Gay Welsh Rugby star reveals he has HIV and all the predictables scream IT'S NOT A STIGMA

Gay Welsh Rugby star reveals he has HIV and all the predictables scream IT'S NOT A STIGMA

Why don't straight white men catch HIV/AIDS, Jow Forums?

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Because they lead disgusting lives. No sympathy

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When are we getting superAIDS? These gay freaks can live relatively long on tax paid medication

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>Why don't straight white men catch HIV/AIDS, Jow Forums?
because straight white women don't have it.

in the civilized world, HIV is basically a gays only disease. unless you're born with it or whatever your odds of getting infected as a straight person are basically zero.

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But /pol, magazine cover implies he was monogamous, or at least mostly monogamous?!

Certainly not boofing yards and yards of dick at chemsex parties like some kind of sick fucking psychopath!

Because it’s transmitted via fresh living blood and in the vagina even the menstrual blood is rotten.

Black women have high rates of HIV, I can't remember the stat, but it's pretty shocking.

My wife worked for Canadian Blood Service

- Fags were screened out because they many times the rate of aids and hep than straight males do. It's what brought the Red Cross down, they used to be the the company that collected blood in Canada.
-They also have a screening question "Have you been to Africa in the last ten years?". If you have you cannot donate.
And of course injection users were screened out too, having higher rates of aids and hep than homos.

Because they're straight and white.

>stick dick in many mens poop holes
>get sick
Like wtf bro assholes are not meant to fuck

he is bug chaser

Because GRIDS is its proper name.

>Why don't straight white men catch HIV/AIDS, Jow Forums?
They don't have their negholes pozzed

How do you play rugby with HIV? His infected faggot blood flying everywhere. I'd be wearing a fucking hazmat suit if he was on the field.

Who cares? Already stopped watching rugby after they kicked out Israel Folau for actually believing the Bible.

HIV is a gay disease. I've essentially only ever heard of marmite miners getting it.

Yeah, but how long before those types of rules are swept aside to ensure equality and tolerance?

Because its near impossible to get HIVAIDS from vaginal or oral sex?

Pretty much this You know how clean vaginal sex is.
Compare that to ass fucking.
Also do you know how few gay people take condoms seriously? It's crazy.

Lads I'm shitting myself. I got raped 6 years ago when I was 14, and I'm just now waiting for my test results to come back. Please don't let me have the HIV.

You get the aids from butt sex most of the time, even though you can get it from any open wound, but its mainly poopoo sexing cause your anus absorbs shit really easily and fags are always going in raw on their anuses multiple times a day

>Also do you know how few gay people take condoms seriously? It's crazy.
your ass can't get pregnant. pregnancy is 90% of the reason why straight people even bother with condoms. gays don't give a fuck, the entire lifestyle is based around increasingly degenerate sex

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Story? user

I was raped when I was 20. I repressed it for 13 years and had two kids. Once it dawned on me I panicked but I never tested possitive.
It's likely I was just raped by a random faggot not some hyperpozzed aidsfiend.
Don't pass out around friends who abandons you later!

I was in group therapy/school for young people with anxiety, everyone there was no longer enrolled in normal school and pretty isolated, and one of the teachers saw I was weak and took me into a classroom and raped me. I've never told anyone about it, but I want to mention it to a psychologist soon because it's slowly starting to eat me up inside. At the time it never even occurred to me to get tested, but I figure better late than never, although it's nerve-racking.

Recently I met a girl online who wanted to fly out to me to fuck (she's fat and desperate), and I ghosted her because I'm still scared of doing anything physical, which is a pretty good sign I need help :(


A gay raped you?!

you should find the teacher and rape him.

Fucking someone in asshole full of shit and blood is not safe sex. No wonder they still got this illness.

It was created by the Nixon Administration

It is most definitely curable, have no doubt about that.

I've tried pedo-hunting some random dudes online, I find them hitting on kids on Instagram and contact their wives/siblings, and it doesn't make me feel good at all. I don't want to do something to someone IRL and regret it, even if that something is completely justified like contacting the police. I'm just not a confrontational person, probably why he felt he could rape me in the first place.

Based Nixon.

I honestly think that is what watergate was all about. That and the MKultra files.

Sorry bro. Talk with someone about it. Someone experienced. Hopefully they don't also rape you. Godspeed

all i can is, I hope the guy gets cancer and dies a slow painful death. Do you think he was a closet faggot or hetero and just picked on younger more feminine males?

he was being blackmailed too by 'criminals': that emasn homosexual protstitutes who have always used blackmail as a way to make cash.
So disgusting gay wants sympathy for being a dmaned fag then another dose of sympathy for picking up the illness of his degeneracy.

Lucky you. This a fantasy for me.

*all I can say is

Stop paying for meds may actually fix the problem.

It's funny how they never mention just how hard it is to actually catch the gay plague.

I wasn't super feminine, physically I've always been pretty strong, just mentally weak. He had a wife and fought in Vietnam, he never struck me as a queer. A couple of the other workers there were flaming homos, but they were always so kind and easy to get along with and never did anything untoward to any of us.

If your fantasy is being raped, all the more power to you I guess. If it's doing the raping, that's not cool.

Sorry you got raped Aussie mate, at least you have Jow Forums again.

Why yes.

>The man’s virus was resistant to multiple drugs. It had numerous nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) resistance mutations, including those known as 41L, 67G, 69D, 70R, 184V and 215E, which in the resistance tests reduced the response to Ziagen (abacavir) by 1.9 fold, raised the resistance to Epivir (lamivudine) by 61 fold, raised the resistance to Emtriva (emtricitabine, which is one of the two drugs in Truvada) by 38 fold, and reduced the response to Viread (tenofovir, the other drug in Truvada) by 1.3 fold. (In other words, this virus was highly resistant to emtricitabine, but only somewhat so to tenofovir.) The virus also had the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase (NNRTI) resistance mutation 181C, raising the resistance to Viramune (nevirapine) 43 fold. Lastly, the virus had mutations conferring reduced response to all integrase strand-transfer inhibitors (INSTIs), including 51Y and 92Q, which reduced the response to Isentress (raltegravir) 2.7 fold, increased resistance to Vitekta (elvitegravir) by greater than 100 fold, and reduced the response to Tivicay (dolutegravir) 9.6 fold.

Antiviral resistant hiv, soon at a bathouse near you.

I'm going to be here shitposting forever, don't worry about me.

>Black women have high rates of HIV, I can't remember the stat, but it's pretty shocking.

Nonwhites are more likely than white segments of the U.S. population to identify as LGBT. The survey results show that 4.6% of African-Americans identify as LGBT, along with 4.0% of Hispanics and 4.3% of Asians. The disproportionately higher representation of LGBT status among nonwhite population segments corresponds to the slightly below-average 3.2% of white Americans who identified as LGBT.

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Stop being such a bigot user, its the current year and being a poo eating degenerate with multiple STD's is completely normal

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Thats only because the non-whites have been under MKULTRA-LGBT conditioning longer than whites.

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you dont catch hiv someones given it him

A real football star.

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because it is by design dummy.

I say bring on AIDS 2.0 we need a better version, niggers and faggots still exist.

because straight white men invented it

and they need to improve on their design already!

>knowingly having a communicable bloodborne illness, but still participating in high contact sports where people bleed every game.

Only niggers faggots do this type of thing.