Eyeball explodes during townhall

>eyeball explodes during townhall
>dentures fall out during debate
>everybody gangs up on him during debates
>can't remember easy to remember things, including basic shit like obama's name
>always misspeaking
>gets humiliated in the news for touching kids
I still think Joe is a piece of shit but I'm starting to feel bad for the guy. It's like watching your old neighbor who you know is an asshole fall and break his hip. Can't help but feel empathetic towards him.

Attached: download (3).jpg (640x480, 36K)

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He should just go live out his days as a multimillionaire getting the best treatment for whatever mental ailment he has.

And yet he's still leading the Dems.

okay I'm out of time

Eternal Hiberno.

When did his dentures fall out? Asking for a friend...

Attached: I remember....png (947x972, 571K)

joe biden is this elections Jeb Bush except biden will get the nomination.

they didn't fall out of his mouth, you can just see him moving them around inside his mouth at a point

Well, that's a shame. I was hoping for something epic that the media chose not to report on...

Attached: American Politics.gif (640x360, 3.2M)

he was playing with them during the debate

This. He's getting utterly raped by the other candidates same way Jeb Bush was... it's funny as fuck. He's the representation of the despised old guard, same as the Bushes were.

When he was nuzzling that little girl's head...

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I don't like this, he's falling apart way to early. It would be better if this was happening during the general. Not that it matters since Trump will stomp anyway, but still.

He's never been good at primaries. Look it up if you didn't see his last runs, he's run for presidential primaries multiple times, including in 08 against Obama and Hillary. He's shit at primary debates against a lot of people at once and him going senile lately isn't helping him.

>Can't help but feel empathetic towards him.
If he cared about America, then he would drop out and endorse Yang or Sanders.

>An eye for an eye...a tooth for a tooth!

Attached: BidenArnoldGrope.png (611x539, 308K)

Yet he’s still the best shot they have against trump. The guy can barely handle the democratic debates. Imagine him going up against donald trump

>eyeball explodes during townhall

Imagine what would happen if he has to face Trump in a direct duel.

Poor childeater

Aren't dentures glued in though? Like that paste shit

Joe "I am a Zionist" Biden who claims the destruction of whites is a good thing



"Biden says whites a minority in 2017, Census says 2044"

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I haven't watched any of the Dem Debates so far because it looks like a waste of time, but shit like this interests me. Any good clip montages of Biden getting shit on?

Actually, if the two faced each other, I'd be rooting for both of their dentures to fall out at the same time.

>'...and God Blesh the United Shtateshs....'

Attached: Happy Turtle.gif (320x384, 1.54M)

You feel bad for an enemy of God? You are partaking in his evil deeds. In a normal world he would have been stoned to death for pedophilia. Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

>...but i'm starting to feel bad for the guy...

Shoo shoo, democrat Jew.

his whole head will explode

>Biden said we should vote for Obama because he was "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

Not me. Fuck that old faggot, I think it's hilarious.After all these years of being a douche....this is great. Let him burn.
That eye tho!
I think his inner demon was showing.
Damn right its funny. Hard to believe this fucking clown show is even real. Make me not even sure the dems are going for 2020 necessarily, maybe they know they've got no chance and they're more going for 2024 and right now they are defining their commie movement. Or maybe I'm giving them to much credit? Actually the party is really retarded through out, so this probably really is just the result of retardation. nm They are definitely getting more open with their evil/commie bullshit by the day.

It is in fact the strangest thing I can think of. After watching the last debate, I can't for the life of me understand why any human being with basic listening skills can believe that Biden would be a leading choice. He's not articulate, he can't stick to the point, and it's grandpa-tier ridiculous when he starts his usual lists (i.e. 'Number 1....Secondly....').

Attached: High Stamina.webm (700x700, 2.78M)

He's clearly demented. I'm a leftist and despise this corporate jew puppet, hope he rots in hell soon. Fuck this greedy gop in blue clothing faggot

This hope he burns right next to johnny mccain

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citation needed

We are so fucking sick of this shit. I'll 100% vote Trump before Biden.

Attached: WTF JOE.png (1021x565, 721K)

Attached: ITS OVER JOE.png (1306x882, 1.56M)

It's over for Biden. He probably is fully aware of what's happening to him, and I wouldn't wish that onto my worst enemy.

He’s the Jeb! of this primary.

They will simply freeze him and put him in stasis like they did with Hillary between debates.

Seriously between the debates the was literally incommunicado, she only appeared in public like a dozen times for her whole campaign.

except this time bizzaro Jeb! will win the primary and lose to the opponent, which was supposed to happen in 2016

Don't feel too bad. He forgets about it a few minutes later...

Attached: dance dance dance....gif (226x200, 491K)


Attached: 1543347675617.jpg (1280x1428, 359K)

>It's over for Biden. He probably is fully aware of what's happening to him

It doesn't matter if he knows. These people are absolutely addicted to power and influence. They never willingly let go.

Any man, especially an elder of your society, who declares the genetic demographic replacement of your people an inevitability and furthermore a cause of celebration, deserves absolutely no sympathy whatsoever. He should consider himself lucky that he's not hanging from the public square and his family banished from the realm.

He's a treasonous dog

Hell must be getting overcrowded with all those commies and neocon traitors

sauce on .gif?

...and he's still up 10 points on Trump in Texas.


Right....like Hillary was up by 9 points in Pennsylvania?

It happened when those stupid kids from the shooting in Florida did the march and speech, I think in Washington about a week or so later. One of the kids was clearly nervous, or drunk, or whatever, and she upchucked in the middle of her speech. Garbage in, garbage out, and all that. I still don't know why people do this...force (or as they call it, 'encourage') kids to do public events. It doesn't garner sympathy, it doesn't change real world politics, it doesn't affect how money flows....it's all an empty act.

Anyway...there you are. Have another random one.

Attached: It could be worse.webm (852x436, 2.88M)

>implying Gabbard doesn't have the best chances in a general

Don't forget this:


Now, what's the story on this webbum?
Is their marriage really so bitter that they can't even pretend to not hate each other for five seconds?

No no, this was just before Trump was sworn in. Obviously it was the greatest burn on Hillary she could possibly have imagined, so...it could be worse.

My favorite though is this one here. Billy is looking at Melania and Ivanka as they descend the stairs. You'll never find a more honest expression...

Attached: mmhm.gif (445x250, 3.99M)

>the Killary stare
>the Willie double-take
holy heckin based

And by "Hiberno" I mean Southern Irish.

What do you think happens if the glue wears out?

No, there are some people you don't feel empathy for.

There are a lot of dem boomers still around. They're just as old and retarded and they think him and warren are just fine.

me too user....me too

God damn Jen memes are always funny

Is he catholic?

I liked young joe biden when he was ranting about niggers

Oh look a person who still thinks polls mean anything after 2016 election.

I don’t feel bad for him at all. Politics is a blood sport (literally, apparently) and he’s the front runner. The thing that I really feel bad about is that the party of diversity has the personification of the very elite, rich, white, good ol’ boys club that the progressive left spends every moment trying to destroy, as its front runner. I mean seriously, he’s everything they hate, but he’s the only one who has any hope of giving trump a challenge in 2020. The other two front runners (Bernie the white male and Pocahontas) are equally lacking in diversity and much higher on the insanity and nobody outside of NY or LA will ever vote for either of them


Tri ps confirm you are a nig ger

What a disgrace to catholics everywhere. They really have been utterly subverted since vatican 2. Kiked beyond recognition.

>being such an intractable fagtard that you even noticed
What year is it? Gets are dumb and always have been. kys

It's always current year, nigger

>Biden cracking under "the pressure"
>"the pressure" is like 1/1000th what Papa Don was getting on a daily basis

Either Biden and the dems are made of glass or Trump is genuinely some kind of super human with nerves of mythril

> gets are dumb
Go back

I hate it, I was baptised Roman Catholic as an infant and every time I've tried to go back I'm too discouraged by the Political Correctness and globalism from the pulpit to last more than a few months.

lmao that gif is just too good, big willy want some of dat.

Here I am, just waiting for a giant meteor, to put an end to this madness.

He knows Hillary can't kill him, so he can do whatever he wants.

Perhaps you should consider Orthodox. I was raised protestant but lost faith. I also suspect the protestants threw out the baby with the bath water ie. too many traditional concepts etc. I also have always hated calvinism and find it abhorent and "jewish". I really think the Orthodox is the best of the bad lot at this stage.

I live in a city where there are different mainline Protestant and R.C. nearby. But no Eastern Orthodox, unfortunately.

You go back, you fucking meme-addled vermin.

Yeh I'm in the same boat
tfw no trad orthodox community to jump into

If you grew up RC then you probably are already tired of the same readings all the time and you might as well spend more time reading the rest of the bible or joining a study group or something and less time listening to vatican propaganda.

Yeah. He won’t be the nominee

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I’m going to hell for laughing. Maybe.

Haven't seen this mentioned yet- Biden had to cancel his first presidential run, he fucked it up that bad. And here he is again making the same mistakes. Just lol at this guy.

It's going to be Hilldawg.

He's also been warned against trying to run. Probs the party saw how fucked the lineup was and needed their version of a jeb to lend some credibility to it.

He doesn't even rise to Yeb tier imo. Did you hear his insane rambling response about education the other night?

>"You said that some 40 years ago," he continued. "But as you stand here tonight, what responsibility do you think that Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?”
>Biden responded: “Well, they have to deal with the — look, there’s institutional segregation in this country. From the time I got involved, I started dealing with that. Redlining banks, making sure we are in a position where — look, you talk about education. I propose that what we take is those very poor schools, the Title I schools, triple the amount of money we spend from $15 to $45 billion a year. Give every single teacher a raise, the equal raise to getting out -— the $60,000 level.

"Number two, make sure that we bring in to help the teachers deal with the problems that come from home. The problems that come from home, we have one school psychologist for every 1,500 kids in America today. It’s crazy. The teachers are — I’m married to a teacher, my deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them. Make sure that every single child does, in fact, have 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds go to school. School. Not daycare. School. We bring social workers in to homes and parents to help them deal with how to raise their children.

"It's not that they don't want to help. They don't — they don't know quite what to do. Play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the — the — make sure that kids hear words. A kid coming from a very poor school — a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there."

Those turbo-rambles were amazing. If he kept it down to uncle joe's gaffs, he could pull off the jeb role better, but apparently his handlers told him to stop cucking out and go on the attack more.

There were even two number 2s in that one.

If he quits a serious accident or suicide will happen.

that involves having ground up human babies injected into your body

>t. butt hurt nigger

Read a bunch of libshit articles yesterday, and even people who probably agree with the basic thought he was trying to articulate (more money for niggers, more govt involvement in the home, etc), are jumping on him now. Just for saying it in such a retarded incoherent way.

Don't feel bad for him. He raped children.

Also this part

>make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night

tells you he is confused about which direction time flows.

just noticed:
her head and neck remain amazingly rigid.
unnaturally rigid, maybe.


Well, it was a point about listening to words rather than watching the screen. But he does the gaff ramble instead of the Trump ramble.