This says so much about the red hats

this says so much about the red hats

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Other urls found in this thread:

nobody cares lol

Still upset about the election?

Maybe because people are burnt out at virtue signaling or taking shit so seriously like its the end of the world. Humans arent nice. All the anti bullying shit and pc crap has repressed the need to call fuckers retarded and gimps and whathaveyou. Trump isnt bulletproof because he speaks a truth. Its that hes saying shit most people are pent up from keeping to themselves. And its glorious


>My butthurt has lasted for three years. THREE FUCKING YEARS!!

who cares what some literally limp-wristed lefty faggot thinks

Trump could have mocked the guy while waving his arms wildly and he would have been condemned for making fun of the fact his wrists dont work. You cant win.
Point is his supporters laughed because Trump made fun of him, not because of his hand gestures. Prove me wrong.
His hand doesnt fucking work. He needs to man up and cut the damn thing off and get a cool hand Luke like Skywalker had.
That faggot wears his disability like a shield. He flaunts it in your face. He WANTS you to taunt it so he can disarm you.

*made fun of what he said

People always find a way to insult someone, if they want to do that.

> Cool hand Luke
Best part of this thread

He did the same arm swinging act making fun with several people that didn't have an arm handicap. Maybe, just maybe...he wasn't mocking him for his disability. Watch something besides CNN and MSNBC for once donkey fucker.

The retard journalist deserved it, fuck off

Trump doesn't get disabled people, they drain public education's resources and get to act all high and mighty without being allowed to be torn down ever

we like to have fun
you like to kvetch



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Maybe but I knew a guy with this disability and all he wanted was to be treated like a god damn human. Instead people belittled him for it and he hid away to play PSP one handed. I'd expect that from retard high schoolers.

>literal who anecdotal

Nobody cares

So can you actually do anything with that hand? Can you even wipe your ass with it?
I would totally just cut it off and get a fake hand. No one notices a fake hand as much as a claw hand

>As long as I live

Wow man you're a loser.

Disable people are equal to normal people, so we can mock them

This. It's Trump's goto mocking gesture.

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yeah that was a bad day.

I wouldn't have voted for him after the 'pussy' remark. Guess I would've voted for the Green chick.

More like anyone with a visible disability

Where can I buy this magic salt that can season for 3 years?

He literally makes this motion when criticizing people who aren't disabled all the time.

Anyways, who cares, that spazoid was a fucking dick anyways and Donald was right to tell him what was up.

People with cerebral palsy are useless to society. The infirmed and disabled used to be stuffed away into asylums to die or be forgotten, now westerners are forced to care for and enable the lives of weakness. 99.9+% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct, if humanity is going to survive the near 100% killrate of evolution, we have to weed out and eliminate our weaknesses.

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>He WANTS you to taunt it so he can disarm you.
>disarm you

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It says more about all the other candidates. There was no one from either side that wasn't worse

I thought it was funny since I dont have the knowledge of every shitty journalists in my brain

If he wants to be treated like any other human he should be ready to be criticized. No one here cares what you think you stupid fucker.


Hope you're joking

Bro this was in 2016, get over it

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>ready to be criticized.
You criticize over people's actions and choices. Not over a disability they had nothing to do with. Jesus Christ are you this fucking stupid?

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Based Coomposter

People criticise people's physical appearance all the time and nobody bats an eyelid.
Bald guys

Where is your virtue signalling for those people?

Fat people do it to themselves. I genuinely felt guilty for weeks after I called my friend a leprechaun while drunk and baldness is barely a disability anyone who cares about that has zero self esteem.

This was the reason he won.

At no point did Donald criticize him for being disabled though, he criticized him for talking shit and being a dumbass.

His gestures don't matter, no one actually cares about this, they just use this as a club to beat conservatives.

I'm not talking about disability.
You said
>you criticise over people's actions and choices. Not over a disability they had nothing to do with

Manlets can't help being short.
(Some(very few)) fat people can't help being fat
Bald guys can't help being bald

Yet they're mocked more than any person with a disability. If disabled people want to be treated equally, like regular human beings, then being mocked is unfortunately part of that

>no one actually cares about this
I do. He attacked both things obviously. Was he another journalist shill? Sure. Was that the thing trump had a right to attack? Yes. He attacked all other disabled people through that guy

Lmao no one here takes you seriously, have fun clown

Not an argument. Sorry I hurt your feelers with reality.

kill yourself shill rat

>As long as I live I will never understand
Yep, that's lefties in a nutshell.


And you never will you cuck

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Actually made me like him more

Ah the Trump hilight reel the media would talk about over and over again like anyone caured right until nov 8th.

"He mocked a disabled journalist, called mexicans criminals and rapists, said women should be punished for abortions and said all muslims were terrorists. How anyone still support him???"

Too bad Trump became a cuckold and deserves to be destroyed by the media and everything else they do to him (and his horrible family) after he's out of power.

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>someone made fun of a disabled guy, they can never be president now

Fuck (((Trump))), but fuck this bubble-wrapped safe space ideology even more.

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op's a faggot

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lol pretty red pilled

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thanks. 10 downvotes in less than 1 minute

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You're unironically helping out people by posting this shit. Forcing them to self reflect and take control of their masturbation addiction. What a fucking timeline