Should tax levels be different for different chromosome pairs?

If you are XY chromosome, then your tax levels should be significantly higher than if you are XX chromosome. Simply because XX chromosome humans have disadvantages in this world due to God making them child bearers and weaker in physical stature.

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I don't even want to comment it.


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Well it is right from the standpoint that women are dumber and can't negotiate for shit, so I guess they should get a handicap. Literally the only way to get an edge in this trash game is through exploitive trades.

what about black monopoly?

go to jail at start...bawhwhwhahahhahahaha


already a thing

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>a game where the pay is equal between genders in every case
>this is bad and male-based, women need to get more and pay less
fiction is more believable than reality

>can't negotiate for shit
You never met a woman incel

Yes, women should be taxed at 120%

Its the only way to return to the traditional nuclear family

Kek'd that would be a fun party game.

It's one reason why they earn less than males on average, even in the same fields. They don't negotiate well.

Sorry Hannah, equal rights, equal fights, equal tax rates.

Such is the burden of western feminist rabid " civilization".

Should have kept your dumb tits in your bras.

You never met a Romanian hooker, have you? Women don’t earn less because they are shit at asking for more money, they earn less because lack of skills. In the same job with the same skills, women make more money than men because they ask for more and more often.

if this is not a copyright infringement, then this opens up a whole load of simple product ripoffs

what about Ms Coke, a more feminist approach to soda?
the possibilities are endless

No KFC and watermelon?

Hasbro owns Monopoly.

And even with this, equality of outcome will not occur, because of other systematic patriarchal oppressions.
Like winning a beauty contest, for example.

I know strippers that would chew you up and spit you out

Did you pull that source from buzzfeed or your arsehole. Its another myth. The median woman in the West is paid more than the median man

>Hasbro releases "Ms Monopoly"

it costs more than Mr monopoly, doesn't it?