You must be 100% European (we will accept Russian) to post here. This is a place for us only. Even the slightest stroke from the tar brush disqualifies you from posting here. Only 100percenters here.
why don't you have any Irish
Did your relatives just fly over the north on their way to Norway?
What if I have 0.8% African, does that disqualify?
I am part Cherokee and Mexican and I'm still whiter than you'll ever be
Nigger are you retarded? This guy is a Saxon, he doesn't need to be Irish.
He doesn't need to be but he should work on it for the future generation.
What's the other 0.6%, nigger
You're a fucking dumbass for following the one drop rule. Btw, I have no blood south of the Black Sea.
Hello, brother!
So close...
"trace sub saharan african ancestry from 1k years ago", some bs 23andme does to try and make you not racist.
50% german
english 25%
french ?
dutch ?
>Even the slightest stroke from the tar brush disqualifies you from posting here.
Did you not see the rule?
Thanks user, but I'm pretty sure some distant relatives were slave owners. Shame they didn't share the wealth, oh well.
I'm Jewish. Can I be white, too? I mean, ashkenazis are basically Europeans Jews, right?
Oh yeah as long as you are Irish
Welcome, brother!