What is your plan to fix modern women?
What is your plan to fix modern women?
Trap based nuclear families
Nothing to fix, women are women. Modernity have just revealed their nature to the world, and this somehow surprises men despite millennia of written wisdom detailing exactly how it is women act.
Just let them be. Do you own thing. If you absolutely need pussy, pay a hooker, or earn enough money/groom yourself enough that women will automatically be attracted to you.
It would be an interesting experiment to be honest. Would both parents be traps or would it be (wo)man x trap? Regular traps or reverse traps?
easiest thing
revoke women rights
all of them
Fix modern men
constantly expose my lady to the lies of the new globohomo religion, have hear read books instead of shit programming, ignore indoctrinated peers.
>twig body, massive thighs
My plan is to hide your faggot thread because I'm tired of this coomer-tier shit
Oh, you said "fix".
My bad...
Put prayer back in schools.
Your pic seems like a solid plan, not gonna lie.
by fucking modern men
pic related?
1. remove women from the workplace
2. reinstate traditional gender roles
3. money incentive per child born
4. realign the education system towards educating women for family
"Fix" Women who like being tied up during sex are the hottest, virgin.
Artificial wombs and ultra-realistic sex-bots. If their market value becomes 0, they will become completely irrelevant (meaning men can just fuck cute traps or whatever god intended). As a result, women will have to find something meaningful to add to the equation, if they so desire the dick.
I'm of the same opinion.
You're preaching to the choir.
take their rights away, they will be happier and so will the men.Its win win.
Cats and box wine.
pretty good pic tho
I mean God wouldn't create traps if he didn't want us to fuck them.
>1. remove women from the workplace
that just means single moms will need to be cared for entirely by welfare, hope you are ready to raise another man's kids by proxy
>2. reinstate traditional gender roles
not a bad idea, but would need to apply to men too. there are lot of lazy guys out there who only do the bare minimum.
>3. money incentive for child born
europeans tried this, doesn't really work. in fact the places that push this such as germany and hungary have some of the lowest birthrates in europe.
>4. realign the education system
this is probably your only good suggestion.
God didn't create traps, they created themselves
Abolish welfare, alimony, and abortion.
Im just gonna get a tranny, they make better women anyways.
have sex with them
Send them in to die for Israel.
Total societal collapse.
Let women roast in the smoldering embers of post-civilization for a generation or two, and watch them rejoice at the mere hint of becoming submissive wives.
Let 'em fail at life.
Everyone let me fail for my own good. If it's good for me, why not them?
By putting my seed in them.
Through genetic engineering and possibly childhood stem cell therapy, I believe it may be possible for women to reach comparable neuron and synapse density to a man. This increase in brain power may allow them the ability to carry on rational thought and create meaningful opinions for themselves.
You sure they were not created in God's image board?
Work to move post scarcity where material things lose meaning and keeping up with the Joneses and lifestyle marketing have no purpose. We'll keep you all posted.
Enslave them ideally. In america it will be way harder because you all think enormously high of yourselves and than includes your women so it would take a hell of a lot more work to crack her self image shell.
kys incel
based polak
women should be property
Lol women won’t be attracted to you because you’re well groomed you stupid faggot. Women are attracted to status, genetic attractiveness and confidence/charisma.
become chad, then you can tell women to behave however you want
It'll fix itself once women finally bring everything crashing down around us, which they are well on their way to doing.
>creating more men
nigga u gey
They need to be ground into fertilizer
Send them to starvation camps
can someone post the "islam is right about women"?
The way to fix women is to fix men. Do what Augustus did. He cracked down on bachelors. He passed a law that said bachelors could not inherit property, while also instituting strict penalties for adultery, and exempting families with more than three children from paying certain taxes.
Marry one. All of you.
Abolishing welfare would make women do even more desperate things for money, retard.
There is no such thing as post scarcity as long as we are not digital. Fully digitilzed consciousness on a civilization scale.
And humor. Make a girl laugh and she's yours.
it's been so long since I've gotten my dick sucked or stuck it into raw pussy. I crave it like man stuck in the desert craves water. I need it.
Nuclear war and our ecological calamity to destroy the foundation of civilization.
that gag is a good start
Fuck em full of babies and patrol the rest.
I'm fucking COOMING.
The actual answer is to take beta boomers like you and remove your head from your body
>whose daughter was known for being the biggest fucking whore in rome
>he was totally confused as to why young roman men didn't want to deal with young roman women
Wow it's almost like in all eras, men don't want to get cucked by whores
Show them the door to esoterism and let them see there is an objective truth
Imagine the smell
Only low IQs, thieving commie faggot. Women will be forced to choose quality supportive partners for long term. There should be no safety net for single motherhood as deterrent.
plans are already in motion. islam is coming to the west to put an end to feminism. its going to happen unless
>we take away their right to vote
>force them out of government office
>encourage them to leave university and workforce in their most fertile of years
>ban birth control and abortion
Systematic replacement with gynoids.
Right, suddenly jobs with wages high enough to support one-working-parent and family will just fall out of the sky. Retarded thieving capitalist pig.
fix men and women will follow
Desperate things like going out and finding a man who works?
No welfare means the nog economy slowly grinds to a halt, women don't like nig nogs that don't have any money.
The economy will adjust to what it was to when there were only single provider families. A complete moratorium on immigration would also need to happen. Go dilate.
You can't fix or turn a hoe into a housewife. Fuck em
Desperate things like prostitution, porn, "sex work", etc. No welfare just means more crime and people who will do anything to feed their families.
I think the sudden rise of the 45 year old female with 14 cats will do enough to curb the majority behaving like this. Only the very rich, the poor and stupid and the very religious people are breeding. These people aren’t.
That being said I think the promotion of things like sex work is an indicator that global capitalism isn’t working that well for women, either.
female cock and ball torture
Why would the wealthy people who run the economy allow that to happen? Capitalism thrives on giving people as little as possible and making the maximum profit. They will always be looking for more and more low wage workers. You're living in a fantasy.
Implying I have a problem with these things???
>Modernity have just revealed their nature to the world
well put
>We need the state or people will completely lose all their inhibitions.
The existence of the state that will swoop in save thots with other people's money is what is causing the current problems.
First of all God doesn't exist. Second of all nature doesn't create traps, they are artificial constructs, socially and physically. Third of all, you're a faggot.
Any questions?
guess (((who))) does not want this?
Give them attention for doing stupid BDSM shit.
No really, find a reasonable woman near you, one with a pair of ears that uses them, tell her you want kids but cant find a decent partner. See if she starts treating you nicer. Its a game you can only play once tho, if she treats you better you need to deliver.
if pic related were to shit out on the ground and said turd straightened out. how long you think it would be?
So what you're saying is that no welfare better exposes the weak losers in society?
Fix family and divorce court to start. I wish the birth control pill had never been formulated but cats out of the bag on that.
How do deal with western woman...
Step one - Invent artificial wombs.
Step two - Use them to start over making a new better society.
Birth control has already been scientifically proven to alter female brain chemistry, causing them to detach from their current partner and leads them into hypersexuality as they can no longer pair bond. Look it up. Sounds wacky but it's true. It should be outlawed.
I don't know what or why to fix in other humans.
Humans are frightful creatures.
They're all signs of a failing society.
Okay, so we need them to sell their bodies to get their own money. Can't wait until every woman realizes her most valuable asset is her body, the capitalist dream.
No, the idea that there are enough positions for all "winners" in the job market is a meme in itself. Millions of people are underemployed in the USA. Everyone can do something that is required in a functioning society and they shouldn't have to struggle.
Like i said, cats out of the bag.
Why are you stuck on the idea women need to make their own money? They just need a willing provider, not tax payers who have been coersed by the state?
Who is that OP? It looks like someone I banged.
Because I'm not pretending that I live in Boomer America. The 1950s are over, pal.
The capitalist dream is lining up you communist, lower life forms I barely consider humans against the wall and ending your wretched existence so you stop dragging us down with impossible, inefficient, spite based egalitarian dreams that can not and will not ever happen successfully
Obv it's not 1950 anymore, but aren't you curious how the culture went to hell in just 50 years?
Spain is western you nigger
>Why are you stuck on the idea women need to make their own money?
The economy is stuck on that because the notion and expectation of dual income family (or couple at least) has been priced in. Single income family is less and less viable for the majority of citizens with each passing year.
>abolish child support
>strict 1st trimester abortion laws
>only straight married women allowed to vote
>tax employers for every women they hire.
This will restabilez the demand for men and undo all the jewish tricks.
Separating males and females into different primary and secondary schools is my main inclination for raising up a new crop of women with different mores.
Anecdotally the dudes I know who went to all-male schools are incredibly weird and awkward around women, because they never learned how to socialize with them. Happens to Mormons, too. But maybe that's the price we pay.
It's not even necessarily modernity, it's that we were lied to growing up and taught to treat women like princesses and blah blah blah. Respect is earned