bucks she throws up when you ask her to swallow / surprise cum in her mouth.

No, it's me picking cotton. Post eye.

it's brittany venti and that's from Shia's HWNDU. Has everyone on pol in been here a

It is, storm tards are getting trolled

Guy in the flag mask or closest to the cam is nypd

I was drunk out of my mind the other day and had been separated from my friends at a club so I randomly rallied to these other guys. They were trying to have a conversation with me but I couldn’t keep up so i just said “I hate immigrants” and I got a big hug and a “me too buddy”

This was in central Copenhagen. Very based

Just say “a fucking leaf” and if he laughs it’s confirmed.

>shilling for america and israel
quelle surprise


YES! This guy gets it. YOU are the ENEMY.

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you first mexinigger

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Brittany Venti
Jackie Jow Forums

Don't know the others. Was a great time to be on Jow Forums. I will never be able to use this information outside of posting here. Sad.

stay mad

Kids are 25 NOW

When are we going to do a pol meetup?

stop judging other people projecting faggot
one of the best changes i made in my life was having tolerance and patience with other people. it allows you to truly weed out the negative people in your life and helps you discover what you yourself like in others

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Dude in shades in the corner. Guy sitting next to fat guy taking pictures with hands in his pockets.

Jesus. He was too normal, did not belong.

This. The only Jow Forumsacks I've ever met have been enormous losers who didn't know how to hide their power level (like, they were too dumb to do it). There are lots of comparatively normal Anons, you just won't know that they browse here because they don't want to be doxxed.

Almost no one in this picture is white. I go to bat for you faggots a lot but the 56% meme is real.

You got a Twitter @?

I work in education, and in my country it feels like over half the students are Right as fuck. I mean /RIGHT/, gas the jews tier shit.

Irish-Italians aren't white.

that's a pretty diverse group of white supremecists

Rural area?

Anyone from western europe is unironically white, even pasta niggers.

Canadians? LOL who knows where the fuck you came from. Likely some eskimo's butthole.

You should read Merchants of Smut. Really interesting series on how the chosenites used the ACLU as a vehicle for advancing their degeneracy on America.

guy on the right is in the WWF

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jesus look at that fuckin honker


Maybe the fat white one. The others are too young and not white, the one with any discernible muscle mass had a meltdown that his girlfriend uploaded to Youtube for future posterity.

Hahaha oh if only you knew

*starts licking phone screen with pic of himself*

Brittany pls be my gf

I was born under the eternal light of the Hyperborean sun in the bloody maelstrom of an Eskimo woman's womb after she was fucked by a lion. You will literally never have this.

I ran into Brittany Venti in Bensonhurst Brooklyn once. She tried to play it off like I didn’t know it was her but I just kept following her. Fucking cunt bitch literally runs up to a police cruiser and points right at me so I booked it, accidentally knocked some chinese girl on the floor lol.

Much like me, you don't want to meet anyone here but it is for the wrong reasons.

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It was so perfect, but I felt bad for laughing. Every 20-something on my street has had meltdowns like that (myself included). It's got to be something in the water.