Don't lose hope, comrades. We just need to seize the memes of production by summoning that 2016 meme magic. We must take back the symbol of might away from the color-dyed libshit LARPers. We must use crude humor to punch upwards, and not downwards like the majority of this board. We must repair the image of socialism, as we have been made to look like fools for long enough.
We need to start focusing our attention towards capitalists. Nazis are worse(since they're capitalists but larp as socialists), but they will never enter mainstream discussion. We need to breadpill the normies like pic related.
Don't overdo it with the shitty soviet aesthetics. It scares normies off and it makes us look like fucking lunatics. Start brainstorming how we can display our ideology in a simple digestible meme format.

Attached: behold.png (720x960, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how about if we make a meme saying that trump is bad?

pick one
They want you to migrate to main city and work for boss. Capitalism and Christianity only hijacked family unit, they never done anything to create it. Family unit and marriage wasn't invented by Christian capitalists.

>under socialism some random dude will get to raise someone else's kids.
This is why you guys need to normalize pedophillia right? T

That's a libshit-tier meme. Trump IS bad, but pointing it out every 5 seconds won't do us any good.

let's instead refer to him as orange man

>Family unit bad
Strong families AND communities create power for the proletariat at the early stages of life.

{{{liberals}}} want to destroy it so {{{they}} can make a profit off of children from broken families and communities.

Attached: 617504E4-4755-401C-BCA1-3DA2EFC0AB72.jpg (329x280, 33K)

I like where you're going with this. How about "orange man bad"?

Good fucking luck. Almost all of your fellow commies would call you a nazi for posting here
Especially this, not kosher at all

Attached: F3512F69-ED24-4446-8CD3-034EE1F3DA9A.jpg (906x1024, 166K)

The importance of the family unit and its interaction with the community has been thoroughly explored by Confucianism.

Hence why the CCP has pushed these values.

Your ideology is childishly simple.
Different political styles like socialism, capitalism, nationalism, democracy, fascism, etc are little more than tools used in combination in every modern government to make them run.

To try to get people to support using one tool for everything is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.

>Guys, FUCK wrenches, lets just whack it with this hammer!

My intelligence is too vast to share with the rabble of society, a fundamental reason I am against communal living, if I were to have kids I would want them to be superior to I, and that would not happen if they were in the care of my inferiors. (Of which the majority of society is composed.)

Under socialism, he won't be some random dude. This fear that you have has been instilled by capitalism. It has made everyone into borderline psychopaths. You are afraid of you're own comrades, fearing they will do you wrong. And no, pedophilia should be discouraged.

>importance of the family unit

You're joking, right? You guys wanted to "deconstruct" the family unit, and now you say it's the strongest enemy against capitalism? Just fuck off. You fucking commies took over the education system, desegregated at gun point, and promoted the sexual revolution. Commies are hypocritical Marxist scum that will be shot on sight. Fuck every single one of you.

Isolated nuclear family is trash, granted. But the extended family, with the nuclear family at the center, is the foundation of human sociality. Your utopian anti-human bullshit is probably just a reaction to your bad childhood and dysfunctional family.

You mean under a centralized government style of socialism.
Fucking child doesn't even understand his own favored political style.

I used {{{they}}} not (((they))).

Socialism won’t increase trust. Ending diversity will

Attached: 6C11F6E2-8C59-4244-94FC-40541DC9300D.jpg (1024x564, 177K)

Family is a small collective and it best works when woman and man own things together, best if they run a business together in the town they living, create things together from small things to big things. Capitalism on other hand promotes that you work for bosses and banks, then consume, always get services from other people. When you wife gets services from other people, starting with food and haircut than you are cucking yourself to other people and your wife sees that you have no value other than money, so why would she need you? She gets your money and can buy food, housing and do her haircut by others.

You supported the family and posted a vaguely anti gay image, it’s enough for them

They’re reactionaries.

It’s not what the Chinese Communist Party believes at all.

I'm surprised this research was allowed to happen in the modern day.

Go back to leftypol

Maoists weren’t Marxist, but the one child policy wasn’t encouraging the family unit too much.


jew communism in the bolshevik realm is white genocide / white suicide at least.

It’s gone, with the rest of shooterchan

The funny thing is, a village commune would respect greater traditional/family values than a capitalist society. The community is your tribe, you must fight to protect it. Fucking hell, that would be quite kino desu, imagine waking up every day, working with your commune, voicing your concerns on the council and eating with your cormades.

I got a question, why change the government when the problem is shit people being shit?
When communism was famous under the Soviet Union, the moral character of the individual was very different from how it is now.
Do you really think socialism can work in today's society?

Someone has the communist spurdo?

What a brilliant idea!

This is what we mean by “cultural marxism”

Basic statistics show that children’s lives and communities are literally destroyed when the family unit is destroyed.

Attached: DC39C30A-5E64-4680-B535-505341E98C17.png (500x615, 130K)

Villages functioned as communes, with occasional bartering and purchasing. They all still owe loyalty to their nation.

>community is your family
Niggers, spics, lgbt and other kinds of degenerates like (You)? In a way it's already happening. Parents have less influence than the media, entertainment industry, education etc which is flooded with the above groups.
>traditional family unit
Is not even promoted by mainstream entities anymore lmao
This meme is from 1990 leftard

I bet many people here have had dysfunctional families. Doesn't that just give more reason to use my solution?
We want to extend the family unit.

Attached: King.png (720x960, 253K)

Socialism, as it is in East Asia, particularly China, cannot work in today’s society with the current cultural climate that encourages the destruction of family values, consumerism and debauchery.

Attached: 85217483.gif (480x270, 212K)

I like how you think comrade. Let's take it one step further and demand his impeachment

Those who died due to Mao's policies or were sent to gulags were kings?

Hate to break it to you, but Mao didn’t treat the family too hot either

How many reddit surfing highschool cafeteria communist memefags are there? You guys are all the same brand of socially inept. Fucking annoying nerds watch shit like drunkenpeasants

Uh, china has a hybrid socialism/capitalism gig going on, not real socialism. You know that right?

I’m a Dengist.

Even members of the CPC including the General Secretary do not agree on what Mao has done.

There's no punishment to leave town and to cheat, no community to punish you, no state to punish you. In Socialism you had both. The main problem is migration, with anything, people who can escape problems leave behind problems, create problems elsewhere.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that since the purpose of communism is the destruction of society they will inevitably target the basic building blocks aka the family

Pure socialism is difficult to achieve and may not necessarily be the most efficient solution for humanity.

To be specific,China adopted capitalistic policies for a bunch of their shit because they could not make socialism work for them.

That's why I hate dictatorships. The road to socialism could be done without one. That's actually one of the reasons why tankies piss me off.

genius! there is no way we can lose with this kind of meme-ing. I also think we should make the meme overly verbose to show how intellectually superior we are and to ensure that our point it thoroughly made

Gay lefty Bavaryan here.

Where my brothers and sisters at?

>In the first few years after 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intervened directly to change many common elements of traditional marriage practices. The 1950 Marriage Law outlawed concubinage, child betrothal, multiple wives, and the sale of sons and daughters into marriage or prostitution. Village leaders and enterprise cadres exhorted the young people in their charge to delay marriage and in most cases enforced a policy of
― 10 ―
late marriage by withholding choice job assignments, welfare benefits, or promotions.[22] They also condemned traditional rituals and elaborate feasts. Most of the ideals behind such policies were inspired by Engels's The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State

One could argue that the problems with capitalism are also shit people, and that capitalism is thus no worse than socialism.
So why switch if socialism also cannot work in today's society?

Capitalism doesn't believes in state, so who's creating and sustaining your family? Private schools tell you that gay is ok, you migrate, you do whatever you want. Freedom to do anything isn't limitation that is family and tradition.

Why does communism have so many fracture groups? I never heard of dengism until I read about it in the document I linked

why to communist use the anarchy flag? fuck communism you dirty thieving kike niggers

because it is too vague a term, like nationalism, to cover a single form of government.

>I committed a crime so I’ll just move and get away with it

That was the idea of a guy who killed his girlfriend in Taiwan. He thought he could get away with it when he moved to Hong Kong.

This is why there has been a proposed Pan-China extradition bill. This bill would allow justice to continue in society by extraditing criminals between the PRC, Hong Kong and the ROC.

The Anglos want to destroy China so they established the anti-extradition protests and riots.

Public schools have done that for some time already. At least with private schools you have some choice

We can't be one community with sub 80 IQ niggers like yourself, fuck off kike

That's why they are protesting in Hong Kong, since it became stronghold for financial criminals and degenerates, who hide there, together with their money.


to expand, Socialism can be summarized as in the interest of the common people, nationalism as in the interest of the nation, capitalism as in the interest of profit, etc.

Well even then paleocons, ns and fascists all agree on the same base: national preservation, family values, cultural protection, mixed/left economy. It seems like communists have rifts on core things, even treatment of family

You are literally retarded, aren't you? Private schools teach whatever they want, there is no common core teaching, so it's impossible to have same family values. Bowling school isn't going to teach you about family. And besides if you have no state then you have no family support. Socialism created the idea to support families financially and in moral lessons in school. Why would private school bother with that? The purpose of private school is to make more money and only private schools have foreigners learning there. Public school is financed by tax payer for tax payer.

Commies should be enslaved

that is more likely because most socialists are stupid kids who don't actually understand what they are talking about. There are some really far off technical socialistic forms of government that are closer to anarchy, but they got no fucking clue.

We both want liberty for the working class. We could work together for now to defeat bigger fish.

Private schools still have to meet national standards or their graduates are not considered as having passed high school education here.

You are too far gone too realize that most modern welfare States derive from an obsolete Prussian state whose whole purpose is indoctrination. If you take things such as media and globalization you realise that any non right wing institution will get compromised in no time

That is retarded. Communism is a form of socialism that espouses MORE government than capitalism, which is the exact opposite of anarchy.

what kind of pseudo science are you trying peddle here.

I don’t know. Even in the Spanish Civil War, Franco managed a coalition of monarchists, nationalists, fascists, and other right wingers to fight communists. The communist coalition ended up collapsing and they fought themselves in Barcelona. All adults

It’s a philosophy and pseudo religion going back to China’s early years. Very important to them, teaches ancestor worship and honor.

About as lefty as they come...

Attached: theDope.png (778x1107, 1.29M)

Private school have to meet the standards of ABC and math and similar universal things, that's logical, else they would totally go berserk and they won't teach English, but Spanish, right? Why would a Mexican CEO of school teach you English? No reason, the state compels them to teach English. Also, why would a foreigner owner of private school care about your country? Their missing is to maximize profit with as many foreigner students as possible. All Christians schools are international school.
>You are too far gone too realize that most modern welfare States derive from an obsolete Prussian state whose whole purpose is indoctrination
Why is indoctrination bad? Healthy body in healthy mind. If you don't indoctrinate your society to work for society and country then they going to work for capitalistic bankers. Somebody is always going to use them. You think magical Jesus is going to fix things in everybody's heads magically so you have stable society?

looking at the wiki on that war, I wonder if they started infighting because the communists decided to follow in the footsteps of the soviet revolution and try to make the holocaust look like a joke again?

I only support nationalist social democracy

Are you under the delusion that the state of public affairs in any western country is acceptable

Capitalism is truly a cruel sick joke however. It literally puts money above peoples lives.

Except capitalism exploits. Both Anarchy and Communism give a shit ton of rights to workers.

Maybe, but this revolution had far less Jews than the German Revolution and Russian Revolution, so they didn’t shed nearly as much blood

Also you are missing a point you yourself brought up. The point was that you should be allowed to have access to methods of homeschooling or private tutoring and that compulsory public education

>Every man a king
>Unless you actually control yourself, you can only be king of nothing.
>You can't even have a wife or child

Capitalism was literally made up by Marx in his manifesto to give a name to the diverse economic systems of the west. Then a few other small hat aficionados took that idea of a system serving only capital, and ran with it

>The right to not be compensated
>The right to work or be shot in the back
>The right to obey or die
>The right to not start a business
>the right to not profit
>The right to be lectured to by a college grad on why the upper class is bad but the college grad elites are good
>The right to be equal but only less equal than others

communism exploits just as much.
Commisars and political officers were a thing.
Anarchy is a silly thing to aspire for, because it is impossible to sustain. Sooner or later someone will gain power over everyone else and one way or another a new government will form.
In fact, anarchy would take rights away because they would take away the government regulations that prevent corporations from doing whatever the fuck they want.

>durr capatalism
that shit is just invented by YOU made up to defend your little bullshit of trickle down wealth

You need truth on your side to make memes that are meaningful and work. Oops.

You are not my comrade, fuck off. Find 15 people you trust enough to pool all your money with, they are your comrades. They also don't exist.

just because you're a loser doesn't mean the rest of us want to be underachievers

How did things work out with Pol Pot?

What’s with you fucks telling me I’m not a lefty when I’m -5.32 on the compass?

Politicians in Socialism came from specific work field and they done in politics what they known, gone up the ladder. In USA or EU is a political party is elected then they can pick anybody to form their team, nobody voted for them, also there's no responsibility if they don't do anything at all what they promised. This is logical since you have no community connection, so they can't possibly climb up the ladder, they are picked from any place by president or prime minister. Btw Socialism didn't had promotion, so when you have promotion then your private market promotes politicians you should elect, who 100% are paid by them and also their companies you should be buying, that's propaganda or indoctrination, but it's not done by state. Voting for political party is pointless, just nobodies and came from nowhere, didn't need to work for people, didn't need to climb the ladder of people, they just appear, so called experts coined experts by private companies and private schools, they didn't go through testing by people. Capitalism and Christianity tells you this is god, then you nod your head. They tell you Taylor Swift is your trend, then she makes a nigger video, that's your trend. You have no culture anyway, since culture comes form people, not some office workers deciding what concerts are they going to organize, like common today, but difference between USA and EU is that EU still has cultural office workers, while in USA they only have capitalistic organizers, so they don't even try to have a culture. You could say our organizers of culture are corrupt when they invite some stupid musicians from Africa or USA, but they at least try. Culture ministry should only invite musicians of native culture. IN USA it's just some individual money created retards and we know who controls them all.

>communism and anarchy
Nice try, anti-white leftist ZOGbots.

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In Socialism the parents who's children went to school were owners of school as long as their children were there, so they decided a lot and your have parent group ever-present in school all the time, they could kick out any boss they wanted, they decided what's best for children with cooperation of state representatives. Also when you done something wrong at job you would also meet other workers + union government representatives and they would look at your data. Nowadays a boss can fire you any way he wants, no data analysis is needed, nobody needs to listen to parents or society. Private school does whatever it wants, while you think homeschooling is good because you are independent, you are only even less powerful and those companies will fuck you up, since financial groups are united and you can homeschool all you want, you at end always need the banks and the employers. So i don't know what your homeschooling will solve, those children will be released into rotten society, unless you want to keep them at home until end of life. You aren't solving society.

>meme magic

Strictly by definition Atheists cannot believe in or engage in any form of magic. Meme or otherwise.

You don't worship shitskins, you can't be part of the club.

You lot are the biggest boot lickers going. You actively defend your capitalist and global banking masters and even attack their actual critics like the faithful dogs you are.
The irony is simply amazing, keep licking their boots.

>lefty purity tests