Mexican-American Reconquista Thread (Viva La Raza)

Mexican-American Reconquista Thread (Viva La Raza)

This thread is for discussion relating to the ongoing and successful Mexican Reconquista of the US.

This is a political thread, not for trolls. We ask mods to keep trolls out. This thread complies with all Jow Forums rules and we ask mods to respect it as like other general.

Why should we kill all white gringos?

So, brothers. What have you done today to further the Reconquista project?

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didnt you hear? theres a fuel shortage. go get your shine box.

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What's wrong with Mexicans? Given the global trends, this is still a good option

>What have you done today to further the Reconquista project?
I didn't flush my TP so gringos will be grossed out and never use that Arco again.

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Once all the gringos are dead, the nigs will starve to death and the narcos will be nearly out of customers.

Nice cope incel

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Why are you claiming comanche and apqche lands aztecel? Go back to the jungle and rape children like you have the last 2000 years

Our enemy has pale skin and speaks ingles

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We gonna kill you white gringos and your families during THE DAY OF THE MACHETE cabron

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Land thieving rape babies aren't going to do shit. You can't even show your flag you're so scared. Keep crying like a bitch aztecel. That's what you've been doing for months and its not going to end anytime soon. Reply to this post with a comment bitching about Whites. You know you can't resist the White man's command.

You're in my land pendejo. And you're starting to anger me. Fuck off back to europe cabron.

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how I wish I could see you on your pc posting that, did you deny nostrils during typing?

nice try Mossad, JIDF, mexico knows

How many cartel members are currently being smuggled in to commit murders and rapes only to be let go by majority spic nigger and kike police forces in american cities? Lol and people think the thin blue line is upholding justice.rofl. The truth hurts. Better silence it.

Almost great bait mate!

And once you “win”, then what?
Bring in the cartels, start raping your 11 year old nieces for their birthday presents and turn the country into a violent dystopian shithole just like back home?

I hope trump genocides your entire race.

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Go back to europe pinche gringo. You not wanted here

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pussy Mexicans lost America in a war and then now I want to reclaim it by sneaking in. too scared to declare a war

It was never your land, you dirty monkey. The Spanish traversed this land before Mexicans were even created. Mexicans are Spanish rape babies with nigger tier genetics. You are owed nothing.

What state u live in, bitch? Imma come and kill to kids in front of you and Fuck your wife. What u got, spic?

Fine, keep provoking us pendejo. You wont live long to regret your stupidity. You pinche piece of shit

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I will say whites are a bit hypocritical on this issue. No immigrants to America or Australia which are non-white lands originally but whites are allowed to live wherever they damn well please. I even see guys on here defending whites living in South Africa. In Africa for God's sake. Since when are Europeans supposed to be living in Africa?


my parents are mexican roman catholics. We have found all the jews in are pueblo and kicked them out for extortion and degenerate behavior, like opening brothels and lending loans to cartels fuck off back to Babylon. Pinche Judio, vete a la chingada! Que to cogen en tu pinche pito corrtado!

I’ll be real. I’d fuck the bitch on the right. But seriously, get genocided.

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You know you and your kind are the absolute lowest of low that all of south and central America has to offer. Outside of tacos all mexico has exported is human traffickers, drugs, sex slaves and murder. At least the communist shithole known as Venezuela could provide the world with oil and iron ore when it pulls its collective head out of its ass.

Nuking your putrid degenerate shithole of a country would do the western hemisphere a huge favor. The fucking cancer that could result from people being exposed to radioactive fallout in neighboring countries as a result of Mexico being obliterated would still be less harmful than the existence of your worthless 3rd world petri dish of a nation. Fuck you, paco.

t. Disgusted latino

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This, 100 times over.

this would be better bait if mexicans could actually run their own country

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Get off my land gringos. Youre stinking up my land. Fuck off back to europe

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Isn’t gas station west of Houston is full of shit tp from dirty beaners

Who burnt the beans?

I will not let a jew defame my ethnicity.

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Piss off and die cabron. All traitors and gringo lovers die first during THE DAY OF THE MACHETE

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Sorry stupid we stole this from you years ago. You ain’t gonna get it back. Wait til more of you get “ Disappeared“ I’ll just laugh. Knowing it’s for the white race, fucking over shitskins.

You dirty spics are the gayest ppl in this country

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You pussin out, puta? Where u live?

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Go home to your shit-stain continent of europe

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Show your leaf faggot

probably other beans

Post the in store prices

In a thousand years, you will never say that to my face cabron. You pathetic pinche coward

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They're the niggers of south/central america

Fuck you mexinarcos

>flee 3rd world shithole of a country
>crank out children at an ungodly rate
>turn your community into the 3rd world shit hole you ran from
>triple the national average for homicide in your communities
>demand Americans cater to your needs
>demand Americans speak your language instead of their own
>accuse Americans of xenophobia when they question your retarded bullshit


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LMAO youre a bitch. I called your dirty rape baby ass out and u can't respond cuz u know if fuck your beaner ass up. Keep crying bitch.

Lol. Larping gabachos. As Mexican as Taco Bell. Can’t tell DF from their own dicks.

who come all mexicans are skinny fat?

Nope we stole this land fair and square. Want a blanket you fuck?

>central americans aren't niggers

La Raza is fully mobilized and pissed off. I am gonna enjoy raping your mother while I force you to watch during THE DAY OF THE MACHETE

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>hey where da electricity and medico go?
every azlan in their imagined futurr

Quetzalcoatl reporting in

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When I look at the children of squatamalans at the grocery store, I think that this is the only race that was truly a mistake. Why the fuck are they ALL FAT?

Where the fuck your boys at? Imma make El Paso look like a fucking playground injury.

They drink coca cola instead of water.
Not joking or being hyperbolic

Stfu pinche gringo. You are shit. Your entire race is shit

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Even if i did it wouldn't matter because you're likely to be soon decapitated by a chainsaw wielding cartel maniac in that cesspool you call a country. The USA did the american southwest a favor, had that territory been left up to your kind to handle it would be nothing more than an extension of the donkey fucking polluted waste of land that is Tijuana.

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As a Puetro Rican in America i can't fucking wait for the White-Mexican race war. Gives me an excuse to rid the nation of the Sub Human Mexicans. Then afterwards I'll head back to Puetro Rico with tales from the war and get some nice Latina pussy.


OP is a pussy spic bitch.

I'm not gonna ask again, bean dip. Where the fuck are you and to peeps? I'mma show your dirty spics ass white might.

I feel bad for the whites. They lost their country because they couldnt keep their women under control.
Mexicans will take over the US. Game over.

Blacks are too dumb and lazy to do it. Asians are to submisive.

Viva la raza.

Based and redpilled

Fuck beaners.

You get to join him

Chicanos are subhuman. I wouldn't side with any Indio that's proud to be a commi faggot. Hopefully the cartels and actual Mexicans get rid of thrash like you

My god what did we do the mexicans are wild
Though the USA did backstab us and steal Cuba etc
I have mixed feelings
What do

But how will you conquer the midwest?
It's full of conservative whites with guns.

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Side with your European descended allies in the U.S. there's no future with beaner.

No. Guates are. There isn't a more subhuman creature than the Guatemalan. Spain didn't spend much time conquering it so they have the most savage genes in all of Latin America. Beady eyed squats is what they are.

>I feel bad for the whites. They lost their country
Dont feel bad for the pinche gringo. After all THE WEAK SHOULD FEAR THE STRONG. In Darwinian terms we are awesome and fertile. It's survival of the most adaptable/fertile/strong. The pinche gringo race is pathetic and sterile/infertile. We get to outbreed him by fucking his woman and taking over his country

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You're a pussy bitch that can't do shit. One of our own can kill 20 of you. Know your place, bean. You will always be at the mercy of your superiors.

Since we built a civilization out of nothing. Nigs should stay out of our civilizations

>using the language of your European conquerors

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Their other language is Spanish, which is yet another European language.

>peaceful conquering
lol okay go crowd outside the inner city home depot to get picked up by a guy named steve haha
steve just got 20 more acres and he needs a few guys to put up a fence around it

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You were supposed to genocide the Indians, not fuck them.

Happy Mestizo Confusion Month, everyone! Not a real month, but hey, not a real race either.

Yes. We appreciate knowing where steve's wife and children live, so that we can easily find them and kill them during THE DAY OF THE MACHETE

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Why are you calling it day of the machete?

Our native women are better and more fertile than the pinche gringo females who have cold, dry and useless wombs

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It's true. Fuck arabs, pakis, and niggers. I will grudgingly accept spics as the lesser of two evils.

Your woman are ugly after 18 years and are the biggest racemixers in this country

Because spics are uncreative. They took "day of the rope" and beaned it up. Shame they die like pigs and bitches.

In April 2019, student leaders voted to drop "Chicano" and "Aztlán" from the group name. This was done in response to a conversation concerning whether the words are homophobic, anti-black, and anti-indigenous. Latino USA from NPR reports that "the online reactions following the name change reflect the strong reactions as the organization heralds in a new generation of leaders."[32]

The word on the street is that you traded your wives and daughters to the pale-faces for shiny beads. Is it because you have no concept of value, or is it because you're culturally cuckolds?

>This was done in response to a conversation concerning whether the words are homophobic, anti-black, and anti-indigenous.
Holy shit Mexicans are pathetic.

>It's true. Fuck arabs, pakis, and niggers. I will grudgingly accept spics as the lesser of two evils.
Good, we need more pinche gringo cowards and cucks like you. Now go and practice how to prep your mother so that she can best be fucked by a Mexican bull while you and your father masturbate each other's tiny white male micro-dicks in the alleyway

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In Darwinian terms you are extremely lucky that the Spaniards found you before the Brits did.

>not tricking the superior race to elevate your own

Thats why whites love inbreeding

God all of this cope. You mad about being a rape baby with nothing to call your own?

Nope. Whites are the least likely to racemix and Latinas are massive race traitors.
>can't handle the cope

Mexicans and Central Americans are the worst people, even worse than niggers

cracker here, i live in a 70% spic town and i have yet to run into one of these animals that is taller than me and im 5’6 for christ sake i cant wait for the day GAMERS

Students at a national conference for the group said Chicanx, the gender-neutral term used by young activists, symbolized an era when Mexican American civil rights groups excluded gays, lesbians and transgender people, according to people who attended the meeting.

They also said the concept of Aztlan excluded other groups such as black people and Native American tribes, attendees said.

Emilio Balderas, new co-leader of the group and a University of Chicago student, tweeted Monday that the name change “was the product of our organization’s work to right our past wrongs and stand with our indigenous (brothers and sisters) who felt hurt by Aztlan.”

He urged MEChA alumni to “hold your friends accountable for ageism & trust our student movement.”

>Latinas are massive race traitors
Latina isn't a race. It's a culture that began in Italy thousands of years ago, and the name was stolen by mestizos in a massive decades-long PR campaign. But mestizos will be the first (or second, after niggers) to accuse others of "cultural appropriation".

1 post by this memeflag jew OP

>UN flag...