What is some essential reading for Jow Forums

What is some essential reading for Jow Forums

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Chan pilled, but I've seen a hundred nigger brutality threads now

women, at times nearly 70% of the threads are about women one form or another. There is much ignorance around them, and unlike racial realism which has quite a deep connection, and retention to most of us here, nobody fucking bothered.

I have seen countless of book threads and NOBODY mentions stuff on women. All of them are either classics, or esoteric knowledge.

So therefore I concluded that there is a huge gap in knowledge that we have, a huge blind spot. And desired to find the appropriate content to fill that void. And yes, because I went through this content I can easily say that MOST of you are completely wrong, and retarded on the topic.

only about 10% of us are actually red pilled on women, and in real life that number is also close to 10%, so both the norms, and both the people here have similar levels of ignorance. Because the chads, while not entirely clever, with enough practice learn about their nature in real life quite well. And that knowledge is also here in these books of sorts.

and to think that a huge collective as is ours, which has quite a lot of memetic influence...still doesnt know about women...I am ashamed of you.

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Honestly tho, I would say Plato's Republic.
"You cannot call yourself educated until you have read The Republic and the Confessions.
-- Arthur F. Holmes

which brings me to the second point, a few fathers are strewn about between us.

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I have this book, it's fucking good.

"Oi guv guns should be banned outright for anyone but military."

Fuck off with this shit.

I will dump all i have!

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SAS guides are useless, those guys are pussies. Now the Rangers, those are some real hard asses. That's who you want to learn from.

I'm interested if:
1)Corey Wayne 3% men a good book? I red it partially and it seems alright
2)The Rational Male book? I started to read it, it aight, but something seems off about author, like he trying to present himself too much or something. In Coreys book everything is clear like it is written for retards, here it reads more like phylosophy book.
3)Coach Red Pill youtube videos about women.

SAS are superior to any US servicemen

We had a couple former ranger batt guys serve in my company and those motherfuckers taught awesome fieldcraft

I got that book on sale, was like 10 yuros. Has some solid advice, has some retarded advice like batoning firewood by smashing a rock to your knife's back. I'll give it a 2/5 would have thought better from an SAS survivalist trainer.

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>shit tier

fuck off schlomo

Army larper dick waving competition incoming

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Oh, I get it! Because capitalism is shit. That's a funny joke.

Islam is junk.

If you need to keep your woman submissive by hitting her and using psychological reducers, you've got no chance outside of an arranged marriage.

There's never any need to hit a woman who has your respect. She'll follow absolutely every command you give, to the letter. If your woman doesn't do that without fear you're due to be weened out.

Rather than approach it as ''Thou shall read these books'', it's better to simply look at a book and its brief introduction and then decide if the book might have something to teach.

A book that teaches is usually an easy read. Books that feel like a bore and burden are those that don't give valuable insight.

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1984, George Orwell
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
The Prince, Machiavelli
The Perestroika Deception, Yuri Bezmenov
Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky
The Republic, Plato
The Art of War, Sun Tzu (fuck off with the spelling/proper name faggots)
The Talmud
The Holy Quran
Propaganda, Edward Bernays

KNOW YOUR ENEMY. Most of those are short works, and freely available online.

Also, add:
War is a Racket, Smedley Butler
The Holy Bible

Pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors will be delivered to justice


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who the fuck is saying ''Thou shall read these books'', don't project your internal monologue on me faggot, its just approved books that will add value to your life.

Bronze Age Mindset is a must read and you're a negroid if you don't read it.

Is it your first lit thread? It's a very common idea that you should ''START WITH THE GREEKS'' because if you DON'T read X, Y, Z and everything from authors Dickbutt and Asspain, you will misunderstand everything that has been written after them.

You might also be new on Jow Forums if you think ''replying'' to a post is necessarily a direct personal message to (You). Most replies are stand-alone and referencing to a particular post doesn't make a post solely about (Your) post.

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Does it cover urban survival because that's what is coming to us? Who knew fighting zombie (diversity) hordes will become reality.

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Checkmate Uni cucks!
>be educated with this one easy trick. Marxist indoctrinators hate him!

I heard some good reports on 3%, but it was mostly introductory. The rational male requires some level of disconnection, and comfort with the eery red pilled feelings. So prior experience to having your worldviews shattered, and warped beyond the normal is recommended. For if you do it multiple times, well then, that becomes the norm of sorts. I have also gone through a shitton of other content, some related more to psychology than pua crap, the blue print decoded by tyler for example, and why it works.

And the rational male book just made it all click for me, there are many books, many dead ends, and many ways of viewing the problems around women, but this one I have found to be the most pleasant, well rounded, without excess of fat.

something that I hoped that should give the newcomers to reading books, a good feeling of the improvement that a book can have on their lives, making want to read more. Because reading is awesome and will win us the battle against worldwide jewry.

>anything Dostoevsky low-tier.
He is the ultimate redpill on leftism. Standard reading for any freedom loving person these days.


Torture manual specifically for Communists but can work for anyone, outdated (I think) but the basic psychological premise is there.
If you can learn 1+1 = 2, you can also learn 1-1= 0.

I have a feeling some of you will need this in life hopefully not, but otherwise, happy reading.

doesnt detract from the fact that it works if applied properly. Thats the only thing that really matters, the islamics will have kids, because their theorem works 100%, they will have civilizations, and lack of chaos, unlike europe. They will as a matter of fact be the ones who will bring order, if we dont straighten up.

You have a choice to engage in the many esoteric works here provided to you, I would even agree that a lot of them are necessary to unplug from the modern mind, and to know what is good and wholesome. But I only wish to remind you that if you are stable, and have regain some respect from what your ancestors would give to you. Perhaps it is time to look on other...more pressing matters.

The women problems.

I have already delved into this whole unexplored topic, and I can only urge others to do the same. If we study, if we read, if we look upon the latest of sciences, which are about our natures, we could stand a chance to create or our theoretical framework of control upon the female kind. One that may withstand the rigors of modern technology and the "opportunities" it provides.

nobody else will do it for us, the white race has no elites which are in favor of it anymore. Its just jews, technocrats, retarded leftist indoctrinated academics, and bloated capitalists who only care about their yachts.

we are the speartip of the white race, for better or for worse...so better sharpen yourself lol

>high tier
BNW is much more relevant.

and to add: "that funny feeling" is perhaps a bit of the hatred he has, of being duped, lied to even for so long. I have a similar one so I didnt really notice it.

You're glowing like neon light.

Muslims have lots of kids because the government is paying for them while actively promoting white birth control, abortion and misengeny.

Nobody wants islam, its a full of shit arab religion.

>M-maybe it will work this time!

Yea there is an attack being done on the white race with the methods you mentioned, but this is not an attack solely made by the jews


for it tries to conform everyone and everything into its mold. The "hate preachers" and the removal of them were done by the same people who push for lgbt for the muslim. The leftist whites wish to destroy the muslims and their ways of thinking as well. And they will do it slowly, with creeping stuffs. Their muslim youths are now like 50/50, some of them modernized into degenerate nigger rap culture, and the other half has gone extreme islamic.

You can see society that we are living in right now as giant balloon. And the various groups pump a bit of hot air into that balloon constantly, but with some the hot air is hotter than with the others, or of different form and shape. But the balloon still floats, content, not really caring who gives it what kind of air, as long as it can remain huge, shitty and an eye sore to everyone who witnesses it. As such, this retarded monstrosity will inadvertently bellow angry fumes at those who are not as huge, or retarded, like the islamics. Who with their clerics that bestow them with the hot air, wish to remove those clerics and make sure their balloon gets the same filth as they do.

And this is almost no conspiracy. It is almost a popular view of reality lol. Society thinks of itself as whole, that doesnt get manipulated that much. And in some sense it is right. As long as the balloon steers into the course that the jews want it to go, nobody will change shit.

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Yeah 1984 has a cool concept but becomes it focuses too much on a brain washed chick and guy with a rash on his leg

Well it needs a narrative otherwise normalfags won't read it.
The point is that while some of the concepts ring true today, they are just standard policing tactics, born of the wider topic of human coping mechanisms.
The overall iron-fisted police state portrayed does not last or exist for a long time, usually it is just a periodic transition in regimes, such as Stalin's purges or the same purges conducted by Mao in China (those are just the best known and most parroted in the west). Forcefully imposing and maintaining both such external and internal pressure on people for such a long time is impossible; hence why BNW is much more relevant, external pressures are imposed from above, while internal are exposed and exploited by the people themselves out of convenience to their base desires.

Easier to train an alcoholic than a authority worshipping masochist.