Can somebody explain to me how the Australian public service hires people? I am a zoomer who graduated high school a year ago, I was stalking people on social media and this completely talentless Somalian nigger has a job for the state construction commission. The position is literally "administrative officer". The success of a lot of other people, for instance one guy doing modelling because he has a great body or another guy studying aeronautical engineering because he's good as maths makes sense, but I see no reason this groid would have a job the majority of white Australians could do better than she could. Is it nepotism? Does the Australian government hire based on diversity now?
Australian public service
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God, they're beautiful
>Does the Australian government hire based on diversity now?
t. public servant
Mandatory 50% females in the interview process and diversity points for applicants too. So yeah a somali will get a job over a white aussie because they are seen as more necessary to employ as its more beneficial for society to have them employed with regular income than being on the dole and probably committing crimes, and that the white aussie will have more chance in the public sector and more chances for success so the government feels it HAS to step up and hire non-whites.
My area has a team of about 30 people, about 18 of which are Chinese nationals here on visas kek.
they get given a job when they come here as well as a $50,000 loan that they don't have to pay back, a free car of their choice and free housing.
You get to go on centrelink and do work for the dole once you fail to find a job, have fun with that.
Currently in uni. Through my degree i've got a few connections to people who got jobs within public service. Generally you've got to know somebody, have a vagina or are non-white. Shit is fucked.
Just get on welfare lads.
I'm on newstart do I need to work for the dole ever?
If you're on welfare and don't have a reason to be you're non-white.
who even decided this?
I can't find a job. I've applied to more than 300 places.
Well then you have a reason. Have you tried going through an unemployment agency? I know a few people who had the same problem as you but after a few months they managed to get a job though it.
Don't know the specifics, don't know too much about newstart. But i'd assume not since they give out the dole to anybody within reason, and being unable to find a job is one. Yet you have to be known to be applying for jobs to get it I think.
You must go through unemployment agencies to get newstart. Btw most the cunts are old. 40+
How easy is it to get a job with an rsa? Pretty sure cenno can pay for that.
You need to go to a temp agency and get a short term contract (which will probably be extended several times). After you do a few of these you can try and get a permanent job. Go for any job opening because you can transfer to an area that suits your interests later when you get established. This will take a couple of years.
Get RCG too if you're in NSW as most of the jobs will require it unless you want to do shit tier work like serving beers at the cricket.
why does this not apply to niggers though?
shouldn't the most useless people be discarded by the job market?
Do you need experience though? I'll look into that one too.
Rsa's can certainly help, you should be getting as much as that type of shit for your resume. My mate struggled to find some work, but found some work at a pub once he got his.
They are discarded, which is why they end up in the public service. It gets them off the dole books so the government can claim what a success they have been coming here. Then they can bring in more.
also temp agencies here generally tell you to fuck off unless you have five years experience (QLD)
>they get given a job when they come here as well as a $50,000 loan that they don't have to pay back, a free car of their choice and free housing.
I've been hearing this shit for 20 years. Citation needed, otherwise I call bullshit.
Is it worth asking my employment agency for a gov/ pube job? Do they have to do any work?
I too can't find a job they just give it to women in the chance they will suck the bosses dick, they won't
Might be worth doing a bar tenders course which will give you the basics like pouring beers etc. A lot of hospo places will give you a trial (usually unpaid, although I always made sure my staff were paid for theirs) After that it is about how quick you pick things up. You could try and get work as a glassie (they get paid the least in hospo), show you work hard and ask to be trained/given a shift serving at the bar.
This is bullshit. Anyone whose even looked at census data can tell you that the
>all immigrants are dole bludgers
memes is fucken bull shit.
our biggest demographic of immigrants even today is whinging fucken poms.
google it (or whatever button mashing you do) you dumb cunts
in answer to OPdo the public service exam or go to uni.
>Mandatory 50% females in the interview process and diversity points for applicants too.
I am dubious about this unless it's pic related or Cunterlink
>(usually unpaid, although I always made sure my staff were paid for theirs)
Are you a business owner? Isn't the business tax rate 30%
Most of the recruitment is done through temp agencies. The permanenbt jobs you see apart from graduate positions are already earmarked for people. They just have to advertise them by law before they give them to whoever the job has already been reserved for. Are you looking at state or federal?
>Does the (insert formerly European nation) government hire based on diversity now?
for the thousandth time, yes
Construction fag here the people who come from Department of infrastructure are all foreign with 50% women all of whom direct me how to do my job don’t understand that it can’t be done there way but meh racism when you disagree I guess no wonder our buildings are fucked
a lot of train-for-the-dole places put a shitload of RSA's thru about 5-6 yrs ago.
there's more than enough bar tenders out there.
No clue, but what is the work like. I hear pubes don't do anything some cunts I know don't they watch youtube all day.
I used to be GM of a few places in the Sydney CBD/ Newtown a number of years ago. Not sure about the tax rate today but it is a cash business and there are many ways to make things disappear (wastage etc). Pokies revenue makes up about 50% of most places revenue which is why you need RCG. Working in a pokie lounge is chill but boring.
This country is retarded. Learn how to live in the bush because its going to be unlivable within the next ten years when the collapse comes
Based doomer.
And how much do they earn?
You say that everything 10 years
>do the public service exam
Is it that easy?
RSA is not the same as a bartending course. You learn cocktails etc. If you can get a gig in a higher end cocktail bar you can make a few hundred extra bucks a week in tips.
>live like an abbo.
Nah mate.
Oh no i'm an optimist..
Boring but very well paid. It really depends on what area you are in.
>our biggest demographic of immigrants even today is whinging fucken poms.
That's counting every single immigrant going back forever though, the average age of the pom immigrant population is like 50 something. Poms haven't been a significant source of immigration for more than a decade. Pic related for the numbers of immigrants we take in each year from each country.
>week in tips.
Since when do people tip in Aus? And I'm no sexy slut.
An entry Level 5 secretary gets about $70k. Goes up from there. Hits 6 figures at senior manager level.
A male is not allowed to be a secretary it's implied they will blow the boss
Depends where you work. Hilton Hotel they tipped very well. Local pub, not so much. Also depends on how good you are at charming people and giving them better service than they are used to (which isn't that hard in Australia).
My mistake - Executive Assistant.
literally yes.
If you're a dumb cunt you'll be the mailboy's lackey at the dept. of bumfuckery in out fucking nowheresville
if you're halfway smart you'll end up being a cubicle jockey.
>t. frmr teacher and mentor for tee (pre atar).
sounds like the government here. they have unions and literally cannot get fired.
and yes, it's nepotism. cushy do nothing job where you hire all your friends. the people I know in US government service are fucking worthless human beings.
I hate the term "service" too. you are a fucking mediocre accounting major, not the savior of mankind. the pretentiousness of people in government is insane
sadly we do this in canada too for about two decades now. in that time period canada went from basically 90 percent white to now getting to minority white levels. be careful anons. you need a revolution. time is running out now.
They get shaken up every change of government. Some departments get axed, other move to regional areas so they can claim to be creating jobs in the country areas. They do have a good union though - fuck with them they shut down the government.
You have to be mentally brainwashed to be the same as them. These days that also includes being a nigger/arab/faggot/tranny/other mental illness so you're not a normal white male.
You also have to not want to help people your field affects as that's how government works.
Thats why neither they nor the self loathing cunts who hire them belong in Australia.
Its the rest of the country that are babies user. They demand services and the government provides them for votes.
How do we piss so much down the drain on people in these positions? The hard work of an insane number of people in a wide variety of professions is required to pay, feed, clothe, give electricity to, supply busywork to, hell probably even hire these people that could be diverted to something that would improve society in the future. Why do we give so much money to people whose lifelong career amounts to being big fat babies? I don't understand. How did it get to this point?
When did this begin occurring though?
>>Does the Australian government hire based on diversity now?
>t. public servant
>Mandatory 50% females in the interview process and diversity points for applicants too. So yeah a somali will get a job over a white aussie because they are seen as more necessary to employ as its more beneficial for society to have them employed with regular income than being on the dole and probably committing crimes, and that the white aussie will have more chance in the public sector and more chances for success so the government feels it HAS to step up and hire non-whites.
>My area has a team of about 30 people, about 18 of which are Chinese nationals here on visas kek.
im overqualified for these jobs and i dont even get called for an interview. ive applied for every public service job that i can for a year and nothing. i live in a mostly white town too, which makes me think theyre literally tossing white resumes in the bin out of desperation to meet diversity quotas.
If you think the feds are good at pissing money away they have nothing on the local governments. The ACT government just spent $250k on pic related.
I'd say it's mostly bull shit. However I used to work in western Australia and I can tell you that the government absolutely at that time had a program for aboriginals to purchase car's. The aboriginals would receive a loan and had to make ten payments then the government would pay the rest. I know it sounds like bullshit but that was what was going on. They aboriginals would buy a car and make the required payments then sell the car and have cash. Im pretty sure they scrapped it because they were just buying grog. I'm in Victoria now and a few years ago they did have a similar system for certain migrants to access money to purchase refrigerators and beds and other furniture. Once again I think it was being abused and was removed. They probably have another thing going now.
It's like a cult, gotta jump through hoops to join them. Once you are in, you are in. Any work ethic will make them hate you and it's actively frowned upon to go out of your way. My first job was working for a western sydney local council and it was pretty fucked up. I was just trying to go out of my to apply my skills, learn and better myself through my work. Yet my manager would get pissy because community members began to expect my level of service or demand me.
Most fucked up part was community members always offered me extra money. THe amount of bribes even just doing the most mundane shit was staggering.
>be me
>work part-time, looking for more hours
>every fucking job has
As a measure to achieve equality, Section 51 of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 applies to this position. Aboriginal people are encouraged to apply.
>t. white Anglo-Saxon...
>look up Equal Opportunity Act
So regardless of merit I'm more likely to get the job if I'm a boong.
>But wait! I remember reading that if you "identify" as aboriginal and the community accepts you as such then you are considered abo...
>Government agencies and community organisations usually accept three 'working criteria' as confirmation of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage:
>identifying as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
>being accepted as such by the community in which you live, or formerly lived.
So in order to get slack work gibs all I have to do is say I'm abo, get a bunch a 64thoons to say they "accept me in their community" and huff some diesel?
this is true, all the niggers in my town drive 2000s commodores and falcons that they bought new a decade ago. it was really surreal seeing the abos all dropping their kids off in v8's back in the day.
my town spent 350k on pic related, which nobody asked for. not to mention all the money they spend on paying 20 roadworkers (2 to do the work and 18 to supervise) for a couple of days just to replace a square metre of pavement.
You really don't want to know about the home loans aboriginals get then.
>this thread
Cut my life into peices
How about $70k on pic related.
I already did - had a neighbour years ago who defaulted on his iba (
kept the house and sold it for a profit...
Almost makes you want to do a DNA test eh? My mate is applying for one (his blue eyed wife is aboriginal). 3% fixed interest rate and all the fees are waived. Good if you can get it.
holy fuck that's literally just paint on an old roundabout how is that 70k
>So in order to get slack work gibs all I have to do is say I'm abo, get a bunch a 64thoons to say they "accept me in their community" and huff some diesel?
Wasn't it proven that most "dole bludgers" are infact old people and single moms on welfare?
As a white male you have no chance of getting into the public service. Even if you got in, you'd hate it. It's full of faggots, women, spineless cuck white men and useless minorities.
My advice would be to try to get any retail experience then try to move from there. Even with a degree no one will look at you unless you have worked previously. If you have no experience at all then you need to volunteer, look for Vinnies or a place like that.
If you are looking for back office work same process. I volunteered at a charity which got me my start.
Unless you have a background in hospitality or you are a pretty girl, forget bartending.
>do the public service exam
This hasn't existed in 30 years you boomer scum.
So the culture is identical to any white collar business operating in the city, I can suffer insufferable leftists for a 40% pay increase and less productivity.
Having said that, I stand no chance of getting a job in the public service. The last job I applied for I didn't even get a rejection notice for a horseshit council temp job.
>This hasn't existed in 30 years you boomer scum.
happy to prove you wrong you ignoramus.
Most of the facts are every bad statistic in the country is because of immigrant communities besides abos.
There was a funny one about most of he fat people here being immigrants. Some ass mad immigrant wog faggot went to the wiki page on the subject and deleted every citation.
>This hasn't existed in 30 years you boomer scum.
leaded or unleaded?
Not all. Finance is a boys club, advertising is still fun, mining is drinks at lunch, construction corporations are cashed up bogans, etc. The APS just attracts trash that no one else wants.
That being said, Australia is over. To get into anything you need to know people or just luck the interview and even then there isn't much left in terms of 'career jobs'.
>We want to hear from people with skills or experience in:
You need experience to get experience, just like every other job in Australia.
Look at the links you post before you post them, dumbass.
Graduate programs aren't a test that anyone can take to get a job if they score high enough.
>Pretty sure cenno can pay for that.
white, blue cards, RSA's any licenses eg: forklift. only get help IF you already have the job, so its: this job need forklift and white card, cant pay for it no job, but muh job provider will help. hey newstart people i can get a job tommorow if you chip in for a forklift license for me, NO you dont have the job yet so we cant help, but we can lend you a hi vis vest. hey potential employee i cant get the license without money till after you employ me, too bad user i got a fat foot high stack of other resumes gonna be a few in there that can start on monday that already have the tickets needed.
The 1st link is literally a link to a public service entrance exam.
Fuck off meme flag.
From fucking 2010.
so 9 yrs ago not 30...
there are literally dozens of pathways to get a traineeship/apprenticeship in the APS
as I've already pointed out - you and the memeflag being hyper literal about muh responses just make you look like the fucking spergs you are.
if op can't get a job it's probably because he's a lazy cunt not becuase some nu-Lelebourne Australian Somali was smarter than him at figuring out how to game the system.
>mining is drinks at lunch
this is complete bullshit.
t. I know a few phlebotomists who do a fair amount of minesite testing - if you were on this piss at lunch time and they tested you you'd be like OP here looking for a new job....
which Government department does Dahyun work for?
Thr Government actually introduced a blind resume policy, where they removed anything which would identify gender and ethniticy. It lead to too many white men being hired so they got rid of it.
No one in Australia is hired based on merit or qualifications anymore.
It's purely race and quota based now.
The latest with the army is they are now hiring 'indigenous' people, but not just from Australia. Basically non-white since whites aren't apparently indigenous to anywhere. I heard this from my mate who is a retired soldier who still keeps in touch with people.
>there are literally dozens of pathways to get a traineeship/apprenticeship in the APS
There aren't. You need experience to get experience in the jobs that you posted and the APS 'points' system is essentially a lock in system favouring people in their system rather than people outside.
>if op can't get a job he's lazy
No, it's because there is a flood of labour at the lower levels and unless you have someone helping you then you can't even get a chance.
You even mentioned 'gaming the system' so you know this yourself. White men get zero help from the system and if it isn't for their parents, then they are sitting at home with nothing to do because they have no leverage.
I get it, you are probably some senile retard who still thinks Australia is the lucky country and initiative and hard work is all you need or you are someone who was helped through the system who thinks it was all you. Spare everyone else your useless advice and opinion on this topic.
Office mining jobs, not the on site work.
If you are in the CBD on Friday afternoon in Perth or Brisbane or the evenings on most days, it's full of these cunts.
>about 18 of which are Chinese nationals
at least 10 of those are probably spies
Ofc because fuck white men having work we should all starve
Just pretend to be gay or something. Make a clumsy pass at the male interviewer.
>oh by the way, I love cock!
Truly diverse!
It's like the 90% Arab classes in some schools in Berlin, they are really nice and colourful and progressive. :7
>he's bitter because he's fucking useless.
no dramas m8. Enjoy dealing with centrelink.
I think it has to do with our society not reflecting our nature. We are not meant to sit at a desk all day and listen to a teacher talk or wake up at 6 am and go to a job doing menial labor all day. Our brains were not designed to interact with computers and technology constantly. I think interacting with computers instead of people fucks us up. We are a hunter gatherer species, we are supposed to be facing constant threats and trying to survive in harsh conditions. The conditions are no longer hard, there is nothing to kill off people who should not be able to survive. There is also the possibility of overdiagnosis.
This, it's also pathologization of normal male behavior and interests, which prevents boys from developing normally.
It doesn't matter if you vote left or right. It doesn't matter if Scomo is PM of Australia or someone else. It doesn't matter if you don't vote. The truth is that democracy is a lie told to people to give them the perception of control. But in reality we have no control over future events. The Jews are ruling the world and molding it into what they want and no one can stop them. Bring attention to Jewish control of our media and government? That's a hate crime and you end up in prison.
Science has lost total objectivity
the medias are not informing
medical doctors are no longer healing, big pharma is ruining everyone's health
healthy people are considered ill
people going through the educational system are the least educated and least competent about the topics they study
politicians are doing everything but politics
free speech implies censorship
people ask the least competent people for advice (salesmen)
leftists are driven to hate fascists, and that very same hate drives fascism
common sense has become common idiocy
We have adopted Consumerism as our de facto religion, and it has one tenet: "Give me Convenience or Give me Death".
Now where are those retarded boomer responses?
this is the NEETest bred I've seen today.
FYI diversity hiring is to cover up the fact they open the flood gates for immigrants to prop up the economy. the immigrants come and go directly to welfare, if the numbers come out on the race and gender of welfare recipients it will raise the eyebrows of even the most liberal of australians.