This guy

How can a man be this redpilled, and yet still be married to a negress? I don’t understand what went wrong.

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Burr is not redpilled.

A poor second to Sticks and Stones, Burr is fearful of being canceled.

How can you even say that with a straight face? Paper tiger wasnt great, but this entire set was “Jow Forums: the one man show”. He was almost too desperate to drop redpills.


Nuff said....

Burr isn't going to be "cancelled," he's still great. He's just been in workaholic mode over the last few years and it was very poor timing to follow Chapelle one week later.

burr was an incel for the longest time, and then go fame and fell for the first piece of pussy that would fuck him

fuck the govt is not a redpill

>Gives up dog for negress pussy're here....aren't you? Give us a sign.

Did you even watch it? It is all about fuck “Me too”, feminists are retarded, society doesnt give a fuck about white people(especially men) blah blah blah. Like i said, not great, but saying this special wasn’t dropping redpills as hard and frequently as possible while not getting fired from Kikeflix is straight up dishonest.

Never before has there been a man in such a complete state of denial as Bill Burr.

I don't know about Bill Burr, but Dave Chappelle seems redpilled

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never seen such a disgusting cuck and try-hard.
at least dave chappelle is transparent about hating white people - and doing the same jokes as him 2 weeks later was top cringe.

Do you understand how television works? Bill Burr likely recorded his special before sticks and stones ever aired. Im not saying Dave Chapelle isnt better(he definitely is), but Bill Burr told these jokes long before Sticks and Stones came out. Are you literally that stupid? Do you also think that Bill Burr is performing live, inside of your television, every time you watch breaking bad?


true, relative to similar modern content Burr is redpilled

He can be really funny, but, Bill Burr has some issues. Red-haired people get made fun of a lot and so can often feel like outsiders. This is why a lot of them end up being friends with ethnic minorities. They are also more likely to join ISIS and shit like that. Add this to the fact that I think his blonde blue eyed mother used to beat him. Choosing to marry a black woman could be him rebelling against her. I really hate Nia! She is killing his comedy. The closer he gets to her the more PC he becomes. I think Bill Burr is funny, but, he is never going to be our guy.

Also most of his material is developed from MMPC, over the span of years.

red hair is dope and nobody bullies gingers here, what’s wrong with britbongs

Hes a race traitor. All celebrities have to bow down at the altar of diversity otherwise they wouldnt have a job.

In the real world, love is blind. Go outside.

It's just his persona, he is a libtard all the way. Does he have mulato children with that nigger btw?

it just seemed like a stand up version of youtube "stupid libtard pwned EPIC style" clip compilations.

I heard awhile back that the muttlet is actually a full blown nigger in appearance, and Nia chimped hard when Bill brought up paternity testing. Who knows though.

This. He is lightweight there but tiptoes around it for his career's sake.

>A poor second to Sticks and Stones
What the fuck are you smoking?

He has his moments, but he is an prime example of what a "bitter manlet" is.
When he gets no pussy
>women are golddigging whores!
When he gets pussy
>yes dear, of course dear.

Haven't followed his podcast, but have read from his fans that this is an cycle of his behaviour on those shows.

>Haven't followed his podcast
and you shouldn't, it's not a good podcast at all, it's just him rambling about sports, badly reading ads and fighting with his wife every time he brings her on and it's basically always her that is wrong too, the sex must be phenomenal for him to put up with that shit on a daily basis.

he's a redhead

all redheads fuck niggers

What is even the point of being married to someone who always takes the opposite side of you

this is his wife in a film she directed and he financed

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I like him but Paper Tiger is not very good.

Honestly- I was annoyed more often thanb not. Material was repeated from his older stuff, just rephrased a bit, new one was meh (sometimes bad- muh negroe wife, muh kid).
And most important- shouting all the time +making 'retard face and sounds' doesn't make joke better.
It's super cheap and lame.

I'd give it 6+/10.

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He's just saying politically correct things, what's so great about him?

I have never found this guy funny and am not sure if I wanna watch this special

his was fairly funy but started looping around the same things, without going in deeper weters.

Hearing about his dogs, anger issues, casual wiev on racism etc. was funny first three times...

the negress pill is the ultimate red pill. White people are snow apes. The genes they covet, thin lips thin nose, come from natural selection. They helped your ape ancestors survive, your big nose ancestors died off. Which also proves you come from black people seeing as how there is no reason for a black person to grow big lips from natural selection. Back on track, and straight to the point. The majority of white women, especially northern white women, they simply do not have a good shoulder to hip ratio. White genetics are great for making manly sons, like the mountain. But those same genes cause a t shaped frame in women. Not always the case, there are some very curvy white women. I would argue 90% of them are mutts and the rest are the exception, not the rule. Ultimately, a man prizes beauty. Our neolithic ancestors knew it and carved fertility idols.

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Whites women have very pretty printed faces, but its mutt and black women who have curves that need seeding.

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painted faces*

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>ginger detected

>They helped your ape ancestors survive, your big nose ancestors died off. Which also proves you come from black people seeing as how there is no reason for a black person to grow big lips from natural selection.
can you repeat that in the Queen's English?
> your big nose ancestors died off. Which also proves you come from black people
I'll need you to show your work on this one

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every time he says fucking i get an ocd

>How you folks doin' tonight?
>I tell ya, it was hot today.


>It was so hot today, Lindsay Lohan stole a snowcone.

Watch this movie called quest for fire. Its the true tale of your ancestors. Who once walked on 4 legs. Humanity is brainwashed by ancient cults into believing in fake religions.

But the proof whites came from blacks is very obvious if you look at it logically. Im not even black btw, its just reality. Blacks have no reason to grow big lips from natural selection. It can be argued they grew big noses to hoover more air in as they ran down their prey. The alpha male big horned animal they would tire out. But big lips? Simply no reason. Lips became smaller from natural selection, to have them not get frost bitten during a time before fire.

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They both must get off on it in some kind of weird but also very passionate way

I never got why the out of africa theory was such a sacred cow to leftists, I mean yeah it gives them their little 'gotcha racists, your ancestors were black', but it also means africans are a fucking evolutionary throwback; when everyone else left the tutorial continent where food is abundant and it never gets cold to see what the world had to offer, they descended from those who said 'nah we good' and decided to show zero ambition.
you'd think they would want to disprove this

You don't give up on family. Your mk ultraed hubris clouds your judgement. You are a light incarnate alpha simian protector of nature.

He is too obsessed with sports to be red pilled, he just takes recent cultural phenomenon as topics for his material and then takes the contrarian stance and throws the logic of the opposing side back at them from a different angle with a bit of that self depreciating anglo humour thrown in occasionally.


I never understood why gingers have such hardons for nigresses

and im not a leftist. Dude you can say whatever you want, but in the end its you and those like you who are so enamored by the monkey mind control matrix. You have clouded your judgement to your own reality. Blissful ignorance. Intellectual dishonesty. The truth is not what the mainstream teaches. The word leucism is kept hidden out of sight.

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That's not Nia Renee Hill

>I cant understand why people are not racist assholes

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Stop proxying, schlomo. Youd have to be delusional or double digit iq to not be racist in swede.

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It was decent. Not sure how you can hate on the guy, given what all other media is like (other than sticks and stones).

It was far better than Chappelles

Havent seen paper tiger but chappelles was fucking great.

>white women are the problem
He is absolutely red-pilled.

>gives up pitbull for his child's sake
Which is smart because pitbulls are shit tier dogs.

he is a professional entertainer and you are low iq

Hello little gingey ginge ging

Dave Chappelle, in his 2017 Netflix special, unironically refers to himself as a feminist.

It's very good. But Bill Burr hasn't been doing redpilled content for a decade at least, it's not like this is really pushing the envelope.

For pol the "redpill" about pathological leftism is baby-tier. We're way past that and it's tiresome to listen to it. This is why Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubon, Ben Shapiro etc are not popular here - they all only scratch the surface.

He's under cover! Don't blow his plans you fool!

*has been doing

explain south park then

yes there are as many random scandinavian women trying to fuck random homeless guys as tiger woods, thanks for your sage input, real life guy


dios mio

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Nia is such a killjoy to start with. You’d figure they’d give it a rest every now and then, but liberal women and especially liberal colored women never shut the fuck up about anything.

Saw him live and the guy next to me said before the show started that every comedian becomes trash when they get married. But now, what if you married a negress which would be self induced suffering, so your comedy never loses the spark?

that's a fucking negro alright.
His tiny ginger micropenis couldn't satisfy a black woman.

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Redheads are almost naturally communist. Every ginger I’ve ever met happens to be far leftist. It’s no wonder Ireland could be considered the most cucked country in Europe.

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His wife hates whites. She's so full of hate. He's poisoned with white guilt.

She is so full of hate for whites I bet she probably injects crystal meth into Bill's balls when hes asleep and then uses their baby as a cum sock.

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Bill Burr said on his podcast back in May that he “feels bad for Jussie Smolett”....the level of cuckoldry was just too strong, cant listen to him anymore. That black wife of his ruined him

He looks like a coomer

This, he's edgy and on point on many superficial things. He's a good comedian but he's not redpilled at all (or he wouldn't be able to perform on stage).
Look at Sam Hyde, he poked the hornet's nest a little too much and he got veto'd. Even if he really wasn't that much out of the line.

People like Burr are there to keep the dichotomy alive and make things simplistic (muh liberals, muh women, muh misery). Again, nobody asks him to be deep or revolting, I laugh at his stuff. But he's not redpilled.
There's a lot of stuff he says on his podcast that doesn't reach his material. And you can tell he's unhappy and he settled down of the first woman who managed his temper (you can tell by his interview with Ethan he's not an easy to deal guy so he went for a high T ape).

>The genes they covet, thin lips thin nose, come from natural selection.
>there is no reason for a black person to grow big lips from natural selection.

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never gets old lmao

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Weak redpills. This is not even kindergarten tier.

Colonizing is the ultimate redpill. Y’all just some non pussy getting incels it confuses you


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getting cucked by a black man is colonization?

Look at the kid, does she looks like a child that has one parent that is as pale as fucking chicken skin?

Chappelle’s standup was alright. Paper tiger on the other hand was really good, especially the first half

Hes literally bluepilled as fuck and its because of his wife Nia, her nigger feminism shit rubbed off on him and his testosterone is lowered from having a daughter,

he was mostly redpilled oppie anthony days. know it a love fest

I work with an Italian guy who is J woke but has mutt children. Hes also a Muslim, not sure how that happens.

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He's not redpilled he's just from Boston


You got the best Irish whereas we got the worst, so stereotypes formed differently.

Oh Shit! Is that his kid? Nia's got some splaining to do

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> Muslim
> hates jews
Pretty simple actually.

It's all so tiresome

Stick and stones was trash and basically pushed for the normalization of pedophilia

Yeah that looks sort of like her but thats not her

Fuck, alright you got me. That's actually kinda cute.