Redpill me on the plague of Islam

Convice me that Islam is a plague to the world.
Is Islam an ideal religion for Alt Righters anyways?
Personally Im Catholic

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I'm just going to post facts about islam and you decide for yourself whether its a bad religion or not.

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>Dont Destroy Buildings

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It's such a shame a beautiful and old building such as that burned.

The Jews did 9/11 not muslims, if you don't believe me then go ask another Jow Forums user to redpill you, im too lazy to.

Most Sunnis are niggers, but most Shias are based actually. The non Khomeini followers are waiting for Jesus and their 12th imam to come back. Also Hussein was a noble man.

> I'm catholic

Imagine praying to the Pope or Our Lady. Muslims are brainlets for calling christians idol worshipers, but they're not wrong when it comes to catholics.

No it's simple. The Americans pretty much fucked up the Middle East and even taught the rebels there to fly planes into important buildings of their masters. Then the Americans got a taste of their own medicine.

who gives a shit about arbitrary commandments from a pedophile? the fact alone that the better part of those "instructions" from the quran concerns behavior in war just indicates that islam is not about peace at all.

More important, muslims are notoriously rude to other people, kill, rape and threaten indiscriminately whether the victim is a child, female, unarmed or whatever. oh, and you're all pedophiles too.

Islam is a fucking menace, it is a fucking plague and it needs to be eradicated like the disease it is.

>its not the jews its the americans
Who do you think calls the shots here?

Half the Arab world is inbred. Look it up. Mohammad married his six-year-old cousin and fucked her when she was nine. He is their primary role model and so they think it must be okay for cousins to marry and reproduce. They have been committing incest for over a thousand years. So that is one big reason that Islam is a bad ideology.

Islam is the religion of peae

jewism and christianity is the evil- hence, there is only 1 god

praise be to allah

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this-- praise be to allah