
The first Anglo-Saxon king was Woden. This claim was maintained as being factual in medieval Christian times.

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Reminder: House of Windsor isn't British.


fuck those dark age shit kings.
remember this guy?
King from Macedonia to India.

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Doesn't matter, saxcucks gonna get enriched by the Normans

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Christkikes turned the gods into kings in order to destroy/replace our cultures. The word "God" literally comes from Godin, Wod, Wotan, Godan

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for like 4 days then he died of drinking too much

No, the word is "gott" and it means "that to which one prays". Wicca is a fabrication, anyway. If you want to get down on some witchcraft, go with Aradia, hell, even Christopher Penzchak is awesome.

>claims to be a pagan
>posts Wicca
even I know that’s full retard posting, Wicca was made in America in the 30s by a fucking kike. You’re a heretic and I don’t even do occultic arts.

Odin wasn't anglo saxon, there are cognates in every germanic language. Kings just always want to trace their lineage back to gods and heroes. However it is possible that there was an ancient warlord who inspired the legends.

We waz odins 'n shit

proto-germanic for "odin" is "wōđanaz"
"god" comes from "ǥuđán"
These are separate words. Odin was never the only god, retard.

i've actually read a few versions of the A/S Chronicles. it's funny how the scribe fucked up the columns and Woden isn't first

Why did they keep the weekdays?
Tiwasday Wodensday Thorsday etc.
Surprised they never forced their little jewboy jesus into that.

Cool. Im related to Woden from my moms side getting raped in Ireland. Richardson traces ancestry to Butler who trace ancestry to black knight> Strong bow > Woden. Worship me plebs. I could probably kick your ass IRL.

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No Angle was the first king of the Angles.
Angle was the brother of the Dan the king of the Danes. there father was King Humble.

here worship me fucker. The funny thing is my moms side is rather short and evidently its an insecurity. I am tall from my anglo saxon barbarian genes on my dads side. I tell my grandpa I remember being short too. Smaller than my grandpa on my moms side. Worship me fucker.

>claims to be a pagan
>>posts Wicca
I was showing your retarded ass what I meant by replacement

>"god" comes from "ǥuđán"
bad wikipedia page retard

Godan = Germanic vulgate, Gothi who worship Godan

They're both basically the same fags


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Made in England actually. The only recognised religion to do so. But your sentiment is spot on. If you want to be pagan go with any of the others rather than wicca.

Part of me wishes I was born in some North Atlantic place. Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Shetland. But then, I know I would hate it and just want to get out and be somewhere else. I don't understand why.

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It was believed by many people that many Pagan gods were really stories about real people which had been morphed into myths.
Just like King Arthur. Was he real? Of course. Did he actually search for the Holy Grail? No, he fought the Anglo-Saxons. And lost. And now his descendants speak Anglo-Saxon.
Woden might have been real. But was he a god? No.

Because youre an ungrateful retard. Thats why. I pray to any and all gods that you are born in nigeria in the next life.

Why he have 2 eyes?

How could he be when oden was the king of sweden?

Here. Worship me fucker.

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But at least he made sure the Christianity that flourished in Brittania via the Romans overcame the Anglo-Saxon paganism.

True, but that wasn't really his doing.
I'm not knocking him, but we do speak English, even though we're (The British and British diaspora) are only something like 5-35% Anglo-Saxon, depending upon where in Britain we're from.
Of course, Britons still did pretty well for themselves, so he probably wouldn't be too unhappy with us.