I know it's wrong, but it's so aesthetic

I know it's wrong, but it's so aesthetic

Attached: ddbcf2708b94b5221adfcbd21d9b4c3c.16.jpg (488x366, 30K)

Do you guys get a discount on Canadian IP's?

God I wish that were me

Of course it's a leaf.

>strong right wing views that align with me hating niggers
>then see this and get demoralized
>quintessential arch enemy black bull plowing my dream girl with his bigger hands and cock
>look up the model's full video, fap furiously
>she's a goddess how is this happening
>start watching similar ones
>start thinking of my black friend who's a boxing trainer plowing my girl
>become progressively nervous and beta around him when i see him because i subconsciously see him as the alpha
>he recently drops innuendo and suggestions that he's a bull and is naturally superior
>half the day angry at him for overstepping bounds, the other half feel overpowered by thought of him beating me and fucking my girl
>the vicious cycle escalates with me feeling more like a beta around him each time

This porn is indeed like a dangerous drug

This is a very French thing to say Canada.

The purer something is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt.

Attached: dead.png (427x495, 290K)

What if she farted on his dick

Imagine being a Jew. Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birthing. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon. And so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.

Please kill yourself at the soonest opportunity.

is she taking a shit?


Black dicks look like literal logs of shit and make me want to hurl. I've always thought this even before Jow Forums. You have a scat fetish.

Also sage.

cringe and bluepilled
post your fapfic in the pornhub comments instead


>thinking about shit all the time
>other people have scat fetish
eww gross poo eater

Truly disgusting freaks. They bring their "persecution" on themselves. Literally no one would care about them if they weren't unrepenting demons.

mods sage

>>quintessential arch enemy black bull plowing my dream girl with his bigger hands and cock
The average black man in the US is 5'9. The average white man in the US is 5'11. Black men have smaller hands.
>become progressively nervous and beta around him when i see him because i subconsciously see him as the alpha
Start hitting the gym like a motherfucker. Get yourself so dam strong you can bench 365 and deadlift 585. On top of that, get yourself a glock to carry with you. No nigger will want to fuck with you after that.

And lastly, stop watching so much porn. Go outside and fuck some thots to boost your ego.

Nice projection kike. Unlike you I don't go looking for black dicks, because I don't fetishize logs of feces.

Came here expecting this flag and type of post, was not disappointed

People need to learn to report posts that don't belong on Jow Forums.

Hacking that nigger joint of with a machete would be more enjoyable and aesthetic!

This thread went out how I thought it would.

> "i'm a black person"
> "Nigger"
> "muh dick"