Why is this happening?

Faggots allready blow out their butholes and die of AIDS. Now they want you to take hormones and chop your dick off. Why do they promote such harmful behaviors? What is there to be proud of?

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This simulation is getting to gay for comfort. These people aren’t human

Pride is a sin, homosexuality is a sin and an abomination before God. Let me also tell you that people who think of themselves as being of the wrong gender are haunted by demons. These demons have a solid grip onto these people to make them believe they should be the opposite sex.

>chop their dick off
They’re fighting to restore Brits’ right to bear knives?

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Trying to get other people to believe your delusions is really common for the mentally ill. They want validation but reality will never agree with their insanity so tgey have to prey on the weakminded or use violence.
Think of the crazy transient on the corner: he never stops rambling, sometimes other homeless will listen, and if you try to disagree he goes apeshit.

Because making people bend to your delusions is the new fun passtime.
It's only going to get honkier.

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Why aren't Muslims slicing them up with swords? Muslims are fucking useless.

gayfag here. Fuck trannies and fuck pride parades. I don't give a shit about this degenerate bullshit. I don't think it's inherently bad but when you do this shit it's unforgivable. Trans lunatics have completely hijacked the original intention of the LGBT movement and have taken it down a spiral of complete mental gymnastics that it has done way more harm in the last 5 years than the Gay Rights movement has fixed in the last 5 decades.

Fuck trannies. they aren't human.

Yet....TRAPS aren't gay....am I right???

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Overwhelming terror? Disgust?

Traps are training wheels for being gay.

Muslims don't care what bad things unbelievers do to themselves (in fact they are probably happy about it) so long as it doesn't effect their communities.

Its a virtue signaling fad
Don't worry once store shelves go empty thee people will be the first to support a totalitarian regime

cuz of women ...and weak men trying to get pussy letting the women lead.

So now the "T" gets its own parade. Great. Just. Fucking. Great.

Tranvestites get a parade now.

This was always the intention

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It's Satanic perversion, it's not going to make sense because it is in itself a revolt against God's law

When are we going to have an incel march?

>hijacked the original intention
Which was... what, exactly? The right for mentally ill men to fuck other mentally ill men in the butt until they die of AIDS? Help me to recollect.

Both support population control and spitting in Gods face. The ones in charge tend to like both.

Pull out your cocks boys. Dolphin smooth = not gay.

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Where were all the muslims? isn't it like 50% in london now?

Shit is fucking weird, bro. I can remember pointing out how the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to allow homosexuals to get married would lead to other degeneracy being normalized by using the slippery slope analogy. I didn't know it would happen so soon.

Is London a small town or what?

They promote degrading behaviour sick fetishises. Look at the difference with Japanese pride parade and the uk one. The Japan one was wholesome it wasn’t degenerate unlike uk. Straight dude FYI

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Honestly, if a dude wants to be called and treated like a bitch, i will... If a dude wants to look and get fucked like a bitch, i will

Will you kiss him on the mouth? You will.

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>has a government that literally lock people up for tweets that may be interpreted as "hate speech" towards faggots
how much 'support' do these people still need?


>witnessing white civilization crumbling

What a time to be alive!

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given their suicide rates, a lot more than they get right now

Look up the biggest trans rights groups. They are mostly run by Jews. What is more diabolical than convincing your enemies to cut their own dicks off?

i wanna gas those freaks

David did this in the Bible. He literally returned to Saul his King with a bag of dicks after he killed all the fools that agreed to get circumcised and were too weak to fight back. This is how a Jew wages war. David was an adulterous, murdering psychopath.

every one can get a prade
cant wait for the incel prade
christain prade
every cunt gets a prade then
they make up 0.1% of the population there is no problem
look at the trans people while we take away your human rights yuo dumb cunts

Beware, it will be the end of most black civilisation as well.

You don't work or grow anything. You'll be 90% wiped out along with us

>meanwhile the entire 3rd world depends on us

>tfw was in London a couple of days ago
>missed an oppurtunity to pick up a cute trap gf

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>What is there to be proud of?
Defeating God

Based Logos Leaf Bro

It's nice to see a Islamic city being so tolerant.


gay people are marginalized in every society.
what they want, is to left alone. so why dont you fuck off with your shoebox opinion

Niggers think Muslims are going to feed them

Underrated comment.

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>wants to be left alone
>parades around city for attention
Great strategy

surely this creature is a false flag

Everyone deserves human rights

that's why I object to Tavistock breaking the Geneva Oath of Medicine

Too late :) good luck in the future

Cool OP mind if I mind my own fucking business because I’m intolerant to your bullshit. Thanks. Have a better day.

That was such a horrid day man, I wish we could go back. Leftists were annoying back then, but they weren't all completely bat shit insane. They kept some moderates around to keep them at least sociable. That decision sealed the fate of the democratic party.

They're turning the frogs gay fren

>What is there to be proud of?
Nothing. That's why they manufacture their snowflake identities unaware that it just makes them more pathetic.

>LGBT capital
LMAO they will fly from rooftops very soon.

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>hundreds of people
Truly overwhelming.
On the other hand, i never got to see the slightest mention of pic related in german press.

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britain won't let men be men with all the cuck laws so this was inevitable.

Pedophilia is the end game. I start to think that they are more to come after.

Cannabalism, necrophilia, incest and straight child sacrifice/hunting humans.

Use flyers and posters to weaponise London's Islamic community against the gay community. Sow division amongst the leftists pets.

It's the obvious solution.

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That go after the agenda. People are not to be nationalist of course. I am sure they are more of us that we think, and that the media do not represent reality apart for some ridiculous bogeyman.

The T-virus.

Checked. Based and truthful post.

I have no problem with them mutilating themselves, let them take their defective genes out of the gene pool. What I have a problem with is the normalization of their defectiveness and it being imposed on children. Its just a bunch of attention whores and by giving into their demands you only encourage those types of people, feeding into their derangement.

I’m losing my fucking mind
This has to be designed to make the rest of us go insane right? How are you suppose to take a society that encourages and prides themselves on cutting they’re dicks up and the endless list of degenerate immoral shit they do seriously?

I’m gonna lose my mind this shit is so demoralizing pls help

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Lol, better look up what the T in lgbt stands for there

kill them all

Why the fuck do you even care?

They have nothing to be proud of. The parades and activism is just them overcompensating for how worthless they are.

Just have to sit back and laugh and honk some more.
Eventually there will only be homeless and faggots left in these so called great cities.

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forced artificial natural selection to up the average IQ
retards who fall for it will kys themselves
smart people who don't will survive and inherit a better world

Fucking when

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I honestly don't see how any way of life that is an evolutionary dead end is something to be proud of.

People are too comfortable, it’s all by design
I want the boogaloo to begin right now

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Which is why in England recently a local group of Muslim parents came out to protest their children's school teaching their kids about homosexuality.

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Do it, Hans.

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Yeah, because women have always been first in line to normalise male sexual fetishes, men just want to keep them secret. Gtfo with your retard level thinking.

The bars aren't big enough and they needed some new hookups and perversion explorations so this was the best way to gather up and exchange diseases and orifice adapters and expanders.

Hey, the article says that only 1500 person attented that shit. It's not really much when you think about it, especially in a heavily cuck-damaged city like London.Usually Fag-prides have around 50000 attendees in big cities.

Let's see the bright side here, and keep finding ways to keep redpiling people about where this phenomenon is coming from, what gender dysphoria really is and what we know about transexuality today, and why is it so pushed in medias.

You can't just fight out of despair. 1500 is a relatively small number. seeing it is filling me with a bit of hope, to be honest. Maybe people are not THAT stupid after all.

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>the original intention of the LGBT movement

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That study was debunked by the "scientists" that conducted it. It was conducted anonymously online, with no defined difference between self-harm and legit suicide attempt. The only other study that replicated it was one done by Mermaids, a UK gender charity, and that was also anonymous online self-submission to a biased audience.

Self-harm attempts amongst any child accessing mental health services is above 50%. Trans people aren't special, they're just mentally ill.

It's another circus - see the clown, but much more important see the people behind the standing fences...they line the streets for the fucking clown and freak show, that's what this is, Barnum and Bailey's have nothing on this shit.

I'm just glad that other races are getting dragged into the (((tranny bullshit))).

The enemy of an enemy is a fren

That’s such a tiresome argument and hasn’t been the case for the last decade or so

Its give a mouse a cookie, it'll ask for milk next.
There will never be a satisfactory point for progressivism, once they've secured themselves on paper they'll push the envelope on the next taboo, and then the next after that.

Completely persecuting and shutting them down is the only way to get them to fuck off. Otherwise they'll constantly be finding another form of degeneracy to rally for.

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Hey fren, you need to take a step back and begin to realize that we live in an evil time. Whining about how things ought to be won’t get you anywhere. Also don’t engage in pointless arguments with NPCs IRL or in real life. Keep your faith in God, stay on high alert, and try to make like-minded friends.

This feels like a real life horror movie where parasitic aliens take over the human race. WTF is happening?!

Ugh, shut up, Kim-sung.

If normies can be manipulated by some sounds and some screens believe me, smart guys can revert them back to normal.
Yeah, it's manipulation as well, but manipulation can be used in a positive way too. It's just a tool, not a way of life.

It's not hard, but manipulative people usually prefer using their "powers" for them, instead of a greater cause, sadly.

Everyone here who is not a basement dweller should learn the basics about it.

"People" delighting in wrong things like this trans pride, will cause the devolution of the entire human race, to shorter lifespan and increase in diseases.

>Why is this happening
To drive people into the arms of a totalitarian leader. Things will get so degenerate and clownish that even the sleeping sheep will eventually cry out "enough, save us from this absurdity", and a man will arrive promising to put an end to all of it and bring the people back to normality.
That's why the Jews especially will push this shit, they believe that man will be the Messiah and the absolute evil of the world will force God's hand.

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she hot

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non-christians are people too!!

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