I just came back from a business trip in New York. What the fuck. I have never seen so many niggers in my life. Also the white people were clearly a minority. Is the rest of America like that?
America is fallen, become habitation of mutts
And stay out kike.
Israeli autonomous protectorate of Jew York when?
Seething. You mutt. There is literally a 44% chance that behind an americsn flag is a nigger or a mutt
>Whites are a minority in New York City
You missed the announcement by a few decades
Better than being a kike.
Is the rest of america this way?
Shlomo were you in Jew York to assist your Mohel Rabbi baby boy molesters?
Didnt mean to quote your post.
I am blue eyed blond, family from russia. You are a nigger.
Less kikes for sure. So much better.
You are a kike destined for a mass grave.
Jews are whiter than Americans now :). Respect your Aryan masters, mutt.
There are no Americans in coastal cities, only your fellow kikes and their brown servant class. You have to travel into the interior to find Americans.
Kikes are not White. Never have. Never will be.
Most of the cities are.
>this much mutt cope
Okay so we are not white despite pol daying that only blue eyed people are white? Kek nigger mutt brown eyed faggot kys
it's a crowded stinking traffic jammed cesspool of low iq mud people milling about. every restaurant is staffed by illegals yelling at each other in the language of their conquerers
No we call New York "Jew York" here for a reason, it's essentially a mini Soviet Union inside of America, there are also large swaths of America which are bigger infested 3rd world countries and large swaths that are bible thumping rednecks. There are large swaths that are also Mormon, Mexicans, Amish, Indians, etc.
Jews aren't white according to The Forward
There's no reason to get huffy, Moishe. I was only answering your question.
Kikes are not White. We will kill your whole family.
What's wrong with you israeli fucks? They're humans like you, you fucking nazi racists.
No. You went to an explicity designed, multiculti farce and think it's representative of all of America. The usual mistake. You calling anyone a "mutt" is laughable. What are you? You a "purebred" Hebrew? Some Mizrahi-hybrid mutt, if not Ashkenazi (mutt as fuck). Fucking LOL. I guess since 25% of Tel Aviv is gay and it's a pedophile safe-haven that we should assume you're a fucking faggot pedo, too, huh?
"Muh blue eyes, muh blond hair" FUCKING LOL
This French/British/Bangladeshi calling anyone a mutt, LMAO
Schmul, you do know that you cannot be white and a semite at the same time right?
>I guess we should assume you are a pedo
Why would you not assume this about (((them))) given their history of things such as Simon of Trent and Epstein etc.
When I travelled Australia, I was able to observe a true "white society" uncorrupted by diversity. The largest minority group I encountered were these pig-nose asians (I learned they were Malaysian) in Sydney.
One of the things I noticed was there were two main groups of people. The city whites, and the rural whites. The city types were more attractive, slender in appearance, sharp features. Although white myself, I have brown hair and eyes, and I felt like a complete outsider. I've never seen so much blonde hair in my life, blue eyes everywhere.
However, when you left the city there were these really deprived rural areas. You could tell driving through them just how strapped for wealth these people were, underdeveloped land, tiny horrible little dwellings, awful. And yet the people were not awful, but rather quaint and cheerful, a pleasure to be around (although I am a tourist, and doubtlessly did not get the full picture). These people were very clearly and noticeably less attractive. Rounder in appearance, with softer features as well. Perhaps I cannot adequately explain all of the little details, but you could just see the difference between the two breeds. Again, almost all of them were blonde haired and blue eyed (although this time I felt less inadequate, perhaps it's a status thing).
It's my contention that in America, the "city whites" have been mostly subsumed by diversity at this point. Leaving only the country whites. Thus whites in America are in a rather sorry state. Envision the society as a living organism, with the head chopped off. That's the state of white American society. To be sure wealthy white classes exist in America, absolutely. But they are effectively part of a different civilization, the divide has grown that strong. And the diversity has consumed them. Just travel to one of these city areas, you see it clearly. All these horrible, fat, mongrel people. A sickening state of affairs.
You should know that kikes love to double dip, depending on the situation
If I convert to Judasim am I allowed to live in Israel? Jews are white enough in my book, I'd rather live with jews than with amerimutts
>"Muh blue eyes, muh blond hair"
That's biology, man. You just haven't been to cutting edge Tel Aviv schools like OP. In this picture for example, it looks like a dog but clearly it's a mouse. Only mice have ears like this.
If you're like 99% of Americans, Jew York is the explicitly designated multicultural farce that decides if and when you starve, literally. (I'm not saying that's a good thing).
New York is full of your people
So is London but hey whites deserved it right
there's an entire city of them in nj. Lakewood. the entire town is on every single kind of govt assistance possible, and nearly everyone has a criminal record for insurance fraud. and everyone of them has an LLC, an accountant and a lawyer from lakewood.
the democrat and jew controlled areas are.
I'd rather be a nigger or a mutt than a Jew.
America is a beautiful place and one of a kind. Even our dirt poor live better than 3/4 of the world. Stay the fuck out of my country if you don't like it, bitch.
JYC is about 20% Non-Hispanic white, 40% "European white" including Hispanics and 55% """"white"""" when including Jews and Arabs.
By comparison the USA is 58% non-Hispanic white, 69% "European white" and 72% """"white"""" when including Jews and Arabs.
Note that Semitoids will be a separate race on the 2020 Census, it is difficult to say how many Jews will chose to identify as officially non-white but I expect most/all of the 3 million arabs and persians to identify as non-white.
Your friends helped quite a bit, Moshe. Also NYC has more Jews than any other city, they're like 15% total.
you anglos are spiritually jewish
Yes in the cities
>italian mutt cope
You did this to us.
Lol cope whiteboi
White women are hypergamous -> white men become incel -> they have to lower their standards -> they fuck ethnic women and create mutts.
>I am blue eyed blond, family from russia.
Disgusting vermin.
is that one of those FBI filenames?
I was there in June and it seemed like it was roughly 1/3 white, the rest of the people (especially younger people) were either niggers or various mystery meat western hemisphere abominations. Few chinks tho which was great. Coming back to NZ felt like arriving in Asia.
Yeah it’s in my white supremacist file on my G-phone
I heard New York is losing population. Soon it might only have niggers, spics, and kikes there. LMAO
But this is what you wanted for the world, to have a race of black mutts as your goyim.
What are you complaining about?
>implying they make a significant % of our population
HAHAHAHAHAH look at that nigger mutt cope
No, it doesn't. I'm not a helpless suburbanite.
Wait, don't tell me you're some slav-semite blend? LMfuckingAO!!
>it's this thread again
Why are you making this thread again? You made it a couple of days ago